As soon as Qin Tian didn't mention his name, Fritz replied in a hurry: "don't worry, Qin Tian. I'll call a meeting to remind them in a minute."

Greeyi's face was slow, and he sat down on the chair, looking at Qin Tian's eyes full of gratitude.

Zhou Qingming looked at Qin Tian with a gloomy look. He hated that he was gnashing his teeth. It was not like hitting glie Yi's face. It was like scratching his face with a knife!

I respectfully invited people from Europe. I was scared by Qin Tian's words!

But what he didn't know was that it was his turn soon after Grieg!

"Director Fritz, there is one more thing I want to confirm to you. Has the new anticancer drug introduced by your company ever fail to reach the disease site and destroy the skin texture?" Qin Tian glanced at Zhou Qingming and said faintly to fritz.

Zhou Qingming's body suddenly trembled and looked at Qin Tian with incomparable vigilance. The cold sweat immediately flowed down!

Did Qin Tian know about the fake medicine!? It's impossible. Only myself and Zheng Dongliang and the director of the prescription know that they are all their own lineages. It's impossible to tell him that...

thinking of this, Zhou Qingming immediately angrily exclaimed, "Qin Tian! This is a hospital, you really regard this as your home!? Get out of here! Somebody, call the security guard and throw him out

Interrupted by him, Qin Tian stopped talking to fritz. A young doctor got up and wanted to call the security guard outside.

"I'll see who dares to move it!"

At this time, Qin Tian had been observing coldly behind him. Ding Jianguo, who had not mentioned a word, stepped forward and pushed the young doctor who wanted to go out to call people at the door with a twist of his backhand.

"Ouch, ouch, Ding Ju, be merciful!"

The young doctor screamed with pain, and his whole face turned red. Others were frightened by Ding Jianguo's hand, and no one dared to move.

"Sit down

At this time, Ding Hanxue takes out her own certificate and shakes at the crowd. They shrink their necks again.

"Ding Ju, Qin Tian is here to make trouble. How can you still help him? Get him out of here and talk about the operation as soon as possible..."

Zhou Qingming laughs. Seeing that Ding Jianguo actually helps Qin Tian, he is more and more flustered.

"There's no hurry to discuss the operation. Let's hear Qin Tian finish."

Ding Jianguo gave Zhou Qingming a cold look, and his heart was even colder.

He has been a criminal police officer for many years, and his criminal psychology is more familiar than 300 poems of Tang Dynasty. The suspect can tell whether he is telling the truth or falsehood with a look in his eyes. Just now, Zhou Qingming's anxious image fell into his eyes, that is, his heart is guilty. Obviously, what Qin Tian wants to say makes him very afraid!

"But the fourth board, the surgery discussion is a detail..." Zhou Qingming is still doing the final struggle.

"President Zhou, I'm not in a hurry for a moment." Li Zheng also stood out with a smile, "why did you interrupt my brother Tian just now? Is there something wrong with you?"

"It's a pity!? I Zhou Qingming is not afraid of shadow slanting, I am just worried about Mrs. Ding's illness... "Zhou Qingming suddenly stood up and made his momentum full.

"Qin Tian, you go on Ding Jianguo looked at Qin Tian apologetically and said to Qin Tian softly.

At this moment, he had almost guessed the result.

"Qin Tian, what's the matter?" What happened just now happened so fast that Fritz didn't react.

"It's OK, Fritz, you can go on. Is your medicine going to be like what I just said?" Qin Tian asked again.

"Our drugs have been put on the market after numerous clinical trials of cancer patients around the world. They are suitable for any race of people. Even the World Health Organization (who) highly recommends our drugs. As long as we persist in taking drugs, we can effectively inhibit the early stage of cancer and slow down the medium-term cancer without any side effects." Fritz solemnly guaranteed that he knew Qin Tian was trying to prove to others, so he raised his voice when he spoke.

All the people present were backbone doctors in the oncology department of the hospital, and their faces became ugly after hearing Fritz's words!

If what he said is true, why does Mrs. Ding eat not have any use at all!?

"Director Fritz, you say that the purpose of advertising your drugs is too obvious!? Everything is not absolute, taking cold medicine and poisoning it! Maybe this anti-cancer drug will react with any food Zhou Qingming at this time, although has been nervous dry tongue, but the brain is still extremely sober, methodically refuted.

"Yes, it's reasonable for president Zhou. No matter how good the medicine is, it can't guarantee that it is 100% applicable to anyone!"

"I agree that Chinese food culture is different from that of foreign countries. It is likely that some food and drug reactions may counteract the efficacy of the drug."

"Well, I'm not sure about this kind of thing."

Several senior doctors in the meeting room nodded and agreed. They did not flatter Zhou Qingming, but spontaneously expressed a view out of theoretical knowledge.There's really no way to prove that this medicine works for anyone on the basis of Fritz's one-sided statement.

"Well, I think what President Zhou said is reasonable." Qin Tian nodded and looked at Zhou Qingming with a smile. Then he said to Fritz, "Fritz, do you think if it's a high imitation of your fake medicine, can it be so effective?"

"Qin Tian, our medicine is really effective, the whole world... What do you say?! Fake medicine! " Fritz wanted to argue at first, but his eyes widened when he reflected the word "fake medicine"!

as like as two peas, Qin Qin smiled and neither fast nor slow, but he took out several bottles of medicine that were exactly the same as the anti cancer drugs produced by Liz and their pharmaceutical factories.

Hearing the two words of fake medicine, Zhou Qingming suddenly trembled, "you are bloody!"

Zhou Qingming's hands were shaking uncontrollably, and his face was red and white!

"Bloody!? The test results will be bloody!? I have already tested the drugs you prescribed in the food and drug administration. They are all fake drugs! " Qin Tian said coldly, deliberately made up a lie, cheated Zhou Qingming.

"No way!" Zhou Qingming bit his teeth, as if he had made a plan to kill him and not admit it!

"No way!? Hum, Zhou Qingming, I don't admit it when I'm dying. Don't say it's you. Even if it's the head of the state who makes fake drugs to entrap people, he has to go in and stay for a few years! " Qin Tian is cold.

Xiao Chen, who made a fake medicine for Zhou Qingming in the pharmacy, heard Qin Tian's words and fell off his chair and ran back door.

"Want to run!"

Ding Hanxue frowned, her body turned into a shadow and rushed over. She pressed Xiao Chen in the corridor, followed by fists and kicks!

Dare to make false drug harm to his mother, not too much to kill!

"Spare my life, officer Ding. It's none of my business. It's all made by President Zhou!"

From the corridor came Xiao Chen's scream, and people in the conference room changed their faces!

As the president of the people's Hospital of Songshan City, he even instructed the people below to sell fake drugs, which is obviously a matter of life!

"You fart! Chen, when did I instruct you to change the medicine into a fake one

Zhou Qingming blurted out in a hurry, but soon he found that he was wrong, which is equivalent to admitting that Li Yumei was taking fake medicine!?

"I killed you

When Ding Jianguo heard his words, he was very angry. His face turned red. He darted to him and raised his hand!

Ding Jianguo is an old criminal police officer for decades. Although his kung fu is not as abnormal as Qin Tian, ordinary people can drink a pot if they get a punch!

The blow hit Zhou Qingming in the face, and Zhou Qingming was immediately beaten and turned around in a circle. With a puff, a mouthful of blood and water mixed with several fallen teeth erupted!

But who would have thought that Ding Jianguo didn't breathe out after one punch, and then a black tiger took out his heart, and his huge fist was pulled out on Zhou Qingming's stomach. Zhou Qingming's old and weak body was instantly arched up, and a mouthful of yellow water was vomited out, and he was beaten to vomit bile!

"Uncle, it's OK, it's OK!"

Seeing that Ding Jianguo had no intention of stopping, Li Zheng rushed to the waist and hugged him. He quickly advised him: "let's fight two times to get angry. If you kill him, you have to pay for his life!"

"I want to kill him! Grass size, what thing! I still trust him so much

Ding Jianguo was held by Li Zheng. His eyes were red with blood. He yelled at Zhou Qingming, "I tell you, if my wife has something wrong, I will let your whole family pay for their lives."

Ding Jianguo's words are not for fun. If Li Yumei is really dead because of this, he will definitely take Zhou Qingming's family to bury her, even if he lives on his own! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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