Li Xinran pulled Qin Tian twice and shook his head.

Qin Tian also sighed, heart said a soft hearted daughter-in-law, and then said: "Yiming, forget it, it's not a big deal, there's no need to do so great."

Gu Yiming kicked off the fat store manager who was crying with his thigh, "since brother Tian opened his mouth, how can I not do it?"

"By the way, are these two?" Gu Yiming takes a look at Deng Yuanjie and Zhou Xiling. They seem to be with Qin Tian.

Deng Yuanjie's nervous palms are sweat, for fear that Qin Tian will take this opportunity to ridicule himself.

"Oh, I forgot to introduce you. This is Xinran's best friend Zhou Xiling, and this is her fiance Deng Yuanjie, who came here to buy bags." Qin Tian introduced it with a smile.

"Oh? My sister-in-law's friend? " Gu Yiming's eyes brightened as soon as he heard it. His chance to curry favor with Qin Tian didn't expect to come so soon. "Since I'm a friend of my sister-in-law, I have to take good care of it. The owner of this shop is also my friend. No matter what bag you like, mention my name and give a 50% discount directly!"

Deng Yuanjie was very happy in his heart. With this sentence, he saved tens of thousands of yuan!

For a moment, Deng Yuanjie thanks Gu Yiming like a kowtow machine. There are many people around. If there is no one, don't say thank you, kowtow will do.

"Should be, should be, is mixed up with Tian Ge." Gu Yiming laughs.

Deng Yuanjie looked at Qin Tian awkwardly, hesitated for a long time, and finally said thank you very hard.

Zhou Xiling's face was burning. When she thought of her performance just now, she felt embarrassed.

After finishing the work, Qin Tian and Li Xinran got on the car. When they opened the door of Huiteng, everyone in the jewelry store was sluggish. It turned out that the so-called little security guard was just pretending to be a pig eating a tiger, but someone else could afford to drive millions of cars. Would he be a thief?

Deng Yuanjie and Zhou Xiling were even more surprised.

The only one who watched Qin Tian leave was not surprised. I'm afraid that only female police officer Ding Hanxue would be there!

At the moment, Ding Hanxue's eyes are burning, this damned bastard, touched himself and then turned away?

Don't fall into my hands, otherwise, I will ask you to look good sooner or later!

On the way back, Li Xinran looked at the ring in her hand and always felt that it was unrealistic.

"How did you get to know each other?"

Li Xinran asked curiously, Qin Tian didn't want to hide from her. In addition to seeing Feng Shui, he told Li Xinran all about the treatment.

"I didn't expect that you could really cure the disease!" Li Xinran always thought that Qin Tian had cheated him several times before, but if it was false, once or twice might be OK. How many times has Qin Tian treated complicated diseases? Can we say that he was fooled!?

"Do you have a little worship for me?" Qin Tian winked at Li Xinran, looking forward to Li Xinran's praise.

"Worship... Not really." Li Xinran thought for a moment and said.

Listen to Li Xinran said so, Qin Tian's macho immediately put down, in front of his wife installed a B how so difficult!?

"However, I have a little problem. I want to ask doctor Qin for advice in the evening. I don't know if he is willing to direct himself or not..." Li Xinran pulled up his skirt and showed his white thigh. "My... Is over

Qin Tian listen, suddenly a Leng, in a flash, music can not be spent!

I've been enduring it for a week, and I'm finally out of it!

Thinking about it, Qin Tian felt a hot air coming out of his nose. He stepped on the accelerator and rushed back home. This evening, the gods blocked the gods and the Buddhas killed the Buddhas. No one wanted to stop Laozi from breaking C!

Back home, Li Xinran excited but also some shy into the bathroom, Qin Tian is to take out the silver needle in the last time, and then give himself a few stitches, hoping that the wind will be strong!

When Qin Tian was immersed in boundless fantasy, a woman in white nurse uniform came out of the bathroom!

"Dr. Qin, do you think... Can I be your assistant?"

Seeing this scene, Qin Tian can't stand it any longer, rushes to Li Xinran and presses her on the bed.

"Doctor Qin, you are good or bad..." Li Xinran cried, and soon closed his eyes and waited for the doctor's punishment...

he had no sleep all night. Li Xinran finally fell asleep after several Crusades, but Qin Tian could not close his eyes because of excitement. For more than 20 years, he has never experienced such a powerful ability!

Looking at the beautiful woman who is satisfied and sleepy, Qin Tian can't help but feel angry and proud.

Early the next morning, Qin Tian asked for leave for Li Xinran, because Li Xinran was overworked and couldn't get out of bed because of his weak legs.

In order to better take care of Li Xinran, Qin Tian once again quit work and went to the vegetable market with a basket.

"Get her, she's a human trafficker!"

When Qin Tian is chatting with the vegetable lady, a sudden scream at the side of the market attracts Qin Tian's attention. A woman in her twenties is holding a two-year-old child and rushing forward!"Hold the grass, in broad daylight, there is no royal law?" Qin Tian dropped the dish in his hand and got up immediately!

In an instant, Qin Tian's speed has been raised to a fantastic level!

If it wasn't for the large number of people in the vegetable market, it would be easy to take part in the National Games and win a sprint champion with this speed!

In the blink of an eye, a few hundred meters ran past, and the woman was stuffing her child into a van.

"Stop!" Qin Tian roars and pours forward!

The woman was not vague. She stepped on her legs and rushed into the car. Before the sliding door of the van was closed, she rushed out with one foot of gas.

No matter how powerful Qin Tian is, he has two legs. He can't run through a car.

In a few seconds, Qin Tian was thrown out of half the street by a van.

Seeing that the van was about to disappear in his sight, Qin Tian was in a hurry and pulled the bike by the side. His fingers made a force, and a green energy ran on it. He broke the lock with a click and jumped up!

So, on the road appeared such a spectacle!

A yellow bicycle was galloping in the fast lane, more than a dozen cars in a row. Some drivers felt that they were overtaken by bicycles, they could not avoid looking at the code watch. At a glance, their eyes almost glared out.

Sixty yards!

This guy actually rode the little yellow cart out of the speed of 60 yards!

The people in the van thought they had lost Qin Tian and hummed a tune to slow down their speed. But before they could put on a few breaths, the driver looked at the rearview mirror and almost cried out. The distance between Qin Tian and them was only ten meters!

Is this a man The driver of the van was so scared that he stepped on the accelerator.

Qin Tian lies on the handlebar of his bicycle, his legs filled with green energy, and finally at a corner, the van has to slow down!

Here comes the chance!

Qin Tian roared and pedaled the car as if it were flying, and the wheel bearings turned red. At the moment of collapse, Qin Tian's whole person flew up, like a big bird to the van!


With a dull sound, Qin Tian's body can be hung on the edge of the van. With the help of Lingli, his ten fingers buckle into the iron sheet of the van and seize it!

The minibus rushed forward and dragged Qin Tian to the ground. At this time, the police patrolling on the road found something abnormal and called the siren to catch up with him!

Seeing that the police also participated in the pursuit, the people in the van became more crazy and began to take the snake like route. On the one hand, they wanted to get rid of Qin Tian and on the other hand, they wanted to block the road of the police car.

"Wuling minivan, please stop for inspection immediately!" The police order came from the loudspeaker, but the van still went its own way, but their doom was about to come, because Qin Tian had already smashed the back window of the van, turned over and jumped in! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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