Luo Yin drinks red wine next to her. She takes a meaningful look at Qin Tian and doesn't speak. She seems to want to see how Qin Tian deals with the Lin family's boy.

Qin Tian glanced at Lin ziyue faintly, curled his lips and said, "if I say I look at my asshole, do you believe it?"

"You Lin ziyue wanted to use the opportunity to humiliate Qin Tian, but he was rejected by Qin Tian in such a way!

Luo Yin heard Qin Tian's words and burst out laughing!

When Zhou Qingming saw Qin Tian, he dared to confront Lin ziyue in front of him. His eyes immediately brightened. He felt that his opportunity was coming. He raised his hand and pointed to Qin Tian, "Qin Tian, do you know who is standing in front of him!? How dare you be so rude to Mr. Lin? "

"He is also called a childe!" Qin Tian scorned and sneered, "it's just a branch of the Lin family. You'd like to be a dog for him to lick. You can do it yourself, and expect others to be like you

For a moment, Lin ziyue and Zhou Qingming were all black!

Qin Tian's words actually scolded both of them!

Because Qin Tian's voice is not small, many people in the banquet hall who pay attention to Lin ziyue begin to focus their attention on Qin Tian here!

"Oh, this boy dares to scold Lin Da Shao. He doesn't want to live!"

"Bah, don't talk nonsense if you don't understand. Do you know who the swearing is!? Shut up, you

"That is, even if we don't know the first cow in Songshan, we dare to spray!"

"Niu Ren!? This... I can't see the cow in this dress... "

the person who spoke before had a short tongue, for fear that Qin Tian would cause him unnecessary trouble.

"I can't tell. It's right that people play the role of pig eating tiger. It's an expert in Songshan city and even Shanghai city. In a few months, several rich second generations have been planted in his hands. Do you think cattle are not cattle?"

For a moment, the whole banquet hall began to whisper, constantly observing what would be the result of the two people fighting!

But at this time, a man came into the gate again, and all of them turned their eyes to the past!

"Li's family is here!"

"Li Da Shao seldom attends this kind of fawning party. I didn't expect to come today!"

"That's nonsense. I don't want to see who organized the dinner party. Although the Li family is very strong, I'm afraid even an ant is not counted in front of the imperial Lin family. Of course, I have to come here!"

The crowd began to whisper.

When Qin Tian saw Li Zheng coming, he raised his hand and made a move. Li Zheng, with sharp eyes, immediately came over. But when he stood still, he was slightly stunned for a moment. Then he sneered and said, "it's good to be a dog licker. It's good to sell fake drugs that day. I've opened my eyes."

Li Zheng's words are full of thorns. After that, he looked at Lin ziyue with great disdain.

"You, who do you think is a licking dog?" Zhou Qingming's old face flushed with anger. This is the second time that he has been called a dog today, but he still has something to do with Qin Tian!

"The one who talks is guilty, and the other is licking the dog." Li Zheng disdains to talk with this kind of goods, but since he wants to disgust each other, he naturally wants to say a few words!

This son of a bitch sold fake medicine and almost killed his aunt. He was cheap by scolding him!

Li Zheng joined Qin Tian's team, which was unexpected to other people in the banquet hall. For a time, people once again aroused the desire to see good plays!

Lin ziyue's face was very ugly. He had come here to humiliate Qin Tian, but he was killed by others!

This time, Lin ziyue couldn't face it any more. He would be humiliated by others if he stayed here. He said to Zhou Qingming, "go!"

Zhou Qingming is one of the Leng, did not expect to be strong like linziyue, unexpectedly so calculate!

But the master said that he had left, and he had no reason to stay. He followed Lin ziyue and left the corner.

"Lin Dashao, why don't you let your bodyguard clean him up?" Zhou Qingming pointed to the six or seven black suits around Lin ziyue and asked in doubt!

"Shut your mouth!" Lin ziyue bit his teeth and vomited these words out of his teeth, which made Zhou Qingming's neck shrink!

Don't I want the bodyguard to clean him up!? Today, four bodyguards in the municipal Party committee building were knocked down before they even held out for a minute. At this time, let the bodyguards go up again. It's not that they find themselves to lose face in front of others!?

Looking at the two Lin ziyue who left, Qin Tian drank a mouthful of red wine and asked Li Zheng calmly, "do you know who will come soon?"!? Such a big battle... "

" of course, it's Lin Xiaoyao, the direct successor of the third generation of Lin family in the imperial capital! " Li Zheng said leisurely.

Qin Tian smell speech, just drink in that gulp of red wine to vomit out!

"You say... Who do you say?"

"Lin Xiaoyao, what's the matter?" Li Zheng a face is forced to look at Qin Tian, is not a personal name, as for such a big reaction!?Although Lin Xiaoyao lives in Qin Tian's home, Li Zheng has never seen Lin Xiaoyao once, so he naturally doesn't understand the reason why Qin Tian is so surprised!

his surname is Lin, and he comes from emperor Jing. He has a background. Qin Tian doesn't believe that there will be such a coincidence in the world. Besides this Lin Xiaoyao in his mind, there are other people!?

No wonder Nie Zhiyang warned himself that Lin Xiaoyao's identity was not simple. No wonder the emperor's Hu family was so polite to Lin Xiaoyao after he came to Songshan!

With his own inference is completely correct, this Lin Xiaoyao's identity is really extraordinary, even beyond his imagination!

Thinking of this, Qin Tian can't help but want to leave the banquet hall, simply display a bird shield, ready to take the opportunity to leave the toilet.

Standing in the bathroom, Qin Tian suddenly wanted to smoke a cigarette, but found that he did not have this kind of thing at all.


A voice came from behind Qin Tian. Without looking back, Qin Tian had already guessed who was coming. He joked, "this is a men's toilet. Aren't you afraid that someone will come in and catch us?"

Luo Yin shrugged her shoulders indifferently: "everyone is waiting to see Miss Lin. who will come to the toilet like you at this time?"

With that, Luo Yin took out a lighter from her pocket and lit a lady's cigarette.

Noble woman, even smoking posture is very elegant.

Before meeting the woman, it seems that they are not afraid of themselves, Qin Tian joked: "then you are not afraid that I am here to do something to you!"

"Would you do that?" Luo Yin did not escape Qin Tian's eyes, but met up.

Qin Tian felt that he was provoked, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, and then stepped forward step by step.

Luo Yin's heart cluttered. Unexpectedly, Qin Tian actually stepped up and stepped back. Until she leaned against the wall and had no way to go, Luo Yin's eyes flashed a little panic!

She admitted that Qin Tian was very interesting and manly, but she didn't expect Qin Tian to do anything to herself in the bathroom.

When Luo Yin had no way to go, Qin Tian had already knocked Luo in. The two men were already face to face, breathing each other's breath.

"Woman, you are playing with fire!"

Take a look at Luo Yin's round chest at the moment, one-third of which is exposed outside. Even Qin Tian can't help but come forward and grab one!


Luo Yin uttered a slight low cry and controlled her voice. Her face was flushed and her whole body was shaking. It seemed that Qin Tiangang had just felt it for our Luo Da beauty.

In the face of Qin Tian's strong attack, Luo Yin closed her eyes and said, "remember the safety measures, I don't want to be pregnant!"

After Luo Yin didn't resist, Qin Tian was a little flustered. Qin Tian wanted to frighten Luo Yin. After all, the identity of Luo Yin was there. Qin Tian didn't dare to push Luo Yin down. If his women knew about Luo Yin, he would die.

I didn't expect Luo Yin to agree!?

This is to let Qin Tian some unprepared, difficult not become his charm is really so big!?

Luo Yin closed her eyes and waited for a long time. She found that Qin Tian didn't move. When she opened her eyes, she found that half of the cigarettes in her hand were taken away by Qin Tian.

At the moment, Qin Tian has returned to calm, smoking.

"Don't you go on?" Luo Yin did not know how she asked for this sentence.

Qin Tian shook his head and took a deep puff of cigarette. He left the cigarette end on the ground, ready to turn around and leave.

"I'm not in the habit of dating yet."

Yo Pao!?

Luo Yin mumbled the word, as if he had been misunderstood as a casual woman, subconsciously explained a sentence: "I'm still here!"


Luo in suddenly, Qin Tian almost didn't stop, hit the door, coughed a few times and left quickly.

Looking at Qin tiancang's frightened escape, Luo in's eyes flashed a trace of stubbornness.

Some of them laugh at themselves. They seem to take the initiative, but they are rejected.

Qin Tian was a little depressed. He wanted to hide in the bathroom, but he was seduced. What is this! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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