The sudden sound of broken glass scared the car a scream, Qin Tian a look, immediately angry!

Five or six two or three-year-old children were packed in a small van!

For a time, news about abduction and trafficking of children swarmed into Qin Tian's head! What Qin Tian thought of for the first time was the end that these children were about to face!

This group of heartless bastards, actually to these children who are not familiar with the world!

"Damn you!" Qin Tian flushed his eyes and slapped her in the face of the woman who was robbing the child. She screamed and fell on the chair.

The commotion from the back attracted the attention of the people in front of him. The man on the co driver's seat jumped over the seat and hit Qin Tian with his big fist mercilessly.

Looking at the more and more close fist, Qin Tian's face is as heavy as water, slightly leaning his head to avoid it, he reaches out and presses the man's throat. Only a moment later, the powerful force pinches him. He can't breathe, and his big face turns red. It's hard to exert a trace of strength on his body!

"Grass! I'll kill you The driver yelled, hit the steering wheel, huge inertia let Qin Tian hit the side door of the car.

And the man in his hand, but a head hit the glass, the body flew out of the car!

The sudden change of direction made the cars behind them not react well. A heavy truck sped by and ran into the man who flew out without hesitation. He was immediately hit by seven orifices and bleeding. He could not die any more!

"Ah The woman who just lay on the chair and pretended to be dead saw this scene, and her face turned pale in an instant!

In the middle of the car, Qin Ran's hand would roll over!

At the speed of 60 yards, the van with poor balance rolled out at least ten meters. Qin Tian tightly protected the children in the car and did not dare to have a trace of carelessness!

The crowd on the side of the road didn't know what had happened. They only saw a van rolling and flying out after hitting the steering wheel, which immediately caused a commotion!

In a few seconds, the road was calm again, only the van lying on the side of the road still attracted people's attention!

The driver of the van climbed out of the window and sat on the side of the road.

In an instant, after so many fantastic things, the driver of the minibus was stupid. A bad smell came from his pants, leaving a large pool of water stains on the ground.

However, before he had time to celebrate, Qin Tian kicked open the door and took the children out. He dragged the woman who robbed the child down like a dead dog and threw it at the driver.

"You brutes Qin Tian scolded and beat at the same time, punching and kicking the van driver and the woman.

"How to hit people? You can't beat people like this when you are in a car accident. "At this time, an unknown old man on the road said with a frown. Obviously, he didn't like Qin Tian's hitting people.

"You don't know, old man. These two men are human traffickers. The young man chased after him for several blocks." Next to a has been riding a motorcycle with Qin Tian, want to help handle the young man pointed to two beaten people, gnashing teeth said.

"Oh? It's time to fight! Kill these goddamn bastards The old man scolded, immediately aroused people's common indignation, have launched a verbal attack on the two traffickers!

Time is not long, the police car also followed up, two patrol traffic police will Qin Tian opened, two celebrity dealers back cut hands on the ground.

Even frightened with beating, the van driver had already foamed at the mouth, and even the woman was beaten by Qin Tian. She was hurt all over, blue and purple, and had no ability to resist.

At this time, a purple Ferrari F12 was parked in front of Qin Tian. A woman in her twenties came out of the car with her car door open and her high-heeled shoes didn't know where she had gone. Her hair was dishevelled and she was in a mess.

"Mom..." the child called this woman with a tearful voice, and then he giggled happily again.

The woman finally determined that the child was ok, and her nervous tension quickly relaxed. Regardless of the situation and image, she sat on the ground with her baby in her arms!

"Mom, that uncle just flew into the car." When a child points to Qin Tian, his clear eyes are full of worship.

The woman looked up at Qin Tian, her eyes were full of disbelief. Unexpectedly, it was this jerk?

It is the woman who has had cause and effect with Qin Tian several times. Lin Wanru, President of olan group!

Qin Tian looked at her in a daze. Did she have a child?

However, Qin Tian soon calmed down and looked at Lin Wanru's slow opening: "children are very good and brave."

Qin Tian touched the child's head and looked at Lin Wanru's eyes, which were incomparably clear and resolute.

At this time, Lin Wanru came back to her mind and thought that Qin Tian was a great benefactor for saving her child. She quickly opened her mouth and said, "thank you very much."With that, Lin Wanru wanted to stand up, but her nerves suddenly relaxed. What strength did she have? Two straight big. Legs even paralyzed can not stand up.

Bo Shi Fendai's face slipped a little shy, several times met, he was high spirited, high above, scolded Qin Tian as an asshole, but this time, he was so weak in front of him.

Qin Tian looks at her, several strands of scattered hair is sticky to the face by sweat, at the moment, the eyes are full of weakness and helplessness, has already lost the posture of the strong woman before.

Without speaking, Qin Tian takes the child over, and then reaches out to help Lin Wan Ru up.

"This man is so manly."

"It's not manly to chase a car on a bicycle."

"It should be athletes. Ordinary people don't have such good motor nerves."

"It should be the father of the child. If his child is lost, he must play hard to chase him. If you change you, you can stimulate your potential."

The onlookers looked at me and said a word. They said Qin Tian and Lin Wanru into a pair. It's no wonder that they are of the same age and outstanding temperament. Qin Tian is holding a child at the moment. It looks like a family.

Lin Wanru's face flushed for a moment, but she looked good and could not see anything.

"Thank you." Lin Wanru thanks again. Finally, she can't stand the public opinion. She wants to take the child over.

But the child seemed to recognize Qin Tian and wanted him to hold him, ignoring Lin Wanru at all.

Qin Tian didn't mind. He continued to hold the child with a smile, but the child was old enough to understand adults' speech. He looked at Qin Tian with hope and asked, "are you really my father?"

Qin Tian was stunned by the child, "eh? Haven't you met dad

"Yes." The child nodded his head seriously, "mom said, dad is a hero. In order to protect the country, he went far and far away, and my biological mother also went with him..."

Qin Tian was stunned.

This child is actually adopted by Lin Wanru!?

And listen to the meaning of the child's words, his own parents, are the heroes of defending the country!

For a time, Qin Tian was in awe, and at the same time, he was still lamenting. Fortunately, he had this special ability, otherwise, he was really ashamed of his motherland.

"You are great." Qin Tian looks at Lin Wanru and praises him sincerely.

At this time, Qin Tian seemed to think of something, rushed to the front of the van and pulled the back door.

It doesn't matter if the door is opened. The crowd on the scene is boiling!

There are actually several children in it, and the most strange thing is that if there is a violent vibration, they are still in a coma!

In a flash, all the people were angry, which was clearly fed a lot of sleeping pills ah! These crazy traffickers are so unscrupulous in order to obtain money. They are really shot for a hundred times without relieving their hatred!

For a while, an old man over 60 rushed up and kicked the peddler's chest. While kicking, he also scolded, "my grandson was abducted by people like you. You are heartless!"

Driven by him, the indignant crowd rushed up and beat the scum of a man and a woman. Even if the police stopped him, they still couldn't escape the wound.

It was not long before a large number of police arrived to stabilize the situation, evacuate the traffic and deal with the accident. After all the work, it was discovered that the two traffickers had already exhausted more gas and had less air intake. They had to get on the ambulance before they could take them to the police station. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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