Ding Jianguo heard that, a face immediately red, biting teeth cold hum, "Secretary Zheng, I Ding Jianguo has worked under your hand in these years, asked himself never to do a matter of conscience, and do not say that this week Qingming nearly killed my wife, by his selling fake medicine, I must take care of it, want to let him, can, you change the public security director to you to let it!"

Finish, dingjianguo then press the hang off key on the mobile phone without any politeness!

"Someone's protecting him!?"

Suddenly, a voice came from the wall. Dingjianguo turned his head and saw it. He didn't know when Qin Tian followed up and stood against the wall.

Dingjianguo's eyes suddenly dim some, "well, zhouqingming came from Beijing after all, some of the doorways were normal. This matter... It can not blame Secretary Zheng all..." br >

although that is said, dingjianguo's heart is not going to pass. If he wants him to let go of zhouqingming, he doesn't need zhengdakang to change himself. He will write a report and return to the second line directly, and find a logistics department Door waiting for retirement!

Qin day Wen Yan gradually frowned.

Zheng Dakang is a person who knows that it is not that kind of things that can easily release the people's justice. Today, there must be his reason to do so.

No, the justice of this matter must be held in some way that can not be seen!

Thinking of this, Qin day suddenly scattered a faint murderous Qi, let dingjianguo for it tremble!

"Qin Tian, I know what you want to do, but listen to my advice, this week Qingming's details we still don't know, must not be lightly moved!" Dingjianguo hurriedly dissuaded!

Qin Tian saw dingjianguo and smiled, "Ding Ju, rest assured, I will not be impulsive, even the people behind him have not seen it, how can I bear to kill him like this!"

Ding Jianguo listened to Qin Tian, and Qin Tian really wanted to start to zhouqingming. For a while, Qin Tian's smile in his face became bloody in dingjianguo's eyes!

Qin Tian did not wait for dingjianguo to continue to say zhouqingming's affairs. The words wind turned and said to dingjianguo: "Ding Bureau, aunt's condition you also see, it is not necessary to continue to live in the hospital, so I will leave the aunt at a certain time. I will go back to our hospital every morning and be at ease."

Dingjianguo sighed, and saw Qin Tian not ready to mention the matter of zhouqingming again. He was also prepared to open one eye and close one eye, and replied to Qin Tiandao: "OK, I will let Xiaoxue take her to your medical hall every morning."

Let Ding Han snow and Qin Tian contact more, so that there is a chance!

At the original time, dingjianguo felt that Qin Tian was not simple. He wanted to give his daughter. Now, even if she can cure cancer, he will give her a stronger idea. Even if she is a little girl, he would like to!

Also ordered Ding Han snow to pay attention to things, Qin Tian came out of the hospital, but feet have not stepped out of the hospital gate, Li Cheng's phone call came in!

"Dad, what's the matter?"

"Good son in law, accompany dad to a party at night, and the top class society of Songshan will come!"

Li Cheng said this with a bright face. Since Qin days had been out a few months ago, his own light has occupied no side. The president of the upgraded city hospital doesn't say that anything about the upper class society in Songshan will send an invitation to himself.

"Well." Qin Tian listened to accompany him to the dinner party, and immediately wanted to say no.

"What!? What's up at night!? " Li Cheng asked, slightly disappointed.

"Nothing, you don't know me, on a medical library still give hands to the apprentice, what can be done!? I'll go with you at night. What time is it

Qin Tian just can not listen to Li Cheng disappointed tone, so he will accompany him to see.

"Ha ha, good son-in-law, I knew you would go with me. At 5 p.m., you came to the city hospital to pick me up, and have lived for half a lifetime, and haven't taken millions of luxury cars!"

I heard Li Xinran say that Qin Tian's current driving is a 34 million top with Land Rover, so it is not too aggressive!

"OK, I'll pick you up later!"

After talking to Li Cheng about these things, Qin Tian drove straight to the municipal Party building. In some words, he was ready to ask Zheng Dakang face to face!

The municipal Party building is magnificent and powerful, almost all over the country are similar, and the repair is like a palace. Although Qin Tian is not here for the first time, it is inevitable to have a few words of stomach flair every time I see the bottom of my heart.

The guard at the gate recorded that Qin was put in after the guard called Secretary Wang to get permission.

Along the way, Qin Tian came to the fifth floor along the elevator. On this floor, there were only a few offices. Along the sign on the door, Qin Tian came to zhengdakang's office.

"Secretary Zheng, please do this!"

Qin Tiangang just to enter the door, then heard the voice of a man inside.

"Mr. Lin is very polite. Lin family should enjoy some privileges in investing such a large amount of money in Songshan." Zheng Dakang smiled, politely said to the man surnamed Lin in front of him, "I will go to the detention house myself and bail zhouqingming out of the prison."

"Then, Secretary Zheng will be very grateful!" Lin got up, but he nodded with some pride. "Then I won't disturb him. I wrapped the banquet hall on the top floor of Songshan hotel in the evening. Then I would like to wait for Secretary Zheng's great drive!""Certainly! Zheng didn't give Mr. Lin the wind, so we must have a good drink today

The conversation between the two soon ended, and a sound of footwork came towards the door.


A sound of opening the door, a man in a black suit and a pair of gold rimmed square glasses on his face opened the door to reveal his figure. Qin Tian stood at the door, his face gloomy, and did not mean to get out of the way.

"Secretary Zheng, don't you introduce me?" Qin Tian's tone contains sarcasm, which is not cold or hot to Zheng Dakang.

Zheng Dakang looked at Qin Tian standing at the door, his face immediately embarrassed!

"Qin Tian, don't get me wrong. This is Mr. Lin ziyue from the Lin family in the imperial capital. He came here to discuss the investment project in Songshan..."

"you are Qin Tian

Before Zheng Dakang's words were finished, Lin ziyue strongly interrupted him and looked at Qin Tian with disdain. "You sent Zhou Qingming to the detention center!"

Qin Tian took a look at him and said in a cool tone: "if you can enter the detention center, it's not someone else's sending you. It's your own crime. You should live J8!"

"Oh!? Sure enough, this mouth is as cheap as Zhou Qingming said Lin ziyue sneered, his eyes full of cold.

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