Liu Fei waved his hand: "everyone knows why to say it. The families of both sides ran to the unit and made it very ugly. As soon as the director died, the four deputy directors fought for a head of blood. Finally, the top transferred me to be the director, but let them share the same hatred. Alas, I regret to die, and should not be the director."

Qin Tian understood a little bit and asked, "director Liu, is someone trying to deal with you?"

At this time, Qin Tian seemed to understand that Zheng Dakang did not allow himself to go directly to the county government, but let himself come to the Tourism Bureau. I'm afraid there is a point in it that he wants to help Liu Fei!

If you don't go, the oil and water are very limited. The only hope is to survive. It's a lifelong dream for many people to become a full-time department chief. It's hard to get rid of a director. I thought the opportunity was coming, but I didn't expect a new director from the sky. This made the four deputy directors extremely angry, and everyone should take good care of him.

Qin Tian faintly smiles, in the heart has the bottom.

It was already 1:30 at noon. Liu Fei looked at the wall clock, picked up his bag and stood up and said, "go, I'll invite you to dinner."

I said, "we have a lot of people. Your fund situation..."

Liu Fei said with a smile, "it doesn't matter. I'm also a director, and I still have the right to have a meal to repay."

Liu Fei and I were standing on the steps waiting for the three people to leave the office building. At this time, a group of people came in from the gate. It was the county cadres dressed up with flip leather shoes, navy blue trousers, dark LiLang or bird of joy. They came over with a briefcase in hand and a cigarette in his mouth. They saw the range rover parked in the yard All of a sudden.

When he saw director Liu standing on the steps, the cadres immediately came to greet him warmly: "Liu Bureau, friends are coming from the city!"

Liu Fei said faintly: "a few entrepreneur friends came to invest in the mountain to collect wind. I will accompany them to have a meal. You can go first."

Land Rover, this is a valuable car. The cadres of the tourism bureau still have this insight. They stare at these luxury cars one by one with envious eyes and talk about something in a low voice. Liu Fei suddenly said, "Mr. Qin, don't drive. The hotel is nearby. Just walk."

Qin Tian laughs in his heart. Liu Fei is pulling a big flag to make tiger skin, so as to show his soft power to his colleagues... Forget it, let's cooperate with him, and invite people to go out together and have lunch at the game house opposite the Tourism Bureau.

As the saying goes, relying on mountains and water, Baiyuan county faces the big river with mountains. The most important thing is the fresh fresh rivers. Wild boars, wild pheasants, wild mushrooms, pangolins, crabs, river shrimps, and the famous puffer fish in the river are all the specialties of Qinghe. The leaders from the city and province always have to taste wild boar meat and puffer fish This is a virtual trip.

Liu Fei took his briefcase and led them to the second floor. The boss of game house was a discerning man. He had already recognized that the guest was the new director of tourism. He hastened to serve himself and asked the waiter to pour tea and tableware. He took a plastic sealed menu and said, "what would you like to eat today, director Liu?"

Liu Fei said, "special dishes."

The boss said: "the most famous dish in our game house is puffer fish. However, the season is not suitable now. So I suggest that we eat wild boar meat and roast real wild pork with fruit trees. The price is cheap and affordable."

Liu Fei took the menu and looked at it, then pushed it to me and said, "what do you want to eat?"

Qin Tian took a glance and said, "to some wild pheasant, I'd rather eat one or two birds rather than half a catty of animals."

The boss praised: "you are a good eater. The wild pheasant is brought by the hunter in the mountain. I will arrange two for you."

After a while, the dishes continued to come in succession. The cold dishes were boiled peanuts and mixed with Yuqian; the main dishes were roast wild pork and fried wild pheasant with red pepper; there were also several big fat fish. In view of driving in the afternoon, there was no liquor, so I brought two boxes of beer.

Wild boar meat is yellow and tender. City people who are used to grilling goat meat with charcoal at first taste this kind of delicious food. Only Yang Bing looks scornful after tasting it and says, "what's worse than my grandfather's game?"

Liu Fei said, "ah, this little brother is right. This is a kind of pig made by crossing wild boar and domestic pig in the county farm. It is not a real wild boar. If you want to eat real game, you have to go into the mountain."

When it comes to entering the mountain, the most exciting thing is not Qin Tian and others, but Yang Bing! This boy is thinking of Hutou gang with all his heart!

Qin Tianshi set off for a while, and said, "let's go into the mountain this afternoon and have a taste of real wild boar."

After I had enough to eat and drink, Liu Fei sent me. They went downstairs first and went to the counter to check out. The boss said, "director Liu, do you want to pay for it?"

Liu Fei said, "no, cash settlement." Then he drew out the money to pay the bill and asked for the invoice. He insisted on writing his name on the title of the invoice to show his honesty.

Back in the courtyard of the Tourism Bureau, Liu Fei said hello to the comrades in the office. He said that he would bring entrepreneurs from the city to the mountain for investigation. He would not come back at night. Then he went to Land Rover and led the motorcade to the mountains southwest of the county.Out of the county boundary, the highway began to be difficult to walk. The narrow cement road was full of potholes and holes under the pressure of heavy trucks. The mountains in the distance were undulating and the mountains were emerald. Liu Fei said, "it's coming soon." But the road is more and more difficult to walk, the mountain road is steep and narrow, a little careless will fall into the abyss.

In this way, Liu Fei continued to say that he was about to arrive. The monkey was in a hurry and said angrily, "it's almost there. It's almost there. How can it still be?"

Liu Fei said: "the horse running across the mountain is very deep. Thanks to our driving, it will take at least three days to climb the mountain on foot."

"Why not build a road?" said the monkey

Liu Fei sighed: "the county is poor and can't afford to build roads."

Monkey quipped his mouth: "poor!? Damn it

Just now when I opened from the city, I saw the magnificent building of the county government, the vast marble square, the European style white dome building, the green lawn, and the music fountain. All of them opened their eyes to this group of "earth bumpkins from the city".

All in silence, continue to drive forward, and finally arrive at the second stop of this trip, tiantuo township.

Tiantuo Township, as the name suggests, is located at a high altitude. The town is located in a small flat area deep in the mountains. There is only one extremely broken street. It is late, the street lights are dim and everywhere is desolate. Liu Fei points to a building in the distance and says, "stop there."

The monkey drove by and couldn't help laughing: "isn't this the gate tower of the capital?"

The antique style city building with red walls and glazed tiles is decorated with shoddy gypsum watches on both sides, and the signs of the Party committee and government of Tianjie township. It looks like a building on the national emblem, but it's too simple to turn a tiger into a dog. However, the parking lot in front of the gate is wide enough to stop everyone's cars. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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