So, how powerful are the so-called four families!

"Since you are determined to let go, I have nothing to say, and I understand you in your position." After that, Qin Tian stood up, "but I can understand you, and I hope you can understand me. You have your way, and I naturally have my way."

After that, Qin Tian turns and goes out of the office!

"Qin Tian, stop!" Zheng Dakang was in a hurry. "What do you want to do!"

Qin Tian is the leader behind the underground forces. He has known it for a long time. He never knew anything unusual that Qin Tian did. But he didn't expect that he had said it so openly today, and he didn't put him in his eyes!

In front of the country is imperative to eliminate the black and evil. If Qin Tian does something at this juncture, if he is picked up by the forest family, even he can not protect Qin Tian!

"What are you doing?" Qin Tian smiled, "naturally, I went home to sleep, what else can I do?"

After that, Qin Tian no longer Li Zheng Dakang, directly push the door and go!


Zheng Dakang sighed, turned to the window, from the window to see the huge Songshan City, heart mixed feelings!

I devote myself to the city, but I didn't expect to fall into a despised place!

Is it really wrong of yourself!?

Zheng Dakang in the office thinking about life, soon to the afternoon at 5:00, Qin Tian drove to pick up Li Cheng, Weng son-in-law went straight to the Songshan hotel!

In the exhibition hall on the top floor of the hotel, many people have come, almost all of them are Songshan social celebrities and government top level!

As you all know, there will be a mysterious figure from Beijing today, and we will invest in a big business in Songshan city!

No surprise, this figure can promote the GDP of Songshan city to three grades, even zhengdakang, Secretary of the municipal Party committee of Songshan City, came to the banquet hall in the morning!

Most of the rest are business people who hope to divide a cake in the hands of the mysterious guest. Many people don't like to attend such meetings. But for the development of the company, we should always come and integrate some relationships to facilitate their own development.

As soon as Li Chenggang entered the door, he was pulled by several old friends to make up with big people. Qin tianbailiaolai began to shake around. Today is a big day. Everyone here is wearing orthodox clothes. The dress of jeans and white T-shirt makes Qin Tian a special type in the banquet hall.

Almost no acquaintance, Qin Tian had to go to the corner, trying to find some food in the corner, and casually mix with today's party.

But when Qin Tian walked towards the corner full of food, a woman in a long blue dress entered his eyes!

The woman's chest is big, the button in front of her chest is tight, it seems to break open, and the majority of round, slender waist and long thighs are leaked, without any part of the Queen's temperament!

Qin Tian walked slowly, and sat beside the woman.

The woman noticed that a man sat around her, and her eyebrows wrinkled up immediately. But when she turned her head and looked, her expression eased down.

"Qin Tian!" The woman called Qin Tian's name when she opened her mouth.

"Long time no see, miss luoin!"

Luo in, the eldest lady of Longteng auction house in Shanghai, had a chance to buy the land for Lin Wanru at the beginning!

"It's been a long time since I saw you. What, your girlfriend, President, didn't come with you!" Luo in deliberately left and right to see, exaggeration asked.

"Are you euphemism!? She should not come... "Qin Tian concluded that if she was to come, she would have called herself.

"Oh!? No, no! " Luo in heard words, the face slightly happy, the lower collar was pulled down by her again.

Qin Tian eye corner of the eye can not help but look at a, only see Luo in half of the ball are exposed outside.

"You said, should I boast about you!" Qin Tian asked, unable to help.

"Praise me!" Luo in the face of a joy, "what do you praise me?"

"It is hard to see 35d women these days, and even more, they are not too rich to be assured of milk! It's so rare! " Qin Tian's tone is very rogue. If someone who knows Qin Tian comes, he will immediately notice that Qin Tian is teasing each other.

Ming knew that he had a woman, and pulled the collar so close!

But unfortunately, Luo in did not hear the voice of Qin Tian, and then smiled, "do you know, before you flirt with me, my father sent out the bodyguard interrupted three legs!"

Actually at a glance saw his size, this guy, is not as honest as the surface!

"I don't think I'll be in danger with my three legs. I always like to play bodyguards. I still have four left in the municipal Party building today."

Qin Tian took a glass of red wine from waiter's hand, and poured it in like drinking water to quench thirst.After hearing the speech, Luo Yin did not continue with the previous topic. Instead, she glanced around and said to Qin Tian: "it's said that today is a big man from the Lin family in the imperial capital. Many big families in Shanghai and sea have sent people to attend the banquet...

" well, it should be... "Qin Tian mumbled, fork up a piece of steak from the side, and drink red wine while eating.

As early as at the door of Zheng Dakang's office, he knew that today was the Lin family's man named linziyue. However, Qin Tian didn't like him. He didn't care about him. He didn't like to talk about it. When he had enough food and drink, he would take Li Cheng back, and his task was completed.

But at this time, a straight figure in a few bodyguards around slowly into the banquet hall, for a time, all of us will focus on the past!

"My God, it's Lin ziyue!"

"Come on, it's almost like that in the past. I didn't expect him to come so early!"

"I'll go, I'll go too, take me!"

For a moment, the whole banquet hall was boiling!

"Linziyue of the Lin family in the imperial capital did not expect that the vanguard would arrive so soon!" Luo Yin saw a lot of people around Lin ziyue. She sneered contemptuously. Then she picked up her wine cup and sipped it gently.

Hearing this, Qin Tian stopped to eat the steak. "Do you think Lin ziyue is a pacesetter!? Isn't this party organized by him? "

Is there something bigger to come!?

"He!" Luo Yin chuckled, "a minor is also qualified to organize such a party, and you think highly of him... But even if it is a minor branch, the financial resources are very strong, and it is worth some small family and small companies to follow."

Luo Yin looked at the group of people around Lin ziyue, and her face was full of disdain.

Qin Tianwen speech, eyebrows is frown up!

This Lin ziyue actually pulled the big banner of hupila and went to Zheng Dakang to save Zhou Qingming under the guise of the Lin family!?

Involuntarily, Qin Tian Leng hum a, the body sends out bursts of cold, let one side of Luo Yin slightly Zheng for a moment.

Qin Tian, it seems that it is really not simple!

At this time, Lin ziyue also saw Qin Tian in the corner. With a slight hook in his mouth, he said something to his back. Soon, a middle-aged man who was slightly fat followed him!

Qin Tian saw that it was Zhou Qingming. Zheng Dakang actually let him out!

Lin Zifeng waved his hand and took Zhou Qingming to Qin Tian.

"Qin Tian, right? What do you think of my rescue of Zhou Qingming?" Lin Zifeng stood in front of Qin Tian like a demonstration, his face full of the sense of superiority of the winner! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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