"You bought this from Gu's jewelry next door?" Deng Yuanjie eyebrows a pick, some fun, if wait a moment Li Xinran opened a look, is a needle tip size of broken diamond, see how I taunt you!

"You? You can still afford it? " Zhou Xiling sneered scornfully. She bought fake goods from outside and fooled her. Xinran didn't pay any attention. She still used the box of Gu's jewelry. She was not afraid that the police would arrest you!

Li Xinran didn't recognize the meaning of Zhou Xiling's words. As soon as she took over the box, her pretty face immediately turned red.

"Qin Tian, in fact, you don't have to do this. I don't want to keep up with others..."

"this is for you. Put it on." Qin Tian ignored Deng Yuanjie and his wife, reached out and smoothed Li Xinran's hair behind her ear and said gently in her ear, "don't worry, it's true. Open it to see if you like it."

Li Xinran was slightly stunned and looked at Qin Tian. Although Qin Tian had no future, he was sincere to himself and never cheated himself. If he said it was true, it must be true.

So the question is, where does he get the money to buy this kind of thing?

Li Xinran stood in a daze and opened the box at the urging of Qin Tian. A bright diamond ring glittered in the bright light of chanel bag shop. Li Xinran couldn't believe everything in front of her!

Even if she has always been indifferent to fame and wealth, she is still shocked by the diamond ring in front of her!

The diamond on this ring is really too big

In recent years, the price of diamonds has become skyrocketing. A sesame sized diamond is worth tens of thousands, so qintian needs at least two million!

"How could that be possible!"!? Is this a diamond or a glass ball? "

At this time, Zhou Xiling also saw the diamond ring in Li Xinran's hand, widened her eyes, covered her mouth and exclaimed!

In an instant, Zhou Xiling's heart that jealousy flame, again burned up! She doesn't believe this trash can afford such a big diamond! It must be fake, yes, it must be fake!

"Bang, brother Qin Tian, it doesn't matter if you can't afford a diamond ring. Don't cheat your wife with something polished with glass?" Deng Yuanjie quickly picked up his wife's words, but in his heart it was a cluttering sound!

Some jewelry shops specialize in selling rings made of glass, but it's bullshit to say that they can be compared with diamonds. Deng Yuanjie only wants to comfort his uneasy heart.

But Qin Tian's economic strength is there. With more than 3000 yuan a month, how can he afford to buy millions of diamond rings!?

But this glossiness, if high imitation, imitate also too true point!?

"If some of you have any questions about the diamond ring, maybe I can help."

At this time, the shopping guide who recommended chanel bag to Zhou Xiling stood beside her with a signboard smile showing her professionalism, which made Qin Tian feel very comfortable.

Then the guide explained, "I worked in this jewelry store before, so I know this better."

Li Xinran was at a loss. If she handed her the diamond ring, would it mean that she didn't believe him? For a moment, Li Xinran looked at Qin Tian at a loss.

"Put it away as soon as possible. Don't be shameful. Can you turn a glass ring into a diamond?" Deng Yuanjie said coldly.

Qin Tian took a look at Li Xinran, and handed the diamond ring to him.

If it is said that the things given by the helmsman behind the Gu's jewelry are fake, then Gu's jewelry doesn't need to be opened.

After about ten minutes, the shopping guide handed the ring back to Qin Tian with great excitement, and bowed respectfully to Qin Tian, "Sir, you must have achieved your career, right? I'm sure your wife does

The guide's words are very obscure, but very clear!

Li Xinran is stunned in situ. What she means is that this diamond ring is real!?

Du Yuanjie and Zhou Xiling's faces changed instantly.

"Hello, are you not the one Qin Tian asked for? How much did he give you to say that? " Zhou Xiling's shrill voice questioned the shopping guide, and her face gradually became ferocious.

"Yes, madam, the number of diamonds on this ring is more than three carats. Whether it is the background color, purity or cutting, it shows the top diamond craft of Gu's jewelry. Although I don't know which branch sold this ring, I'm sure that the price of this diamond ring is at least two million."

Shopping guide very professional introduction, the face is still hanging the most appropriate smile.

"You... You, are you sure?" Zhou Xiling and Deng Yuanjie grew up and couldn't believe it.

Bought your own bag, more than 80000? Isn't it even cheaper to make this diamond ring?

Li Xinran is also shocked to cover his mouth, looking at Qin Tian's eyes are full of surprise, however, compared to the value of diamonds, she is more concerned about how Qin Tian got the ring. If Qin Tian did something illegal to make himself happy, she would rather not have this vanity.

"Do you like it?" Qin Tian smile, will ring slowly out of the box, set on Li Xinran's ring finger, "only it, can match your peerless face."For a time, the whole bag shop, because of the appearance of this ring, has become bright.

Li Xinran was excited and trembled. This was the first time she wore a diamond ring. Even when she married Qin Tian, it was not as exciting as this moment.

"Asshole!" Zhou Xiling saw that her own limelight was all snatched away by Li Xinran, pouting her lips in Deng Yuanjie's body and wrung it out of her heart's jealousy.

Deng Yuanjie doesn't dare to speak up now. It's not him who can afford to buy more than two million diamond rings.

"Excuse me, sir and madam. Will this ring make me palm?"

A fat man in a suit came up and claimed to be the manager of the Gu's jewelry store next door. He was attracted by Zhou Xiling's sharp voice just now, and noticed it.

Immersed in love and excitement, Li Xinran was suddenly interrupted by the voice, the corner of his eyes showed some impatience, but still took off the ring and handed it over.

The store manager took out his magnifying glass and carefully looked at every detail on the diamond. Then he weighed it with the electronic scale on the counter. His face suddenly changed, "Sir, where did you buy this diamond ring? Do you have the corresponding invoice? "


"No? So it's not clear where this diamond ring came from? " The store manager sneers and presses the hidden alarm on the counter. Within ten minutes, the police will be full of water around here!

This scene naturally can not escape people's eyes, all of a sudden face color change.

"What do you mean?" Qin Tian's face became gloomy.

"What do you mean? I'm afraid you don't know the meaning of this ring yet The store manager stares at Qin Tian coldly and is always on guard. "This ring is designed by Mr. Gu Jiahong, President of Gu's jewelry, and is ready to be auctioned at this week's auction. Unexpectedly, it appears on you before the auction. Do you think it's a coincidence?"

The manager's tone was aggressive, as if he had determined that the ring was stolen by Qin Tian. He even began to imagine how much benefit he would get when the chairman knew that he had caught the thief.

At this time, Deng Yuanjie's eyes brightened, "I said, how can a coward afford to buy more than two million rings?"

Zhou Xiling is also a sigh of relief, at least for this moment, she is more noble than Li Xinran again.

"I didn't steal the ring. It was given to me by your chairman, Mr. Gu Jiahong."

Originally, Qin Tian wanted to give Li Xinran a low-key, but he didn't expect to make such a big disturbance. Finally, he had to tell the truth.

"Oh? From our chairman? " The store manager looked up and down at Qin Tian and saw that Qin Tian was selling goods all over the place. The most expensive one was not more than 200 yuan. He immediately sneered, "please tell me, what's your identity? Why did the store manager give you a diamond ring

"His identity is amazing. He is the security guard at the gate of Medical University!" Zhou Xiling is not afraid of big things. She stands with Deng Yuanjie, waiting for a good show to appear.

Qin Tian didn't get angry when he heard them say so, but nodded calmly, "yes, I'm the security guard of Medical University, and my salary is 3200 a month."

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