After arranging for Yang Bing, Qin Tian looks for Li Xinran and Lin Xiaoyao, but Li Xinran sends himself a wechat saying that she and Xiaoyao have gone to live in a five-star hotel and let herself sleep alone.

However, Qin Tian had to give up the matter of asking Lin Xiaoyao. He turned out of the villa and went straight to a community outside the intersection. There were 81 Suites belonging to these veterans!

After killing Chen Kaige a few days ago, Qin Tian stopped practicing in the backyard of the villa and asked them to go home and practice in their own homes. One reason is that they are already on the road. They don't have to rely on others to instruct them. When they arrive at the realm, they can learn skills directly. Second, many brothers have taken over their families, and it is not easy for them to be alone every night Empty boudoir.

With such a thought, Qin Tian directly disbanded people.

At the gate of longhuayuan community, Qin Tian calls Jiao Cheng directly.

"Brother Jiaocheng, let the brothers gather at the gate of the community, something to say!" Qin Tiandao.

"Look back!"

Jiao Cheng's voice comes from the phone. Qin Tian turns his head and sees that more than 80 veterans are coming back from the outside in good order. Looking at the dusty appearance, he is obviously busy.

"You are..." Qin Tian asked in surprise.

"Hey, hey, hey." Jiao Cheng and others didn't speak. First they laughed.

"What are you laughing at? You are so perverse in the middle of the night..." Qin Tiancan laughed. He didn't know how to respond to him.

"Brother Qin Tian, do you still remember the battle we fought at pier 4 the other day?" Jiao Cheng asks mysteriously.

"Remember, only two or three days have passed, can I forget..." Qin Tian said with a bitter smile.

"Do you know how much Chen Kaige's two thousand hunks have brought us?" Jiao Cheng asks excitedly!

As soon as Qin Tian heard this, he immediately remembered that he had asked everyone to clean up the battlefield that day. For a while, Qin Tian became excited, "how much

"This number!" Jiao Cheng said, then stretched out three fingers!

"Three million Qin Tianyi's lips are too few!

"Thirty million!" The focal range is almost squeezed out of the teeth!

It's all bitter ha ha, who has seen so much money!

Qin Tian's eyes brightened when he heard 30 million yuan, and 30 million yuan was almost the same!

"Gu Yue took 20 million yuan to those bastards who participated in the war, and the remaining 10 million yuan, I brought my brothers here today."

Jiao Cheng says, a wave of hand, behind a few brothers then each will hand the suitcase to open!

Ten boxes, one million!

Qin Tian looked at the money, ha ha a smile, "OK, this money is extra fast, not included in our company account, brothers divide it!"

Ten million, eighty-one people, one person is more than 120000, which is not a small windfall!

When they heard Qin Tian's words, they were all in front of them!

I've been with Qin Tian for three months, and I've made an average of 180000 a month, which is faster than printing money!

"OK, listen to brother Qin Tian!" Focus on the spot!

Everyone cheered in the main road to the money to the points, this time Qin genius let people gather again.

"Tomorrow, please, brothers. I need some people. Follow me to Baiyuan county. There is something wrong with Yang Bing's family. Let's go and solve it."

Qin Tian said very calm, but when everyone heard, the murderous spirit immediately rose!

Although Yang Bing has only been acquainted with them for a few days, his patriotic feelings touch them both physically and mentally. If anyone dares to bully this child, this group of veterans is the first to stand up and refuse!

"Brother Qin Tian, what time will we start tomorrow?"!? I'll go with you

"I'll go too! Granny special, who dares to move Yang Bing's boy? I'll kill him

"That's it, brother Qin Tian. What time is tomorrow!? Count me in! "

For a moment, people would like to leave for hutougang immediately.

"Not so many people!" Qin Tian looked at too many hands, and quickly comforted him, "let's drive my Land Rover and add a big Lord. There are ten people in total. In addition to Yang Bing and me, eight others are waiting at home. Once there is an uncontrollable situation, I'll call you for reinforcements at any time!"

When they heard that there were only eight people, they were suddenly disheartened.

"Come on, don't do this. Brother Qin Tian came to ask about this for the sake of everyone's face. If you do, how can you discuss things with you in the future?"

As soon as Jiao Cheng saw this, he immediately stood up and yelled at him. As soon as they heard this, they immediately straightened up.

"It's the same rule. The leader of each team will follow. I'll stay at home with you. Let's keep our home. That's the right way."

When they heard this, they immediately answered yes.

Although the income of the property management company is not high, and only about 4000 yuan a month, it is a permanent foundation. Only by taking this basic business can we consider the sideline business. We all know that."That's settled. I'm going to have a hard time with some old brothers tomorrow."

They exchanged greetings, and Qin Tiancai separated from them.

Besides, Zheng Dakang, just after hanging up with Qin Tian, called Secretary Wang and asked him to inform Liu Fei, director of tourism of Baiyuan county. Liu Fei was very happy to hear that he had come to an investor. At least, he got rid of the dominance of the previous one. There was competition between two companies. With competition, the investment funds would rise! For the whole Baiyuan County, it is a great good thing!

"Let's go, go to tiantuo village!"

Qin Tian with a group of veterans, plus Yang Bing, began the investment business trip!

This group of veterans has been staying in the cement city of Songshan since they became security guards. They have been suffocating in the community all day long. As soon as Qin Tian said to go to Baiyuan County, they were excited like fighting chicken blood one by one!

Early the next morning, at the gate of the community, the veterans were dressed in casual clothes, jeans, short shirts and T-shirts.

Soon, all the people arrived. The motorcade was marching towards Baiyuan county. Qin Tian, monkey and Yang Bing sat in the Land Rover and drove to the southeast first!

Yang Bing is a native of Baiyuan county. He lives in the mountains. There is no road there. There is no primary school in the village. He can only go to the town for a few hours to take a bus. Since the Spring Festival, Yang Bing has never been home. This time he went home with Qin Tian. He was so excited that he couldn't even sit in the car.

The motorcade crossed the river bridge and walked for half an hour out of the urban boundary. It immediately felt that the road was much narrower. Half of the narrow road was closed for road repair. The coming and going cars were in a mess. The large trucks and buses were so huge that they could only wait on the road. Some private cars were caught in the middle and honked impatiently. The pedestrians and the people were very busy Driving and motorcycles shuttling back and forth, it's a pleasure. Qin Tian wondered, "I remember I was repairing roads when I went to Lao Zhao's house last time. How can I repair them up to now?"

As soon as the monkey turned the steering wheel, the broad Land Rover rushed directly down the roadbed, crossed the muddy ditch and rushed to the opposite side. He said, "if you don't repair the road, how can these dogs make money?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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