Those people who came down in the van heard and their eyes lit up immediately!

Qin palace, it dominates the existence of the underground forces of Songshan mountain. We should give them a chance to put the prints in the special mahjong hall!

This group of people is not others, it is the first mahjong hall to lend money to zhouqingming that group of prints!

"Yes, sir, you are assured that we will do this very well, and we will not find any trace of the track!"

The voice of the speaker just fell, and the back man slapped his back head. "There is still a trace of horse. That code is called a trace of silk and horse!"

After that, the man looked at a fire with a flattering face.

A fire sneered, "go, let me see what you have!"

A group of people heard that, immediately boarded the van, and drove out towards the front. At this time, zhouqingming ran out of the hotel in a panic, ready to reach out to the roadside to taxi, and was blocked by several van!

"What are you doing..." br >

zhouqingming just wanted to put his Dean's shelf and accused the group of bastards who can't drive. The nearest van opened with a loud voice, and a familiar face just like a devil!

"Ah, it's you..." br >

before you have finished speaking, it is convenient to pull him on the van and go out of the dust under the eyes of the hotel security!

The security guard wanted to call the police, but at the sight of the other side's van, there was no brand, and immediately forced!

"Forget it, it means that you can't get into trouble with anyone. It's better to have more than one thing. Be careful not to get into trouble for yourself!"

A few security guards, will prepare for the police call back, continue to stand their own post!

The outside thing is not much said, the banquet hall on the top of the hotel has been smashed and ragged. People are shocked by Lin Xiaoyao, and dare not make a sound.

Lin Xiaoyao was very satisfied with the scene before him, and then he glanced at the public and said with dignity: "from today on, Lin ziyuejia will be completely expelled from my imperial forest family. Anyone who has cooperative relationship with linziyue will give you one day to release all cooperation, or the consequences will be borne!"


Lin Xiaoyao's words are like thunder, almost almost the general people began to pale!

In order to get to linziyue, these people have been very hard to sign the contract with him. But now, because Lin Xiaoyao said, all of these contracts have become waste paper, and will be terminated in one day. If they don't say that they can voluntarily terminate the same liquidated damages, they only beg for the money spent by linziyue, which is enough for all the families to drink A pot of it!

These people sigh their own misfortune, others have not come to please linziyue is a relief!

Qin Tian and Lin Xiaoyao can not see the nature of the head down every day, even if there is also home after talking.

The banquet lasted for more than half an hour. Li Cheng, who was drunk early, left the hotel, and Lizheng didn't go home. He got on the car after Qin Tian, because he felt that he would have a good play to watch this evening!

As a result, Qin Tiangang drove out of the parking lot, a fire drove up with a Mercedes Benz, turned on double flash lights in front of the role of the guide, with Qin Tian drove towards the mountain.

Almost more and more, it took more than half an hour to get to a place full of mud road, and then opened for more than ten minutes to finally see a factory in the distance that was not visible.

Time is not big, a fire then parked the car at the door of the factory, respectfully will Qin Tian from the car to meet.

A van at the gate gate was arranged outside to meet the master of the fire, a fire came, hurried to head and head to come.

"Sir, please, and the people are in it!" Little mischievous did not see Qin Tian a glance, then rushed to open the door for a fire.

"Mr. Qin, please!"

A fire a hand, standing on the side of Qin Tianshen is like a younger brother, let the door of the little confused look of the two eyes has been!

This is the fire Lord of the Qin palace who is above ten thousand people. How humble is it in front of this young man!?

"Take the way!"

A fire saw that little mixing did not move, frown urged a sound!

"Yes!" Little mischievous dare not think more, hurried to lead the crowd toward inside to go!

Qin genius knew that this is an abandoned cement factory because the pollution is seriously unqualified and forced to stop production. Just now some people in these small mixing groups have seen the gate. With this key, this is where we came!

"Mr. Qin, Mr. fire, people are in it. You are careful at your feet and the cement plant is in disorder..." it is no wonder that this little mixing can not be arranged at the gate, which is very exciting in a sentence.

In a short time, people came to an abandoned warehouse in the cement factory. Once they entered the door, Qin Tian met and saw a pile of untreated cement. Looking inside, they saw a group of people kneeling on the floor of the factory!As soon as Qin Tian and Li Zheng come, Zhou Qingming is stunned. His eyes are waiting for him. He is constantly crying and his head is pounding on the ground. It seems that he is begging Qin Tian for mercy!

"Tear the seal off his mouth." Qin Tian rubbed his nose with his fingers and took a look at dozens of bags of cement beside him.

When Qin Tian talks, they scramble to tear the seal.

"Qin Tian, Lord Qin, please forgive me, I will never dare again..." Zhou Qingming was torn off the seal on his mouth. He kept kowtowing to Qin Tian to beg for mercy, and his nose and tears flowed down together!

Qin Tian looks at him, also does not worry to speak, slowly squats the body in front of Zhou Qingming.

"A question for you." Qin Tian looks at Zhou Qingming, his eyes are full of pity for him!

"Ask, ask, Mr. Qin. As long as I know, I will answer truthfully." Zhou Qingming nodded like pounding garlic. He would like to say that he had urinated several times in his childhood!

Qin Tian looked at him, nodded gently, and said slowly, "do you think, as a doctor, what is the most important thing?"

Zhou Qingming smell speech, immediately Leng in the spot!

He never thought that Qin Tian would ask such a question!

For a moment, Zhou Qingming's cold sweat came down!

He has been a doctor for so many years. He has never considered this problem. He has always focused on his career and the economic benefits of the hospital. As for what is the most important as a doctor, who knows!? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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