
For a time, Qin Tian's words burst into a pot in the jewelry store, and countless people made a startling laugh at them.

"A small security guard is holding more than two million diamond rings to show off. It's not that there are bubbles in his head..."

"this kind of person is stupid."

"Hahaha, it's not in vain to come here today, but I actually saw a good play..."

Deng Yuanjie and Zhou Xiling are all laughing, and they are not satisfied.

"If you don't believe it, you can call and ask your chairman." Qin Tian is still calm.

However, his words once again aroused the laughter of the people around him.

"Ask? I asked a fart! Leave a message and ask the police. "

Said, the store manager pointed to the gate, two police cars have been stopped, four police officers in police uniform have rushed in.

"Who called the police?" A female police officer bravely rushed over, standing in front of the store manager to ask.

"I, I, I, I called the police, someone stole the diamond ring!" Fat store manager pointed to Qin Tian, "that's him!"

Qin Tian sighed helplessly. He didn't expect to give his wife a ring. He even caused so much trouble.

It is the so-called toad. Toad crawling on the feet, not biting people, it is disgusting, Qin Tian encountered these toads.

"Do you have anything to say?"

The female police officer looks at Qin Tian with a serious look.

"That..." for a while, Qin Tian couldn't think of any excuse, so he said to the female police officer, "well, I'm very familiar with your director. This ring is really not stolen by me. Do you think I can call your director to talk about it? He can prove that I'm not lying. "

As soon as Qin Tian's words were uttered, people around him laughed for the third time.

"This guy is so funny. If you don't go to the theater, you'll be buried."

"That is, millions of diamond rings are given to people at will, and now they say that they know the director..."

"brother, do you know the book? Books and records may be better than bureau directors! "

Qin Tian looked at the last speaker and nodded seriously, "I really know books. Remember."

All of a sudden, the laughter was even greater.

Qin Tian is really speechless, why tell the truth, always no one believe it? Qin Tian looked at the female police officer again and said seriously, "I really know your director."

The policewoman looks at Qin Tian, the corner of the mouth hangs a trace of ponderous smile, "really know?"

"Yes! Well, last time I went to his house, he and his wife said that they would introduce their daughter to me. If I didn't have a wife, I might have agreed. "

As soon as Qin Tian saw the female police officer smiling, he quickly climbed along the pole. However, he forgot one thing: Li Xinran was beside him. Listening to Qin Tian's words, he immediately turned cold. His two fingers twisted the soft meat around Qin Tian's waist and twisted it fiercely...

"Oh? They're going to introduce your daughter to you? " The female police officer said, behind several male police officers with a smile.

"So... Do you know who I am?" The policewoman pointed to her nose and asked Qin Tian with a smile.

"You? I didn't know that you were... Ouch, holding the grass... "

before Qin Tian's words were finished, the policewoman was a knee bump, and she pushed hard against Qin Tian's heart nest, so that Qin Tian almost didn't come up at one breath!

"I am the director's daughter, Ding Hanxue! You see, do I deserve you? "

With that, Ding Hanxue pulls Qin Tian's collar and hits his knee again!

"Well, that's enough for you."

Qin Tian a low roar, left hand into a palm, suddenly a pat, just blocked her knee, tightly grasp.

"Yes?" Ding Hanxue is stunned. He didn't expect that the thief had some skills.

"Then try this again!"

Said, Ding Hanxue body 360 degrees turn, big long leg swung round, toward Qin Tian's head kicked over!

"Hold the grass, what a cruel little girl!"

If ordinary people are kicked by this kick, they will definitely faint!

However, Qin Tian is a little smile, raised the right hand gently brush, seemingly inadvertently a grip, but dissolved all Ding Hanxue's strength, and her ankle in the hand!

"You Ding Hanxue did not take it out for two times. She became angry, "let me go!"

"No! After that, you kick me again Qin Tian said in a hurry, "this ring is really given to me by Gu Jiahong..."

"I don't care if you give it to me, let it go!"

"No Qin Tian's tone is firm.

In fact, Qin Tian's not letting go is also a little indecent. Trivial - Ding Hanxue's skin is really good, even if it is ankle, people can't help but want to touch it twice.

Thinking of this, Qin Tian couldn't help rubbing his fingers on it for two times.

For a moment, Ding Hanxue blushed. This bastard was carrying his wife to touch his ankle bone!"Qin Tian, you'd better let go. Let's explain what's wrong."

Li Xinran scared, see Qin day dare to start with the police, quickly go up to persuade.

At this time, Qin Tian's mobile phone rang, took out a look, it was Gu Yiming calling.

"Hey, here comes the man who can testify to me!"

With that, Qin Tiansong opened Ding Hanxue's ankle and picked up the phone.

"God, where is it? Your car has been repaired. I'll bring it to you. " Gu Yiming said triumphantly at the other end of the phone. It's more than repaired. Now the cost of refitting qintian's Huiteng has caught up with a ten million class sedan.

"Nothing. I'm in the bag shop next to your shop. You can send it to me directly. It happens to be something."


Gu Yiming asked which branch it was, and drove straight to it.

Time is not enough, Gu Yiming comes in from outside.

"Oh, big brother, here you are When the store manager sees Gu Yiming coming in, he immediately licks it like a pug.

"Why are you so busy?" Gu Yiming is very unhappy. Gu's jewelry is a business place. The police are in front of the door. The customers are looking at the scene from three floors outside. What is it like!?

After listening to Gu Yiming's reprimand, the store manager was not sad. On the contrary, he said: "brother, I caught a thief and was detained in our store. Please come and deal with it!"

"What thief?" Gu Yiming is stunned for a moment.

"I, I, I, I am the thief." Qin Tian saw Gu Yiming coming, and quickly raised his hand high.

"God, why are you here?" Gu Yiming quickly came over. When he saw Li Xinran, his eyes lit up. Unexpectedly, Qin Tian's wife was so beautiful that he called his sister-in-law.

Li Xinran listened to Gu Yiming's description, blushed and bowed his head.

"Big brother, do you know the thief?" The store manager was shocked, and then his face became very ugly.

Deng Yuanjie and Zhou Xiling stood in the same place a little frightened. Did Qin Tian know the little owner of Gu's jewelry?

"Who? He is the thief you are talking about Gu Yiming widened his eyes and looked at Qin Tian in disbelief. "Brother Tian, our own shop, what do you want to tell my brother directly? Why did you steal it?"

Qin Tian smashed it twice. "You'd better ask the manager. I said that uncle Gu gave me the diamond ring. If he didn't believe it, he had to call the police and arrest me."

"What's wrong with your brain?" Gu Yiming heard it, and immediately kicked in the store manager's fat stomach, "even my brother dare to offend, you'd better hurry up and pack up and go home to farm!"

The fat store manager was kicked by Gu Yiming for several meters. But when Gu Yiming wanted to let him go, he didn't care about the pain. He quickly got up and hugged Gu Yiming's thigh. "Big brother, don't fire me. I have an 80 year old mother and a three-year-old child under me..."

"roll away, I don't need you as a cheap looking employee!"

Gu Yiming is very angry. It's too late to flatter Qin Tian. You'd better go straight to the bottom of the basket! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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