With that, Qin Tian raised the leg of his chair again, aimed at Lin ziyue's right face and was about to smash it down!

But just then, the door of the banquet hall was pushed open!

At this moment, the audience exclaimed!

I saw two rows of bodyguards marching forward, surrounded by a woman in a Navy Dress!

This dress is handmade by the top British Master, Tempe Connie. If you look closely, you will find that the blue dress is full of glittering gold.

Today's Lin Xiaoyao is graceful and graceful, and her makeup is perfect, especially her exquisite figure, which is set off by the dress, can almost be seen at a glance!

With the arrival of Lin Xiaoyao, 99% of the people in the audience were gloomy. Only Qin Tian, who held up the leg of a chair to beat people, could compete with him.

The whole audience was stunned, Li Zheng was the same, and murmured: "it's so beautiful. It's really beautiful!"

The rest of the people even forget the emotion, Leng in situ will not speak!

Zheng Dakang, Secretary of the Songshan municipal Party committee, was the first to react. He stepped forward and stretched out his hands to shake hands with Lin Xiaoyao: "Miss Lin, welcome to Songshan for inspection."

At this time, people are waking up from their dreams.

"Secretary Zheng bowed to Lin Xiaoyao!"

"This... Is this the man of the legendary big family?"

"I swear this is the most beautiful person I've ever seen in my life!"

With a smile, Miss Lin Xiaoyao went to the front of the stage, looked around and said with a smile, "Hello, everyone. I'm Lin Xiaoyao from the Lin family in the imperial capital. I'm glad to meet you all."

Lin Xiaoyao's voice is deliberately modified, solemn with a trace of dignity, it is not like the usual Xiaoyao so unspeakable, endless, Qin Tian heard a chuckle out.

Just imagine the scene of a laugh that can't help but think of in the quiet banquet hall!? It's like a firecracker in the crowd!

The extremely quiet banquet hall suddenly sounded a burst of air-conditioning voice!

Is Qin Tian really afraid of death!? When Miss Lin introduced herself to everyone, the grandson dared to laugh!?

I'm dead. I'm absolutely dead. The bodyguards I'm taking with me are not comparable to those brought by Lin ziyue. I've torn him alive!

For a time, all people's eyes are focused on Qin Tian's body, even Luo Yin and Li Zheng are scared by Qin Tian's behavior, their faces turn white!

When Lin ziyue saw it, his mouth was covered with blood, and he immediately grinned. His heart said, "Qin Tian, Qin Tian, you are looking for death yourself!

"Boy, if you let me go now and kneel down and kowtow a few times to apologize, I will plead for you, otherwise, you will wait...

" pa! "

There was another muffled noise. Qin Tian did not wait for Lin ziyue to finish speaking. He smashed the leg of his chair again, knocking all the teeth on the other side of Lin ziyue down!

"You, you should be shit!" Lin ziyue was knocked off his teeth and his blood flowed out. He couldn't even speak clearly!

And at this time, Lin Xiaoyao has already set his eyes on Qin Tian and Lin ziyue. A pair of Daimei wrinkled gently and turned around and walked towards this side!

"Boy, you're in the shit!" Seeing Lin Xiaoyao coming, Lin ziyue's eyes burst out a burst of blue light, as if he had seen a savior. He looked at Lin Xiaoyao eagerly!

At this moment, the whole banquet hall became depressed. Countless upper class people in Songshan dare not breathe for fear of causing disaster to themselves!

In front of Miss Lin, he still dares to beat the people of the Lin family. Qin Tian is absolutely crazy!

Li Zheng saw this scene, rushed to the past, stood in the middle of Qin Tian and Lin Xiaoyao, blocking Xiaoyao's sight.

"Miss Lin, there is a misunderstanding. Mr. Lin ziyue just..."

"pull him away!"

Lin Xiaoyao's cold voice rang, and two bodyguards immediately came forward and twisted Li Zheng. Even if Li Zheng has some foundation, he still has no ability to resist!

Lin Xiaoyao stood in front of Qin Tian and took a look at Lin ziyue, who was beaten by him and was covered with blood. He asked coldly, "did you just say that he should die?"

Seeing that Lin Xiaoyao cared so much about himself, Lin ziyue was very excited. "Yes, miss, he not only beat me, but also said that the Lin family were all scum, and that all the Lin family members should die..."

"did he say that he was my brother-in-law

Lin Xiaoyao didn't wait for Lin ziyue to finish his sentence. A light and flowing word was revealed in an instant!

"Hello, sister!"!? What sister is calling? " Lin ziyue was blinded by Lin Xiaoyao's words, but then he widened his eyes. His mouth was full of blood. It seemed that he could squeeze a fist!

Qin Tian is Lin Xiaoyao's brother-in-law!

In an instant, the whole banquet hall was like being hit by thunder, and everyone was in a daze!Some people who had vowed that Qin Tian would die would be ugly and hid behind the crowd for fear that Qin Tian would recognize him and settle accounts with them after autumn!

No wonder people dare to be so crazy. You are a minor son-in-law. You dare to fight with the brother-in-law of the eldest sister-in-law. Who do you want to die if you don't want to die!?

Not only these outsiders were stunned, but also Li Zheng, who was tearing with the bodyguards nearby, stopped his movements!

Lin Xiaoyao, I know Qin Tian. No wonder I sprayed wine when I mentioned Lin Xiaoyao just now. I'm an old acquaintance with him!

Li Zheng didn't struggle any more. He raised his chin and said to the two bodyguards who were holding him: "don't let it go. See, my elder brother is your young lady's brother-in-law! Do you know what is the relationship between brother-in-law and sister-in-law!? Be careful, I'll tell my brother in a moment and let you both go

Li Zheng's words are extremely hard, but the two bodyguards don't buy it at all. They are still cold, and their four big hands are pinched on his arm like steel tongs!

Lin ziyue has been silly. Who would have expected a small pine mountain to kick such a steel plate!

Zhou Qingming's face behind him has already turned to pigliver color. Lin ziyue pulled the tiger skin of the Lin family to make a flag. If Qin Tian said a few words at this time, I'm afraid he would not be far away from death!!

Thinking of this, Zhou Qingming couldn't control Lin ziyue. He sneaked into the crowd, turned around and left the banquet hall!

Qin Tian saw this scene, his face showed a trace of sneer, touched out his mobile phone and sent out a long edited text message. Almost at the same time, in an alley outside the hotel, several vans were following a Mercedes Benz.

A Huo looked at the text message on his mobile phone, immediately sneered and said to the van behind, "your opportunity is coming. If you do well, Qin palace will give you a chance!"

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