Yang Bing's grandmother lives at home, while his grandfather Lao Yangtou lives in a shack on a distant mountain with his dog. While cooking, Qin Tian proposes to visit the old man's shack. Lao Yangtou readily agrees and takes Qin Tian to the hillside. A shack is built on a tree with rope ladder hanging down. There is a fire pool under the tree. The ashes are cold. A Japanese 90 helmet is hanging on the bracket The five stars have faded.

Qin Tian couldn't help but sigh: "what do the villagers live on?"

"Growing corn, raising chickens, raising sheep and so on."

"There is little land on the mountain, so it's not easy to open up wasteland. If you want to go down the mountain for dozens of miles, what should we do if we go to school?"!? What if there are patients in the village!? As far as I'm concerned, it's better to move to the city and enjoy the good fortune. "

Lao Yang's head sighed, lit the cigarette bag and said, "that's the reason, but I can't leave."

"Why can't I leave?"

Lao Yang's head pointed to a grave bag not far away and said, "I want to Guard commander Kong."

In front of the grave bag, kneeling with a skeleton wrapped in wire, white and penetrating.

The tomb is well-organized. It is surrounded by bricks. There are no weeds within five meters. It shows how attentive the tomb keeper is.

If you look at the skeleton, kneeling in front of the grave about one meter, the whole body length is not more than 1.6 meters, according to reasoning, it should be an island people.

"Master, commander Kong made great contributions to our country before he died!"

"It's a long story. At that time, the invading army occupied Baiyuan, stationed a small team of people, and held down the people of four townships and eight counties. Some Chinese people were not willing to be enslaved. Commander Kong pulled up the troops, carried the ghost's turret overnight, chopped off 18 skulls, and paid a crooked handle. From then on, the banner of our Baiyuan Anti Japanese National Salvation Army was erected. Some people said that his surname was Guo, Some people say that his surname is Gong, and the common people don't know what they mean. They only know that commander Kong's team is a hero who fights ghosts! "

Lao Yang patted his thigh: "that year I was just 16 years old. I was a hunter in the mountains with my father. My father and commander Kong were as good as before at first sight, and they worshipped me. Later, when my father and the devil were fighting, I was entrusted to commander Kong as a guard."

"How did commander Kong die later?"

Lao Yangtou had already finished smoking a bag of cigarettes. He knocked the tobacco pot on the sole of his shoes. He was about to open the conversation box when a cry came from the direction of the village: "grandfather, brother Qin, have dinner!"

"Go, I'll tell you more about commander Kong's story when I get back to you." The old man got up and walked back to the village.

The banquet has been arranged, the wooden table is placed in the yard, half a fan of wild boar is on the campfire, the pig's hair has been faded, the skin is coated with wild honey, roasted with fruit tree wood, burnt yellow and fragrant, there are wild rabbits and wild pheasants, and homemade Baogu wine, which are all over the table.

Qin Tian asked, "do you really hunt wild boar with steel fork?"

Lao Yang tou said: "there is still a fake. In the past, when the gun was used, we had to fight more. Later, when the gun was paid by the township, we had to dig a pit and use a steel fork."

People are ashamed. Wild boar is not as naive as the fat pig in the farm. Instead, it is extremely fierce. It has no flesh on its body. It has a hard black mane and full of tusks. When it is free, it likes to rub on the pine trees. After drying up with pine oil, it is natural armor. This kind of fierce and cunning prey is even more dangerous than the tiger, and Lao Yang's head is more than 80 It's a myth that an old man of ancient rarity can hunt with cold weapons!

"What gun did you use before you were old?" Qin Tian asked.

"That's a lot. When I learned to hunt with my father, I used earth cannon. Later, I followed commander Kong and sent out a Hanyang made gun. Good guy, the rifling of the gun was flat, and the bullets came out horizontally. I couldn't get used to it, so I paid a 38 big cover. That guy is very good. Within 500 steps, the people in the island country are short and the shooting skills are high. We guerrillas are three or five None of them can do it alone. " Lao Yang's head was gesticulating, unconsciously telling the story of the past.

People were very interested in hearing this, and from time to time interrupted to ask one or two questions. Qin Tian thought of the articles about the 38th rifle in some magazines that he had read. He asked, "I heard that the 38th rifle is not powerful. If you hit it, it's a penetrating wound. If you lie down for ten days and a half months, is that true?"

"Penetrating wound" Lao Yang's head was stunned for a moment, then he understood it and said, "it's right, it's not right. If you get a shot close to you, it's a small transparent hole. If you take a shot every few hundred meters, the gods can't save you. Do you know what's going on!? The bullet will roll into the meat, the small eye will go in, and the big hole in the bowl will go out. It's strange that you will not die. "

Qin Tian thought deeply and understood Lao Yang tou's meaning. The bullet used in 38 gun was small in caliber, fast in initial velocity, and too stable in trajectory. It would not roll when hit in close range. When the bullet flew far away, it would fly sideways when it met the target. Therefore, the damage was more serious. The 38 gun mentioned in the magazine was not as formal as that of the national army, which is probably a false message.

"Commander Kong was a hero in those days. Zhao Zilong was reincarnated and killed the enemy seven in and seven out. No one could stop him. But who would have thought that he was captured by a traitor. His head was strangled and his eyes were sprinkled with lime. Finally, he was hanged on the gate tower of the Japanese military management office in Baiyuan County, which was now the old county of Baiyuan county. It was guizijian before After liberation, the state moved to office. "Qin Tian listened to the words of the old man, some sad, as a soldier, the most hated was that someone stabbed a knife from behind the back in wartime.

I saw that the old man was sad. I quickly transferred the topic and asked how many wild boars he could catch in a month.

Hutougang is very poor. The children are skinny, and only when asked, they know that the average income of the village is only 2300 yuan per year. He has not studied. He went to work in the city at the age of 12-3. Yang Bing is just like this. However, he is stronger than other children. He has learned martial arts with the old man since childhood. His culture can learn a little bit. At least, the patriotism spirit is much better than others !

"These years are no more than the previous years, and there are fewer wild boars. It is even better to have two heads in a month to finish the tasks in the countryside!"

"There are tasks in the country!" The way of frowning in Qin days.

"Yes, two boars a month, and then they will send teachers to our village primary school."

We feel that this delicious wild boar meat how can not swallow, silence a moment later, monkey asked: "how many teachers do we need in hutuogang primary school?"

"There are still a few more, one is enough," said the mountain people. The year before yesterday, there was an old private people who taught in primary school in village. Later, the state reform led to the retreat of the old people run by the people, and the village primary school was also merged into the primary school in the Township Center. "

Another mountain man said: "the primary school conditions in the Township Center are much better than that of the village primary school, which is too far away, and the living school is too expensive. The villa family can not afford the accommodation and dining room money. The children are too small to work in the city. It is not a matter of the wild mountains all day. We have discussed it. We asked the village to send a teacher to bring the children, and recognize the words for the middle of the year. After two years, they will come to the city Working is not good for people to open their eyes. "

All of them were silent, but they didn't expect that the children of Hutou post were in such a living state. Qin Tian walked out of the courtyard door and the dogs around the door scattered. The children surrounded me, looking at me curiously. Their clothes were very broken, their hands were sore, their hair was messy and their faces were red, but their eyes were very clear.

"Children, do you want to go to school!" Qin Tian asked with a pleasant look.

"Think!" The children answered in unison.

"Then you tell me, what's going on in school?"

"After studying, I can go to work in the city and help my family make money."

"After studying, I can eat meat like Yang Bing."

The children spoke in a wide range of words. Although the motivation of school is different, the purpose is one. That is to live a better life than now, simple words and clear eyes, which makes me realize that this is not taught by adults, but the desire of children from their hearts. Life in the mountain is really too hard.

"Well, I'll help you find some teachers, and I have the books and stationery!" Qin days boasted Haikou, the children stared big eyes, can not help but, adults also looked at one eye, face is full of surprises.

"I've packed the tables, chairs and benches!" The monkey also stood up and said.

"I have my school uniform, and I have a full set of clothes, shoes and hats, and the same as the children in the city!" Lu Wan is not willing to show weakness.

Zhao Donghui heard that immediately, jumped up and shouted: "school building renovation is my, no one and I do not fight!"

The people talked and laughed and managed the work of hutougang primary school. Although everyone was not rich, they did several tickets with Qin Tian, and they had some deposits in their hands. It was not really worth taking this money out.

Moreover, they are following Qin Tian now, Qin Tian will never let them pity!

At this time, the wine was almost drunk. The mountain people arranged for the accommodation of the guests and led them to a rather flat house. The bed had been laid, and the bedding was clean. The people slept drunk and snored.

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