"Master, I brought Yang Bing back. My name is Qin Tian. I am Yang Bing's friend and developer."

The old man stopped and froze for a moment. As if he thought of something, he grabbed Qin Tian's arm and said, "young man, you are the boss who is going to invest in the primary school for our village!? I kowtow to you. "

With that, the old man would kneel on the ground.

Qin Tian looked at it and hastened to hold it up, "Oh, master, you can break my life! According to seniority, I have to call you grandfather. You are so polite that I have no place to put my face on. "

The old man heard Qin Tian say so, excitedly clapped my arm: "good boy."

Qin Tian holds the old man in his head, but suddenly he can't turn around. What kind of place is hutougang in Baiyuan county!?

Yang Bing didn't hide at this time. He ran to me and said, "brother Qin, the sorghum wine made by my grandfather is delicious."

"Yes, yes, we can make enough sorghum wine. Let's go home now." As soon as the old man listened, he didn't go to the shop owner to get money, and he took me to leave.

The owner of the shop looked at it, embarrassed, as if he didn't greet Qin Tian. "Hutou Gang is a good place to go. I'll inform Yang Xiang Chang now."

When Yang Laoshui arrived, he was surrounded by all the stars. The old man was holding a cigarette and his arm was on the small table. He was wrestling with the monkey sitting opposite. He was poor for the monkey's reputation. He was also a cruel role in Songshan City, but his face turned red and he could not shake the old man.

Next to the brothers ha ha straight smile, the monkey more face ah, hold a breath: "you can you up, no can no force ah, you line, you go up!"

With such a cry, the brothers all shrunk back. When the old man played with the monkey, he didn't show any real strength. Who would go up and die? It would be a shame.

"Lu Wan, try with the old man." Qin Tian stood aside and grinned. Lu Wanyi opened his mouth.

Lu Wan is a blaster. He usually carries bombs and has no less training.

"Don't break your arm, old man." With that, Lu Wan sat opposite the old man and stretched out his arm. The old man's arm stood on the table like an iron strike. No matter how hard Lu Wan made it, he did not move.

"Master, take it!" Lu Wan recovered his strength and arched his hand toward the old man.

It's hard for you to make an investigation at this time

Everyone nodded and said yes. Liu Fei also stood up and wanted to hear what Yang Laoshui wanted to say.

"There is no road in that place. It will take a long time to cross mountains and mountains." Yang Laoshui frowned.

Liu Fei is also a little embarrassed. He looks at Qin Tian and seems to be asking for his advice.

"The old man can come over with 50 or 60 Jin of pork on his shoulders. What else should we be afraid of?"

"That's it." Monkey is also disdainful hum a, also don't know where he came from the mood, from yesterday when drinking, feel that he looks at this Yang Xiang Chang is not pleasing to the eye.

"Lao Yangtou is not an ordinary man. You city people can't compare him. If something goes wrong, I can't explain it." Yang Laoshui said.

"More than a dozen young men, what can happen?"

"There are wolves in the mountains, and hutougang is a poor village. The electricity was only connected last year, so the poor can't even make a pot. Even if he goes there, there's nothing to eat and drink..."

Qin Tian doesn't pay any attention to him. Yang Laoshui's obstruction is certainly not a good thing. He simply tells Liu Fei their attitude of the group of people - hutougang must go.

"How about this? I'll ask the township chief of armed forces to escort you with some militia." Why is Yang Laoshui.

"All of them are strong young men in their twenties and thirties. If you send some militia to escort us, would you not scold?"

Speaking of this, Yang Xiangchang had no choice but to agree. He called Lao Yang's head and ordered him to go alone. After breakfast, they all went on their way.

There is no road from the township government to hutougang. It's full of mountain trails that can't be handled by off-road vehicles. Lao Yangtou leads the way in front of him like a flying arrow. People follow closely, and they begin to trudge over mountains and mountains.

At the beginning, all the young men were full of vigour and vigor, but after an hour, they all slowed down and breathed quickly. The temperature on the mountain was still very low. A dozen people walked in a line with their heads bowed. The hot air from their mouths and noses rose up in the air, like a train running at a low speed and in disrepair for a long time.

There is no road on the mountain, and it becomes a road when many people walk. The mountain is high and the road is dangerous, but the scenery is excellent. In early spring, all over the mountains and fields are newly sprouted green, and white clouds are close at hand. It feels like a fairyland.

Old Yang head to the steel fork to the ground a stab, said: "rest feet." Then he took out a jug wrapped in dog skin from under his old sheepskin jacket, pulled out the cork and asked me, "have some!"

Qin Tian took over a smell, actually is strong wine, sipped a praise way: "good wine!"Lao Yangtou said: "the sorghum wine brewed in our own house is not fun, but strong enough to relieve fatigue."

Lao Yang's head laughed. He sat on the rock and took out his cigarette bag to light his cigarette. He said, "if you like, go back and hold a jar."

Qin Tian readily agreed, flipped the kettle in his hand and asked, "is this kettle old?"

"More than sixty years." Lao Yang said with a cigarette.

"It's my grandfather's booty." Yang Bing interrupted.

"Oh!" Qin Tianda was very interested. When he untied the dog skin cover, he found that it was a military kettle. The paint on the aluminum shell had peeled off, but three men in red ink were still clear about "Inoue.".

"This is the kettle used by the island devils!" Qin Tian was surprised.

"Yes, my grandfather killed dozens of ghost soldiers and seized more booty. There are also three eight big king eight boxes and command knives." Yang Bing couldn't help but interrupt.

Lao Yang's head nodded with a smile: "it's all paid for the public. There's an iron hat for boiling water at home, and this kettle."

Qin Tian is awed by Lao Yang's head. He is still an old hero fighting against the island!

Looking back at those guys, the original neat team has been scattered in the mountains like sheep excrement eggs. The young men in colorful mountaineering clothes pant like cattle and climb with hands and feet. The first ones who come up are Lu Wan and monkey. They are not ordinary people. Although they keep exercising every day, they still can't compare with Lao Yangtou and Qin Tian Speed.

"Master, how far is Hutou Gang?" Liu Fei asked with a sad face.

"Over the bridge, two more mountains." Lao Yang's head held the steel fork and pointed to the misty mountain in the distance.

After crossing an iron cable bridge, the road ahead will be much easier to walk. After turning over two hills in succession, hutougang will arrive.

This is a natural village located in the mountain nest. If you look at it, the smoke from the kitchen is curling, the thatched cottages of 40 or 50 families are arranged in an orderly manner, the cuckoos are singing on the branches, and the wild flowers are blooming on the hillside. It is a kind of idyllic mountain village scenery.

"This is my home, hutougang." Yang Bing finished and ran to the village, shouting: "ah, I'm back!"

A huge Greyhound rushed out of the village, licking and smelling at Yang Bing. The villagers came out in twos and threes, looking at the strangers.

The villagers were extremely enthusiastic. They sent the guests to their houses to burn water, chop firewood, kill chickens and sheep, and prepare to cook. The men with good reputation in the village accompanied the guests to talk in the house. The children and dogs gathered in the yard and explored their heads from time to time. The women were busy cooking dishes. The village was full of enthusiasm and jubilation.

Hutougang is very poor. It is beyond imagination. Except for a telephone and a radio in the village, there are no electrical appliances. Oil lamps are used for lighting, and firewood is used for heating. The house is made of rocks, and stones are pressed on the top of thatch. There are no houses in the house. All the belongings can't be exchanged for dozens of yuan.

The only thing that catches the eye is the awards on the walls of Yang Bingjia, from the model militia issued by the border region government in the 1940s to the grand contest in the 1960s, the second-class merit in the 1970s, and the honors of three generations of Yang's ancestors and grandchildren.

Manmen Zhonglie, this is the only word Qin Tian can think of!

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