Seeing this situation, both sides are in a fierce battle. If they are slightly careless, Liu Bureau and Yang Xiang Chang look at each other.

The faces of the deputy directors were very ugly. The people from Jingye financial group came to them but gave them a lot of benefits. If they were to make a noise today, what would they do with the oil and water?

"I said, can big guys sit down and talk well? Qin always? You asked your people to withdraw, in the end, for the sake of Baiyuan county. We don't want our place to be poor all the time, right

Qin Tian looked up at the people who spoke, a famous brand, a deputy director, with a monthly salary of thousands, but brought up the watch of jiangshidandon. The watch started hundreds of thousands. It seems that it is unreasonable for Bai Yuan county to be poor.

"We are investors too. Why don't you let them pull out? This is the tomb of the heroes of the Anti Japanese war. Whoever dare to move me will blow his head! "

Qin Tian is not allowed to let go, deputy director rose red face down, and said: "counter! It's a bit of a stink, right? You can't believe it or not you can't get out of Baiyuan County today! "

Qin Tian sneered at his face and asked, "do you believe I will let you go off the post today?"

He said that he would show at a glance, the latter of course knew his origin, and quickly scolded: "Qin always recommended it in the city, you want to speak well, if you are fired, I can not protect you!"


Although they do not deal with it, but mentioned in the city, several deputy directors still dare not offend.

The people of Jingye consortium see that they can't take advantage of it today, but they don't want to lose face just like this.

Taro jingyeo is still arrogant.

"We are from the island. Do you want to know that the relationship between China and the island countries is now easing. Dare you to destroy bilateral relations, and can the consequences be borne? Or can you afford it? "

He looked at the villagers with hoes around him, and a sharp burst out of his eyes.

The villa people don't understand these, but the big hat is buttoned down, and they dare not move, and gradually retreat.

Yang has never spoken, but his eyes are fixed on the man around Mr. jingnomo. Although he is short and white, he will never forget the dark in his eyes.

Both sides do not give up, jingyelang out of the cell phone, in Qin Tian face crazy.

"It's me, Jingye consortium. Today we have a problem in Hutou post. A group of people have blocked our investment. Yes, OK."

On the phone, Mr. jingnomo was very proud.

"You wait, dare to destroy the island countries to invest in China, I think how you end!"

"Is it? So I moved the soldiers. Do you think we are a cultural or a martial

Qin Tian also took out his hand and shook it, threatening: "believe it or not, your rescue has not come, I will let you lie down!"

After that, he hit the stone stool around him with a sharp blow, and immediately turned into a beach of powder. The crowd was shocked, and the face of Mr. jingyelang was blue, and did not expect that the fighting power of an investment businessman was so strong.

"I repeat that the investment here is up to me, you can go back and give you half an hour. If it's not realistic, I don't mind sending you a ride."

Qin Tian paused, and looked at the three class disability with his hands in his pocket. "By the way, there is an old saying in China called strong dragon not pressing the ground snake. You can weigh it yourself and can you get out of here."

Qin Tian is not afraid to offend people in front of everyone. Since he wants to do it thoroughly, he has some people who have money and can play in Songshan city. Why fear a Baiyuan county?

Unexpectedly, the voice of jingyelang eased down, waved his hand to let his men back, Qin Tian laughed, and hit a ring to the monkey and they also stepped back.

Liu Bureau asked villagers to put down all the guys and took the advantage of the situation and said, "that's good. What can we all sit down and say, Yang Xiang Chang!"

Yang Xiang Long soon responded, "well, then we go to the village reception, where the land is big!"

Lu Wan of Qin Dynasty made a look. Luwan was willing to stay with zhaodonghui, followed the old man to guard, and the rest followed Qin Tian to the village reception.

Both sides settled down. Mr. jingyelang had planned to spend a sum of money on the village. As for the development of tourism projects, it was not his business, but now, Qin Tian has come out and the whole plan has been disrupted.

Liu Bureau presided over, saw both sides sit down, so Qingqing voice said: "I Baiyuan county can attract two people to come to invest is really honored..."

"Don't say it. How much do you drive we will be with you."

Jingyelang is impatient. He is uncomfortable to see his grandfather's bones knelt to a Chinese. Today, he must take his grandfather back.

Qin Tian hands a stall, "since you have no sincerity that even, anyway we have time, can afford, money does not matter, we have money!"

Qin Tian calculated that they wanted to delay time. Now that is, look at the people behind him. He is brave to support the islanders or the descendants of war criminals.

Jingyelang heard the words in the eyes of a bit of cold, no longer speak.But the old man on one side spoke.

"In fact, we don't need to be like this. You Chinese also have an old saying called Ye luoguigen. Inoue has been dead for so many years. Even if atonement is enough?"

Qin Tian raised a finger and shook it. "We don't talk about this now. We're talking about investment. I'm going to have to invest in Baiyuan county. You're just here for a corpse. What do you think, Liu Ju?"

Qin Tian's words hit the nail on the head. To tell the truth, Liu Ju has seen it for such a long time and knows that Qin genius is the most suitable person.

He hesitated for a moment and was about to speak when his cell phone rang.

"Excuse me, take a call."

Liu bureau took out his mobile phone, and soon his face darkened.

"Yes, I was in the village Hostel, but I, yes, ok..."

Qin Tian looked at his face very ugly, quietly took out his mobile phone to Zheng Dakang sent a message.

Put away the mobile phone, Liu's situation shows difficult color, Inoue taro is also in the side complacent.

"Director Liu, you are not the only one investing in China by minefield group. If you do not agree today, I will withdraw all investment in China."

The threat of Inoue taro let the sweat on Liu Bureau's forehead roll down.

Qin Tian sniffed: "all investment? Do you know the policy of China? Now we have to go through strict selection to attract investment. War criminals like you are not allowed to participate in large-scale investment. How many projects do you have to choose? "

Qin Tian mercilessly exposed him, but also did not forget to remind Liu Ju.

"Liu Ju, wait a minute. The leader will give you instructions."

Liu bureau is convinced, because the city leader personally said hello to come over, Qin Tian He is the upper people, so the Liu bureau is naturally biased towards him. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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