After stopping the car, the crowd got down to move their numb legs. Liu Fei went to the doorman and said that he was from the Tourism Bureau. The doorman ran to the distance quickly and called for a black and fat man. The man was wearing a double breasted suit with a cardigan inside. The scarlet tie was placed outside the sweater and the white shirt collar was on the outside Already black unbearable, above two buttons natural and unrestrained open, reveal the gray cotton sweater that is close to the body.

"Ah ah, director Liu, you are here. Welcome. These are the leaders of the city." The man warmly greets him and takes out a box of cigarettes from his armpit bag to distribute them everywhere. From Liu Fei to Qin Tian and even Yang Bing, he sends out a cigarette. His enthusiastic attitude makes us feel the simplicity of the mountain people.

"This is the head of Yang." Liu Fei introduced him and pointed to Qin Tian and others and said, "this is general manager Qin, an entrepreneur in the city. This is general manager Hou, a well-known entrepreneur. This is..."

with Liu Fei's introduction, Yang Xiangchang stretched out his hands and wiped his trousers twice. Then he shook hands with these "big people" one by one. His eyes showed reverence, and he took out his gilded business card and handed it to him with both hands, With a very modest tone of self introduction: "my name is Yang Laoshui, call me Xiao Yang on the line."

"Mr. Yang, we came all the way from the city to investigate the famous wild boar meat in our township. Don't let us down." Liu Fei said half jokingly.

Yang Xiang Chang patted his chest: "it's on my brother." He took out his mobile phone, pressed a string of numbers, and yelled in a loud voice: "thank accountant, do we have any wild boar meat in our house?"

There was also a loud voice over the phone: "this afternoon, just let the county master Niu take away two, at home a pig leg, put in the ice cellar for half a quarter, still can eat."

"Nonsense, this can't be fooled, Lao Xie, you quickly give me two wild boars, don't say anything." With that, Yang Xiangchang hung up the phone, put the mobile phone in the leather mobile phone cover across his waist, and said boldly: "go, let's go to the hostel to drink!"

Township head Yang led the people into the gate. Seeing the barking thin dog, he kicked the dog in the stomach. When the dog knew the township head, he immediately picked up his tail and sobbed twice and hid away.

"I've kept a stove for you all the time. There's nothing we can do in the countryside. We don't have much to offer in the countryside, that is, native vegetables, native chickens grown up with grasshoppers, and native eggs, boar heads, wild mushrooms, pheasants, and wild rabbits. They are all the things that can't be eaten in the city. The pictures are fresh. Leaders must not dislike them."

"Lao Yang, you can have a snack. These are all investors who come to investigate in the city. If the investigation is good, tiantuo township will be the first."

Liu Fei did not know whether he was ordering Yang Laoshui or qintian.

When Yang Laoshui heard this, his face immediately changed, and the flesh on his cheeks trembled. "Leaders, wait a minute. I'll go and eat it immediately. Boar meat is the most fragrant."

Said, went out the door, Qin Tian stood up and walked to the window, only saw the shop owner looking at Yang Laoshui in embarrassment, "Yang Xiang Chang, it's so late, what to treat these people, you don't know, boar that's so easy to fight, now there's a pig's hind leg in the village."

"I don't care about that. Director Liu has just taken office, and there are so many investors. I don't care what you do. Give me two pieces of wild boar meat within an hour. The investors come. This is the top priority of tiantuo township. After that, the life of the whole people in tiantuo will be different."

"If it's OK to do it in the daytime, call Lao Yangtou of hutougang to carry it over. It's so dark and windy. What if something goes wrong?"

"That's no good. It's business. You'll do it right away. It's up to me if something goes wrong." Yang Xiang Changyi gritted his teeth and made a decision.

The shop owner is helpless and nods to go. Qin Tian sees this scene and just wants to go out to stop him, the waiter comes in with the food. It is so empty. The shop owner has gone far away, and Yang Xiangchang also returns to the box.

The wine was so dark that it was not until about one o'clock in the night that several township cadres came home with their cigarettes in their mouths. However, up to now, the boar meat has not been delivered.

The night in the mountain is no better than that in the city, especially in summer. The mosquitoes are whistling outside, but lying on the Kang with mosquito net is not bothered at all. Lying inside and blowing the mountain breeze with the window open, it is not much more comfortable.

The next morning, I don't know whose rooster crowed for the first time. Then all the roosters from all over the place followed. Qin Tian didn't greet the people on the Kang, so he went out first.

But as soon as he stepped out of the threshold, he saw a thin figure squatting under the wall. He walked over and saw that he was a thin old man, chewing on the dry steamed bread in his hand.

As soon as Qin Tian was staring at him, he wiped his mouth and pulled out another one from his pocket: "did you have breakfast?"!? I have more here. "

Qin Tian politely waved his hand, "you're welcome."

"Young man, the steamed bread is too dry. Can you help me find some water to drink?"

Qin Tian got up and went back to the house. He took the hot water that had been boiled last night, touched it, and poured a cup. He asked casually, "how long is the old man?"The old man was eating and drinking, "83."

Qin Tian looked up and his mouth opened in surprise. He looked up and down at the old man's house. He was red and energetic. Although he was a little thin, he was full of strength. What was the 80 year old man should have been like.

"That old man, you are not home in the morning, how to run this place!"

The old man swallowed his last steamed bread, took out a big cigarette bag from his pocket, filled with cigarettes and said, "I am Tiger head post. I am in half a day. I dare not disturb the leader. Just wait here."

Said, the old man handed the cigarette bag to Qin Tian. Qin Tian once looked at the pot, the copper pot was delicate and small, and the agate mouth was crystal clear, and it had a sense of age.

Qin Tian came and clicked two times, choking tears down: "too choking, I can not help, or you old enjoy it."

"And then, turning his eyes, he pointed to the steel fork under his butt and asked," is this your old one? "

The old man took the steel fork out and said, "usually hunting, take a guard on the night road, there are wolves in the mountain."

Just saying this, the shop owner did not know where to run out, "Laoyang head, how do you come!"!? If the big thing of Yang Xiang is delayed, who will give you hutougang to study primary school

The old man listened to it and beat the bottom of his shoes twice. He pulled a snake skin bag from the side of the haystack. When he poured it, he pulled out a wild pig, which was 50.60 Jin.

The shopkeeper grinned at it. "So small... The boss here is so much. How much to eat... Forget it. You will go to the store to make money."

"In." Lao Yang nodded, his eyes had silk expectations, obviously the shop owner's primary school in his heart has a pivotal position.

"Grandpa!? How are you here!? "

It was so empty, maybe the voice outside quarreled a little, Yang Bing even came out of the room, and saw the old man and called Grandpa.

"Yang Bing!? How did your dog get back!? Did you go to the city to earn money? Was your dog day sent back by the boss The old man is in a hurry. He gives a slap from the back of Yang Bing.

"Grandpa, not..." Yang Bing said as he went to Qin Tian and hid behind him.

"You stop for me, boy!" The old man chased and beat, and Yang Bing kept circling around Qin Tian. He was in the yard when he was old and small. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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