Qin Tian looked at Zhou Qingming with a cold sweat on his face and sighed slightly!

As an expert doctor in the field of cardiovascular diseases, he can't say what is the most important thing as a doctor. The medical education of Huaxia failed ideologically!

Qin Tian closed his eyes and sighed slightly, then stood up slowly.

"Listen, Zhou Qingming, I brought you here today, not because you fired Li Xinran, but more importantly, you lost medical ethics and turned the hospital into a profit-making organization. You even did things like collecting and selling fake drugs. How crazy are you at the end of the day?"

If the president of a hospital regards the hospital as a profit-making organization, how many people will be harmed in the end!?

With this one, Qin Tian will not let him go!

"Remember, as a doctor, the most important thing is..." Qin Tian said, pausing for a moment, and looking at Zhou Qingming with pity again, "it's a benevolence of hanging a pot to help the world!"

With that, Qin Tian waved his hand and, regardless of Zhou Qingming's appeal for mercy, asked the punks to stick the seal back.

"Clean it up." Qin Tian finished and went outside the factory building.

After a while, the little thugs drove a huge excavator to the outside of the factory building. After a few hooks, a big pit of three or four meters square appeared in front of the public. The punks were not polite and pushed Zhou Qingming down!

"Down, down, down..."

a small thug commanded a cement tanker to reverse from far away. A jar of cement had been mixed on it. Roughly, it could have three or four tons!

"Old boy, you should burn paper for you if you owe us 500000. Don't forget to tell the king of hell that it's our brother's hands when you get to the bottom!"

Among the gangsters, one of the leaders squatted on the edge of the pit with a ferocious smile. Zhou Qingming was thrown at the bottom of the pit, and his pants were instantly wet yellow. Obviously, he was scared out of control!

Even idiots can see what they are going to do. This is to pour themselves into concrete!

"Pour it

At the command of the little gangster, the cement tank truck immediately poured the cement inside. Zhou Qingming was lying at the bottom of the pit. Before struggling, he was buried by the tons of cement!

Qin Tian looks at the pit filled with cement, and turns away without any change. Li Zheng has never seen this. It's a cruel method than killing directly. For a while, he doesn't respond. Until Qin Tian reaches the gate, he finally turns around and follows him.

"That... Brother, although he almost killed my aunt, I wish I could kill him, but... Is it really appropriate to do this?"

When Li Zheng got on the car, his first sentence was to ask Qin Tian!

Zhou Qingming, maybe not to death!

Qin Tian took a look at Li Zheng and nodded, "you are right. Maybe the means have gone too far, but have you ever thought about it? It is because of such a person that he has already had countless families. Because of the huge medical expenses, his family was destroyed and his family died. Although he did not directly kill people, he died because of him! Our country's law is strict, and he will not be sentenced to death, but we are not the same. We have to give an account to the families of the patients who were entrapped by him! "

Qin Tian finished and pulled the handbrake and drove the car.

Li Zheng smell speech, Zheng in situ, as if thinking of something, slightly nodded, eyes also become clear up.

He sent Li Cheng back home and Li Zheng to Li Jiazhuang garden. It was not until 11 o'clock in the evening that Qin finally returned to the villa. At the moment, a thin figure was squatting at the door of his villa. Qin Tian went over and saw that it was Yang Bing!

"Brother Qin!"

Seeing Qin Tian coming back, Yang Bing quickly got up to meet him.

"Why haven't you been back so late?" Qin Tian asked him while he was pulling him to the villa. It was already past the beginning of autumn. Although the weather at night was not as cold as it was, it had already had some coolness. Squatting outside for such a long time, it would not be more comfortable.

"Brother Qin, no need. I'll talk to you and I'll go back after that." Yang Bing's face was pale and his big eyes were helpless.

Qin Tian a look, immediately clap the forehead!

"Is it nearly the deadline in your hometown?"

Hearing this, Yang Bing's face became dim. After a long silence, he finally nodded, "I have to go back tomorrow. If I don't go back, our village will be demolished by force..."

"don't worry, no one dares to tear down your house with me!" Finish saying, Qin Tian can take out mobile phone, call Zheng Dakang directly in the past!

Zheng Dakang and Qin Tian have a good friendship. If it wasn't for Zhou Qingming's displeasure, I'd have come to congratulate Qin Tian for his hard relationship. At this time, when Qin Tian called him, he rushed into his study and picked it up!

"Qin Tian, is it something you call so late?" Zheng Dakang looks forward to it. If Qin Tian makes any request at this time, Zheng Dakang will never refuse it!"Secretary Zheng, I'm going to Baiyuan County tomorrow. I want to get involved in tourism planning and investment." Qin Tian said directly to Zheng Dakang.

"Baiyuan County!? Tourism planning! " Zheng Dakang frowned slightly, "you mean hutougang, dongtuo Township, Baiyuan County!"

Qin Tian heard that Zheng Dakang really knew about it, and even said the name of hutougang village!

"Yes Qin Tian nodded.

"It seems that an island state group company wants to intervene in this project. I don't know how it is going now..." Zheng Dakang recalled as he said, "if you want to get involved, I'll say hello to the county directly. Under the same conditions, I'll let them give priority to you!"

"There's no need for privilege. Secretary Zheng, please introduce me to the person in charge of tourism planning in the county over there. I'll go there tomorrow and find him directly!"

"Well, I'll call him later and let him treat you!"

"Secretary Zheng, don't be too high-profile. Let your subordinates inform him. I'm afraid you will scare him. I want to see what's going on in Baiyuan County!"

Qin Tian firmly said, Zheng Dakang heard that Qin Tian must have been unfair in the past, but he did not want to ask, once asked, tube is not, no matter it is not!

Since Qin Tian's character is in that place, simply let Qin Tian stir it up!

After chatting with Zheng Dakang about Baiyuan County, they hung up.

"Don't go back to live today. Find a room for me. Tomorrow I'll take your veterans and old brothers to accompany you to Baiyuan!

Yang Bing heard the speech and nodded excitedly.

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