"Don't wait. I can make the decision now."

As soon as the Liu Bureau patted the table, he would announce that the deputy directors next to him had quit.

"Director Liu, don't forget that if the four of us don't agree, you can't make a decision!"

"This matter does not need your consent. We will solve the problem of Baiyuan County by ourselves. As for investment, I also believe that the people recommended by municipal leaders will not be wrong."

Recommended by municipal leaders? Several deputy directors looked at each other, looking at Qin Tian's face shocked, originally just thought he had some money, did not expect that there were people in the people's head.

But it's OK. They are all Chinese. They have no pressure to communicate. They also understand some rules.

"In this case, it's up to the director."

Qin Tian knew what they were thinking by looking at their eyes.

A bunch of mobs!

Liu Bureau was calm, was about to announce, suddenly there was a riot at the door, followed by Mr. Yang to break in!

"Damn it, you take your life!"

Mr. Yang rushed in with a machete in his hand and went straight to the people around him.


"Grandfather Yang!"

Yang Bing and Qin Tian rush out at the same time and intercept the old man.

"What are you doing, grandfather? Put it down, we're talking about it

Yang Bing hugs his grandfather desperately. Qin Tian takes a look at Inoue taro. He is scared, but the old man beside him is calm.

"Son of a bitch, let go of me, I will fight with him!"

Old man Yang was about to crack, and he had to fight hard.

Qin Tian quickly hugged the old man, but the other side contemptuously said, "I can't help myself!"

"Bah! Yoshida, I know you. Today I will kill you to avenge commander Kong! "

Mr. Yang's words and then Qin Tian was stunned, and Yang Bing was stunned.

"What are you talking about, grandfather? Yoshida? "

Master Yang gasped for a moment and nodded. A machete pointed at the old man and said, "that's him. He took those dog days to attack Baiyuan county. His name was jitianying. He was also a great assistant. He bought the traitor and let commander Kong die! God has eyes, and I can see you. Today, the old man is willing to give up his life and let you pay for the commander's life! "

Mr. Yang's voice just fell, and the old man beside him nodded and admitted.

"It's really me. Your eyesight is very good, but it's against the law if you want to kill me in this peaceful age."

"Bah! You son of a bitch, you're a turtle with a shrinking head. If you kill me, I'm willing to go to prison! "

Although old man Yang is old, his blood still exists. Qin Tian takes a look at his face. The old man is a kind of crop handle. His body is strong and full of vigor. The machete weighs about 10 jin. It takes no effort to swing it.

Look at Yoshida Ying, the maintenance is very good, but the living conditions are too good, although the exercise is not as good as the old man, so Qin Tian let go, indicating that Yang Bing also let go.

Yoshida Ying came to the front and said in a deep voice, "OK, but I have a condition. If I win, we will take away the bones and you will withdraw from the investment."

"No way!"

In response, Yoshida looked pale, and Inoue taro jumped up and threatened him: "impossible? I don't believe it. You dare to disobey the above order! Director Liu, what is your choice? "

Inoue taro forced Liu Ju to make a choice. Qin Tian didn't want Liu to be embarrassed. He sneered, "I said you can't win, so that condition can't be established."

"Young man, don't talk big. You will know the result after a comparison."

Yoshida Ying's words made Qin Tian laugh, "well, let's make a bet. I bet granddad Yang wins. He wins. You kneel in front of commander Kong's tomb, kowtow to repent, withdraw investment, and get out of here."

"Well, if we win, I'll take his life!"

Inoue taro pointed to the old man and drank.

"Fuck your ancestors!"

Yang Bing was angry and hit him with his fist, which made half of Inoue's face swell up.

No one expected that Yang Bing would start suddenly. Inoue Taro's bodyguard rushed up immediately. Qin Tiantian stepped forward to protect Yang's grandfather behind him. The monkeys rushed up without saying a word. The two sides fought in a scuffle, and the small guest house was quickly demolished by them.

Qin Tian protects the old man and retreats to the outside, Liu Bureau they are scared not to know what to do.

"Mr. Qin, this is not possible. Let them stop

Liu Bureau pleaded with him, Qin Tian shrugged, "I can't help it. They are my people, yes, but they are also Yang Bing's brothers. Can you bear to be said of my grandfather? We can't bear it anyway. "

"Good boy, it's right to fight. It's hard to achieve great things because we're afraid of our heads and tails."

Old man Yang snorted coldly. Liu bureau had a bitter word. They fought happily. When they left, they would be miserable!

But soon the battle was over, and there was a lot of weeping in it. The monkeys were also decorated, but it was much better than those who were lying down."God, it's all cleaned up!"

Except Yoshida, the rest of them are lying down!

Qin Tian nods and strides over the debris of the ground to Inoue taro.

"Baga! You... "

Inoue taro covered his mouth and couldn't say it. His front teeth fell off and his whole face was swollen like a pig's head.

"Well, are we good at fighting?"

"Yoshida, do you? If we compare, we'll start. In fact, you don't have to compare. Just kowtow! "

Qin Tian's words let Yoshida Ying face dark, he went to pull up Inoue taro, a deep voice: "than! But you have to remember that imperial soldiers will not lose! "


Qin Tian snorted coldly. If it was him, he would have seen the king of hell now. But there are some things that he can't control. For example, master Yang, he must let him out of this tone.

The hostel has been abandoned. The place for the competition is the threshing ground at the east end of the village. Now it's not busy farming. The place is empty?

Inoue taro and a group of cheeky bodyguards followed. Yoshida took a look at the machete in Mr. Yang's hand and asked people to take out a Japanese samurai knife from his car.

Liu ran to one side to answer the phone.

"Yoshida Ying, say it first. If you die, you can't embarrass them!"

"I will not die."

Yoshida Ying is a calm face, draw out a samurai sword to fight.

The villagers spontaneously came here to watch the war. Qin Tian asked the monkey to look at Inoue taro. The boy was the worst.

He was staring at the old man himself, and if there was any accident, he would be the first to rush up.

Everything is ready. Two old men, nearly 200 years old, stand in the middle of the threshing ground. Mr. Yang's eyes are full of resentment.


The old man roared and rushed in. The machete seemed to split the man in two.

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