Time is not long, Qin Tian escaped from the bathroom back to the banquet hall, people around him did not react, Qin Tian has turned back to the corner where he stayed before. Li Zheng is being toasted by several real estate developers at the moment. Seeing Qin Tian back, he quickly walks over.

"Oh, my God, what did you do just now?"!? Why are you so flustered? " Li Zheng looked at Qin Tian's eyes and asked, "brother Tian, is there anyone who provokes you!? If it's not convenient for you to do it, I'll send my bodyguard here, and I'll make sure I'll take it out on you! "

Say, Li Zheng is about to call his bodyguard to come over, but the hand has not been lifted up by Qin Tian to stop.

"You can do it. If there is a problem that I can't solve, you still expect you to solve it!" Qin Tian gave him a look.

Li Zheng smell speech, nodded, is also, Qin Tian is not a will suffer losses of the Lord, lift hands can make people fecal incontinence, who can let him suffer losses ah.

At the moment, Lin ziyue, standing in the middle of the banquet, looks at Qin Tian chatting with Li Zheng. He hates his teeth!

Look, when my eldest lady of the Lin family comes, how can I accuse you!

Although Lin ziyue's identity is a branch of the Lin family, it is already a branch of the Lin family. There are also some industries. However, these industries have been accumulated only with the help of the Lin family. In terms of his identity, he is not even worthy of carrying shoes to Lin Xiaoyao!

Otherwise, I won't be bullied by Qin Tian. I dare to be angry and speechless!

Thinking of this, Lin ziyue looked at the time and felt that Lin Xiaoyao was coming soon. Then his eyes turned and a sneer appeared on his face. Then he walked towards Qin Tian!

"Qin Tian, I'd like to propose a toast to you. I did something wrong before. I apologize to you."

Lin ziyue said this in a loud voice, and immediately attracted the eyes of the whole banquet hall!

Qin Tian and Li Zheng were frightened by his sudden loud voice. Li Zheng said, "are you sick?"!? Fool

Li Zheng is not afraid of him. He doesn't believe that the Lin family will deal with the Li family for the sake of Lin ziyue. You know, the Li family is a large real estate group that occupies almost half of the real estate in huhai area, and shoulders the responsibility of maintaining the balance of real estate in Shanghai and Shanghai. Even the Lin family will not easily destroy the balance of real estate formed for many years, let alone for such goods Yes!

Hearing this, Lin ziyue's eyes flashed with a flash of light. "I'm here to apologize. Is my Lin family's apology not worth a hair in your eyes?"

Hey, hey, hey, if you scold again, what I'm holding is the big flag of the Lin family. If you scold again, you will scold our Lin family. When Miss Huihui comes, you will go on crazy or not!

Qin Tian sniffed the speech and sneered, "you're a scumbag who should represent the Lin family!"

"You say the Lin family are all scum!" Lin ziyue called out again with exaggeration!

Just now Qin Tian's voice was not very loud, and outsiders only heard the word "miscellaneous". But when Lin ziyue said it so loud, the surrounding area became boiling!

"God, is Qin Tian crazy?"

"If you dare to call the Lin family members scum, you're just looking for death!"

"I really thought that after picking up a few rich second generation in Songshan, I would be forced to heaven. This time, he was finished!"

"Hum, the loser's son-in-law is the loser's son-in-law. It's hard to get a little status, and it's going to be finished!"

For a time, many people who hold back to see Qin Tian's jokes began to sneer. In their view, Qin Tian is bound to die this time!

Qin Tian's hearing is excellent. All the voices of these people are in Qin Tian's ears. In addition, he was framed by Lin ziyue just now, and his face suddenly became cold!

Li Zheng wanted to beat him, but Qin Tian stopped him!

"I advise you to go and make it clear to everyone, or I'll knock out your teeth!" Qin Tian's face was gloomy, and the last few words were almost squeezed out of his teeth!

Li Zheng saw that Qin Tian was angry, and his eyes lit up immediately. This time, he was not worried. It was only sooner or later that linziyue was cleaned up!

"You're going to knock out my teeth!? Qin Tian, I'm kind enough to apologize to you. You have such an attitude! " Lin ziyue was filled with indignation. His face was full of indignation after being humiliated. His voice was still loud and could spread to any corner of the banquet hall!

"Looking for death!"

Qin Tian a low roar, raised his hand and then toward linziyue fan in the past!

However, Lin ziyue was ready to run away. Before Qin Tian's hand was lifted, he had already retreated. The eight bodyguards he had brought to the top immediately surrounded Qin Tian in the middle!

"I heard that the bodyguards of the Lin family in the imperial capital are all from the security department. They are very powerful!"

"Don't forget that Qin Tian is not an oil-saving lamp. Do you still remember that!? Those bodyguards, tut tut... Old miserable! "

"Don't say that if Qin Tian beat the guards of the Lin family today, it will be a big deal!"

After all, Wu Qilin of the Wu family in Shanghai is only a branch. But Lin Xiaoyao, who is coming today, is a real orthodox of the Lin family. It's up to the owner to beat his bodyguard in front of the owner. It's just looking for death!?Qin Tian didn't want to think about it. He saw eight bodyguards encircling himself in the middle. Without hesitation, he jumped out and kicked eight feet in succession. The eight bodyguards flew out in eight directions, hitting all the tables in the banquet hall!

At this time, if you look at the whole banquet hall, it almost becomes a mess. Let alone holding a banquet, I'm afraid it's not a good place to stand here!

"What are you... What are you doing?" Lin ziyue turned pale as soon as he saw Qin Tian coming towards him!

You know, your bodyguard didn't even last ten seconds. If you changed yourself, I'm afraid it won't last a second!

"I said, I'll knock your teeth out of your mouth!"

With that, Qin Tian picked up a mahogany chair from the ground, snapped it off, and pulled a chair leg down!

"You, you... Don't..."


Before Lin ziyue's words for mercy had not been uttered, Qin Tian smashed a stick down, which happened to hit linziyue's front teeth. For a while, blood flew across the sky, and four granular things came out along with the blood flow. They were actually Lin ziyue's four front teeth!

"You, you can't beat me any more. Our Lin family will come soon. If you don't want to die..."


Another big bang!

Qin Tian hit Lin ziyue's left face with this stick. In an instant, his left face was swollen and a dozen teeth came out!

"I Qin Tian's words always count. I said I would knock out your teeth, and I won't give you any left!"

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