People snore all over the room, but Qin Tian is not sleepy. Listening to the monkeys' snoring, Qin Tian gets up and walks outside.

The moon is bright and the stars are sparse. Although hutougang is poor, the air is very good. After dark, it is especially quiet and peaceful.

Qin Tian went outside the house, jumped to the roof, sat down cross legged and began to practice.

Although he broke through the middle period of the master, Qin Tian did not dare to slack off on the road of practice.

He closed his eyes and felt the cool feeling brought by the air. The two true Qi in his body began to work at the same time. The immortal formula and the yanmu Jue began to work at the same time. A huge whirlpool was formed in the air and circled over his head. At the same time, Qin Yue and others were called out to absorb the ghost gas.

No matter where he is, Qin Tian has nothing to say to his own people. Qin Yue, Li Xiaoshuang and others greedily absorb ghost Qi, and several of them are practicing at the same time, Along with the nearby vegetation, it will be greatly surprised if someone comes out at this time. The plants in front of the house do not know when they will become vigorous, and the leaves that were originally drooping are lifted up.

These subtle changes can be felt by Qin Tian. After three weeks of operation, he vomited out a mouthful of turbid Qi, making his body comfortable!

Qin Tian got up and jumped off the roof and went into the room to have a rest. I don't know if it is the effect of alcohol. Tonight's practice is very smooth, but he still can't get into the Dharma.

"Damn it, I'm going to donate a school..."

In his sleep, the monkey talks in his sleep, which startles Qin Tian who is thinking. He raises his hand and pats it on the monkey's quilt. The monkey turns over and continues to sleep. Qin Tian laughs and turns to cover the quilt and sleep.

When he woke up the next morning, Qin Tian was full of energy. He got out of bed and woke up the monkey.

"Well! My God, so early, I dream of holding a woman in my arms. You slap me awake. "

"Ha ha, you have a spring dream. Be careful to dream of female ghosts!" Lu Wan made fun of him.

The monkey reached out and pushed him. The monkey immediately jumped up and tangled with him. Datong spread several bare armed men and rolled into a ball. Qin Tian didn't care. He just stood by and watched them play.

Yang Bing got up early in the morning and started from his grandfather's house to come here. He heard a lot of shouting and scolding from afar.

"My grass mud horse, Lu Wan, where the hell are you kicking?"

"I said," why is it so small? "

"You're just a little boy. I'm a giant. You almost beat me!"

Yang Bing pushed the door in and saw the light arms of the whole room holding together. He was stunned.

"You have too much taste. You are not afraid of losing in the early morning."

"I'll go to you, Yang Bing. Hurry up. My brothers are starving to death!"

The monkey pushed Zhao Donghui and Lu Wan away and quickly put on his clothes and came to Qin Tian.

Yang Bing grinned, "I'm waiting for you. I've stewed pork in the pot, and the noodles are still big!"

"Let's go. Is the old man up?"

Hearing Qin Tian ask him, Yang Bing nodded, "the villagers get up early. My grandfather got up early and went to the commander's grave to weed. In a short time, he will come back. Listen to the head of Yang, the investment will come over in two days. I don't know how much they will bid at that time. It is estimated that there will be trouble in the demolition work!"

"No matter how much money he offers, we just have to take it. If the price is reasonable, I don't mind spending money. But also said back, this Baiyuan county also has no scenery, what development, which blind people like here? "

It's not that he's a lousy speaker. The roads are blocked and the scenery is ordinary. Even if he has developed it at most, it's a farmhouse. The rate of return on investment is too low.

It's him. It's because of Yang Bing.

Hearing Qin Tian say so, Yang Bing sighed: "brother Tian, in fact, our place is blocked. Otherwise, even if we farm land, we will not be so poor. I'm good. With brother Tian, I still want to earn money to come back to repair the road, but the road has not been completed, they still want to demolish here!"

Think of Yang Bing feel fire, dog day of the tourism bureau what is not useful, he did not know blind command, dismantle what use?

The tourism industry of Baiyuan county has no advantages at all.

Several people said as they walked, they came back with a hoe.

"Grandfather Yang!"

"Oh, here we are. Hurry in, stewed pork and big meat noodles. You city people usually can't eat such pure meat!"

Grandfather Yang has a strong body and a ruddy face. Although he is a farmer, he used to be a soldier when he was young. His physical quality is not generally good.

Qin Tian several people followed in, Yang bingduan out of a pot of pork noodles, opened the lid, a fragrance overflowing, if not for Qin Tian, they would have rushed up.

"Eat, eat, there's nothing good in the country, but you can still take it!"

Grandfather Yang greets them with a smile, and Qin Tian is not polite.

Yang Bing served a bowl to the old man, and people rushed to him. He did not divide a basin of meat according to a short time.Several people sat around and sucked and slipped. At this time, a loud cry came from outside the door: "Mr. Qin! Mr. Qin

Lao Yang is here. As usual, it is the standard dress of rural cadres. However, today's leather shoes are clean, but they still can't cover the open leather on the shoes. It looks funny and sad.

"Mr. Qin, the county called and said there was another investor. He wanted to visit us. Do you think you can sit down and meet each other?"

Lao Yang carefully inquired and asked, Qin Tian nodded and agreed, "OK, I'll see you. I'll arrange it for you. We don't care."

"That's good. It's said that they come from the island country. If it does, this place will become the land of others."

Before he left, the township head Yang murmured. Qin tianer was very good at it, and he could hear it clearly.

"Island country? No matter where you are, you should obey the rules when you come to China

"That's right. Tiange is right. What about the island? No matter what the age, we can't forget that hatred!"

The monkey jumped out. They were usually joking, but when it came to the critical moment, they were not vague at all, let alone in the national righteousness.

"Grandfather Yang, you stay at home. Let's go out and meet them."

Qin Tian turned his head and said hello to grandfather Yang. He took them out and followed Yang Xiang Chang's steps.

It didn't take much time to catch up. The monkey drove the Land Rover and pressed its horn. He was scared to take a few steps to the roadside to get out of the way for them.

Qin Tian pressed down the window and called out to the outside: "Yang Xiang Chang, you can lead us a way! Let's go and have a look! "

"Well, I'm very familiar with this one, and I won't let you take a detour."

Is there a good way to go?

Qin Tian smiles bitterly in his heart. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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