"Well, uncle, don't worry. My aunt will be fine with my brother in. The son of a bitch can't escape!" Li Zheng holds Ding Jianguo in his arms. Ding Jianguo's temper is clear to him. If he doesn't, Zhou Qingming will be killed by him!

"Snow, come on! Handcuff this asshole! Call the drug administration and check the hospital for me Ding Jianguo's blue veins burst out on his forehead and roared.

"Good!" Ding Hanxue answered and pulled Xiao Chen in and handcuffed him with Zhou Qingming!

"Ding Jianguo, you can't arrest me. I'm from the imperial capital. You can't arrest me!"

Zhou Qingming's face was full of uneasiness. He yelled at Ding Jianguo and said, "do you know how many contacts I have in the imperial capital?"!? If you dare to catch me, just wait for someone to pick me up! "

"I went to NIMA!"

Ding Jianguo didn't say a word. He just kicked Zhou Qingming's nose bone!

"Ouch Zhou Qingming screamed, and two blood columns came out of his nose. His nose bone was soft and collapsed. Obviously, he had been beaten and fractured!

Before long, people from the drug administration came to the hospital. According to Ding Jianguo, they began to investigate the pharmacy of the city hospital, and a team of police from the criminal police team also came to the hospital.

"Take them back to the Bureau and have a good interrogation." Ding Jianguo said to Ding Hanxue, "Xiaoxue, you should take the rest of the people with you to cooperate with the inspection of the food and drug administration. Once you find a problem, you should not let go of any of them!"

"Yes Ding Hanxue's body is straight, and raising his hand is a standard military ceremony!

"Go A criminal police officer is not angry to pull up Zhou Qingming and Xiao Chen on the ground and push them out.

"Ding Jianguo, you catch me in vain. In a few days, I will be able to continue to be carefree. Let's wait and see."

When walking outside the door, Zhou Qingming also yelled at Ding Jianguo!

"I'll go to your yard!" Ding Jianguo grabs the water glass on the conference table and throws it at Zhou Qingming. Unfortunately, Zhou Qingming hides quickly. The glass falls on the ground and makes a "bang" sound. The little nurse outside screams!

"Uncle, don't get angry with him. The priority is to treat my aunt." Li Zheng quickly advised Ding Jianguo.

Ding Jianguo just nodded and forbeared his anger.

"Director Ding, Zhou Qingming's actions only represent him personally, and have nothing to do with us. We don't like this."

"Yeah, d-game, it's none of our business."

"We didn't know about it."

"Yes, if we had known, we would have reported him."

A group of doctors quickly draw a line with Zhou Qingming for fear of getting involved in themselves.

Zheng Dongliang was so frightened that he began to curse Zhou Qingming as a human being.

"It has nothing to do with you. When the evidence proves that it has something to do with anyone, it will not be settled." Ding Jianguo said coldly.

"In any case, Zhou Qingming is our president and represents the people's Hospital of Songshan city. On behalf of the people's Hospital of Songshan City, I apologize to you on behalf of the people's Hospital of Songshan city. You can rest assured that we will never shirk our responsibility." A model attending physician politely apologized to Ding Jianguo.

"Don't give up!? Why don't you give up? " Ding Jianguo's cold smile made his teeth itch. Even if he sold the whole Songshan people's Hospital, he couldn't pay for it!

"Director Ding, I know you are very angry, but this is not the time to be angry. Mrs. Ding's illness is getting more and more serious day by day, so we can't delay it. We'd better discuss the treatment plan as soon as possible." Zhao Dongming also came forward to persuade.

"Even if it is cured, I dare you to cure it!? A group of quacks, quacks who do harm to people Ding Jianguo pointed to a room full of doctors and swore.

A group of people were scolded by Ding Jianguo. Their faces were blue and white, but they couldn't find any words to refute!

Ding Jianguo saw that the group of people lowered their heads one after another, and was too lazy to waste saliva on them. His face slowed down and he said to Qin Tian, "Qin Tian, Ding someone is confused!"

With a sigh of Ding Jianguo, he sat down on the seat beside him with tears of regret in his eyes. If he hadn't believed Qin Tian instead of Zhou Qingming's son of a bitch, how could Li Yumei have come to this point!

What's more ridiculous is that he turned over his face with Qin Tian, but he became brother to brother with this beast like son of a bitch!

Now Ding Jianguo really has no face to ask Qin Tian any more. His words are stuck in his mouth. How can he open his mouth!

Li Zheng had a penetrating insight into Ding Jianguo's idea and said in a hurry: "uncle, do you mean to let Qin Tian help my aunt cure?"

"Ding Ju, absolutely not. There is no precedent for Chinese medicine to cure cancer." Zhao Dongming hastily tried to persuade him, "you can't break the pot just because of Zhou Qingming's mistake. After all, it's Mr. greyiga, a European skin cancer expert, who leads the world in terms of skin cancer surgery."When he spoke, gliei was afraid to come out of his atmosphere. He scolded Zhao Dongming with a strong heart. What do you say to Laozi!? If he had not received the money from the Songshan people's Hospital, he would have run long ago!

Ding Jianguo took a long breath and said, "director Zhao, you are right. You can't because a zhouqingming broke the jar and broke it. I chose to let Qin Tian do surgery for my wife. It's not related to what Zhou Qingming did. But I was confused for so many days and suddenly wanted to be sober and sober."

"After that, he retreated back and stood in front of Qin Tian and stood up and stood up, and said solemnly," Mr. Qin, your adult doesn't remember the small people. Don't know me well. Please save my love! "

Once the voice fell, dingjianguo bowed to sweep the floor!

"Ding Ju, what are you doing? Get up!"

Qin Tian did not expect Ding Jianguo to have this move, all of a sudden, quickly to help him up.

Dingjianguo regrets, regret why did not listen to Qin Tian at first, if listen to Qin Tian, Li Yumei's disease will not fall to this point!

He is a nation without a place to look up!

A few minutes later, Qin Tian and dingjianguo returned to liyumei's ward again.

Qin Tian gave Li Yumei a pulse again. His condition was slightly worse than yesterday, but the problem was not big, which was already within the control range.

Qin day let Li Yumei lie down well, must not let liyumei expose the sick part, "aunt, love already, you forgive!"

Liyumei laughed at the words. "Silly child, aunt has lived for more than 40 years. Can't you understand this reason!? You can treat it with ease. "

Ding Jianguo, who heard the words, nodded.

Qin Tian also smiled at the words, and relaxed his nervous heart, said to liyumei, "aunt, I will take the needle."

Li Yumei smiled, didn't speak, just clenched dingjianguo's hand.

Qin Tian took out the crane tail needle, and gave liyumei acupuncture, and the tree reproduction will start to operate to the maximum extent. It will continue to repair the body tissue damaged by cancer cells in liyumei. Meanwhile, ghost Qi also began to melt those cancer cells, restrain them in one place, and strive to wipe them out!

After more than two hours of treatment, it was not until the ghost gas and the real gas in the Qin celestial body dried up, and finally stopped.

"Qin Tian, are you OK!" Dingjianguo is busy.

"It's OK."

Qin Tian took a breath, and then opened a prescription to let dingjianguo go to the medical hall to take some medicine, and then fry liyumei in the morning and evening.

"My God, I'll be fine!"!? My aunt's illness is cured! " Li Zheng saw Qin Tian and he had a few needles and was finished. He was uneasy.

"Lizheng!" Did not wait for Qin Tian to answer, dingjianguo cold voice scolded him a sentence.

Qin Tian ignored the suspicion to treat his lover, even if he could not cure it well, he recognized it!

"You can rest assured that in the next few days, I will come to give my aunt a needle every day. If I insist on taking medicine, within ten days, the condition of aunt will improve greatly." Qin Tian said with a smile.

Originally Qin Tian said that he was cured in a week, but why they didn't believe him at the beginning, now the disease is serious, but also a few days of needle injection.

"Ding Bureau, if there is any problem, our hospital is not responsible!" The doctors around the door gave a timely order.

He does not believe that Qin Tian relies on a few silver needles so a dozen, this is cancer, not the original kind of small and small trauma.

"I don't need you to be responsible for my love." Dingjianguo was cold and cold, and didn't look at them at all.

"Ding Bureau, don't be so tough, let them go to the laboratory." Qin Tian smiled and said softly.

In this way, liyumei made a detailed five tests, the results showed that cancer cells stopped spreading, and at least one tenth of the cancer cells were eliminated by Qin Tian!

"It's incredible, it's incredible!" Zhao Dongming looked at the laboratory report in his hand, and his eyes were filled with incredible looks!

In this way, for ten days, Qin Tian came to Li Yumei every day to acupuncture, and within ten days, Li Yumei's pale face was also the speed visible to the naked eye.

This day, Qin Tian gave liyumei the needle, and asked the oncology department to check liyumei again!

A group of oncologists in the city hospital were amazed at the results of the examination. Li Yumei was completely recovered!

Dingjianguo cried with joy, and couldn't speak with excitement. He just held liyumei's hand with a strong hand, and could not speak.

"You are so bad, rogue!"

Ding Han snow jumped up excitedly and hugged Qin Tian, and the whole man was almost hanging on him.

"Snow, it's outside, what kind of way!" Dingjianguo pretended to scold Ding Han snow, but he was very happy. I had long hoped that something happened with Qin Tian!

Qin Tian would have been surprised to spit blood if he knew what he thought.

At this time, dingjianguo's mobile phone suddenly rang, which was called by zhengdakang.Ding Jianguo quickly turned around, walked out of the ward and picked it up. "Hello, Secretary Zheng, what's your instruction?"

"Jianguo, I heard you arrested Zhou Qingming!" Zheng Dakang said in a low voice.

"Yes, this bastard is selling fake medicine. We have to catch it." Ding Jianguo snorted coldly.

"Oh, is that all you have to ask now?"!? Let him go Zheng Dakang's tone was as calm as possible.

"What?" Ding Jianguo frowned tightly together, "put!? Secretary Zheng, this is a man who sells fake medicine to harm the common people. Why is that? "

"Alas." Zheng Dakang sighed and said, "don't ask. I can't tell you something directly. Let him go."

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