Land Rover is not low, and on the muddy road, there is more than enough. The Lord behind is not vague. Driving this road is not too much to say, and they are driving forward!

A group of drivers driving private cars on the road slowly blocked, showing their envy!

Look at people, driving a luxury car is not a matter of the right thing, it is hard to roll on the mud road!

After this road, the congestion situation in front of the road improved slightly, but this time it was caused by human. Several Qinghe traffic police blocked the road to check the vehicles, specifically check the trucks, whether it is overload or not, they punished first and saw the top range rover coming from the city. The traffic police's eye price was not bad, knowing that these people couldn't afford it, so they turned a blind eye to their cars in qintian.

Two cars roared past traffic police in double flashes. At this time, they have entered Baiyuan county. Baiyuan county is back on mountains and faces huaijiang river. It is beautiful to be said to be in the mountains and rivers. However, the economy can not be carried out. The hats of poor counties of national level can not be removed. The villages are withered, the walls are covered with thatched houses and cattle, and some outdated signs are painted on the walls Words, dirty children stand on the side of the road, see the car salute, make everyone confused.

"You see what the mountain is like." The monkey pointed to a hill in the distance and said that there was no tree in the bare mountain. It looked like a grave from afar.

"It's a real shame. It's not nonsense to develop tourism for this kind of scenery." Qin Tian scolded.

As we continue to drive forward, the scenery has gradually changed. The road is wide, traffic police on the street are more and more. They stand by the road in white cornice hats and reflective vest. The brakes are strict. The buildings on both sides of the road are magnificent and the trees are green. A sprinkler is parked by the road, spraying green water mist with water gun, watering these coconut which can only grow in the south Trees.

"What are they doing!" Monkey was very puzzled, and it was a surprise to see carefully that the trees were all plastic. After a winter's torture, they were fading. Now the garden is dyeing them again.

Tut, it's really economical. If I change them, they will pull them out directly, buy a batch of new trees and change them every year. That will be more money. " The monkey's comments made Qin Tian cry and laugh, but he knew that the monkey said nothing of a joke.

Suddenly a sudden, a sharp horn sounded from behind the team, and the siren sounded. A very fierce male voice shouted with an electric horn: "the car in front of us is on the side, it is on the side."

Such a dignified voice, who dare not from, the team to the right, behind a black Kamei Rui with explosion lights whistling past, the license plate is very cattle, is police license plate four zero, followed by a shiny Audi A6, speed is fast, the film is dark, can not see where the inside is sacred, but 0001 license plate revealed his identity.

Where the leading special car arrived, the traffic police saluted and the action standard attitude was correct. Until the Audi disappeared in the distance, the traffic was normal. The team went on the road again. Qin Tian found that the traffic police on the roadside were actually just some coordination.

"In these years, the people who have worked out don't come out to stand on the road. They smoke and drink tea in the office to read the newspaper. If you don't have money, you will pay for it. I want to say, it's better to be a civil servant in any business, and you can come with money without effort." The monkey whimped as he drove.

Qin Tian was surprised: "monkey, you are a terrible idea. Everyone has gone to be a civil servant. Who is a soldier?"

The monkey laughed and pointed to the sign in the distance and said, "is it the corner there. "Yes, the tourism bureau is on this road," Qin said

The Tourism Bureau, which is the destination of Qin Tian, is waiting for him to meet him!

The direction of Land Rover is not far away from the gate of the Tourism Bureau. This is a large courtyard covered by green trees. The building is old. It looks like the architectural style or before liberation. The signs of the Party committee of Tourism Bureau of Baiyuan county and Baiyuan County Tourism Bureau are hanging on both sides of the gate. One black and one red is good for each other. Land Rover stops at the gate, and presses the horn. An old man is from the herald room Come out and ask, "who are you looking for!"

"Look for director Liu." Qin Tian said something, and handed a cigarette through the window. The old man looked at the trademark on the cigarette roll, grinned and put the cigarette frame on his ear and said, "my friend, director Liu, enter, enter."

The team drove into the courtyard, stopped in front of the two-story office building, and the brothers jumped out of the car to move their legs. Qin Tian and monkey went to Liu Fei directly.

The two people entered the office building, and there was an unspeakable feeling of yin and cold in the empty corridor. The leather shoes were stepped on the terrazzo floor to make a boastful sound. The green paint on both sides of the wall had been peeled off.

There are wooden signs at the door of an office, which contains archives room, document printing room, typing room, women's Federation, League Committee, office and accounting room Only when we reached the end, we found the sign of the director's office. It was four signs of the deputy director's office opposite the director's office.

Qin Tian knocked at the door, and a low voice came from inside: "please come in."

Push the door to see, sit behind the desk a face haggard person is Liu Fei!

"Are the two investors from matsushan!? The city leaders have told me your affairs. Thank you. Thank you for coming to our poor county to invest. On behalf of the people, thank youSaid, this Liu Fei unexpectedly excitedly grasps Qin Tian's hand, vigorously grasps!

A good official! This is Qin Tian's first impression!

"Yes, director Liu, how are you?" Qin Tian is not humble or arrogant to answer!

"Don't be so polite! Call me Liu Fei. I'm willing to believe and respect the people introduced by the city! " Liu Fei's eyes are sincere, "how do not notice a sound, I also go to pick you up!"

"That's a good idea for you to pick it up." Qin Tian smiles and begins to look at the furnishings of this office!

Liu Fei's office is not big. The furniture and furnishings are all left over from the last century. The wooden desk is also sprayed with the words of Tourism Bureau No. XX. There are telephones and hot water bottles on the table. Two wooden sofas are put aside, covered with white sofa covers. Beside the feet are high foot spittoons. Behind the door are face washing shelves and a clean towel.

Zhou Wenchun seemed to see what we were doing and said with a wry smile: "no way. It's a state-level poverty-stricken county. The financial funds are very tight. The money should be used on the edge. Our tourism bureau is not a key unit. Naturally, we can't make any profit. I even drive my own car to the countryside for investigation."

Qin Tian asked, "isn't there a car in the bureau?"

"Well, there is a car, but no one dares to use it. It's a long story." Liu Fei had another bitter smile.

"It's OK, you say. We're free as well." Monkey took out a box of cigarettes and threw them to Qin Tian and Liu Fei.

Liu Fei lit a cigarette and said slowly: "originally, the Tourism Bureau was equipped with a Santana sedan chair. Two months ago, the former director of the Bureau and the office director were talking about work in the garage, but the air conditioner was not turned off. As a result, carbon monoxide poisoning and both died in the car. Since this incident, no one dares to use the car."

"Wait a minute. Let me put in a word. Is the former office director of your bureau a woman? Didn't you wear clothes when talking about work with the director?" The monkey asked with malice. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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