
All the clear and crisp sounds, two knives touch together, both sides are Hukou a hemp, soon separated to continue to fight.

Qin Tian kept his eyes fixed. He didn't expect that the old man was so old, but his skill was flexible. He never lost the young man in one move.

Yang Bing is very nervous, looking at his grandfather and Yoshida Ying confrontation, very worried.

"God, do you think my grandfather can win?"

Yang Bing asked in a low voice. Qin Tian didn't speak. The monkey heard him, "you take that word out! Sure to win

"The monkey is right. Grandfather Yang will win."

Qin Tian added that Yang Bing was relieved, but still asked, "how can you be so sure? It's not to comfort me, is it

"Silly boy, it's a matter of human life. I don't want to joke with you. Look, grandfather Yang's face is ruddy and full of vigor, and his footwall is firm. He must have practiced a lot at ordinary times. When enemies meet, he is extremely envious. Grandfather Yang represents the justice side, and his essence and spirit have the upper hand. How can he be invincible?"

Qin Tian can see clearly that the old man will win this battle!

Yang Bing felt relieved. Seeing that the old man was more and more brave in the war, he looked at Yoshida Ying. He had been pampering himself for a long time, and had no chance to practice. Even if he did exercise, he could not have practiced like the old man's machete. Without hitting Yoshida Ying's household registration, he was shocked and half of his arms lost strength.

"Dog day's death!"

Mr. Yang yelled and swayed, and the machete went up and down, tearing and pulling. His clothes were torn and bloody.

Yoshida Ying turned a circle to cover his wound. Before he could Dodge, master Yang's second knife was in front of him. He hurriedly raised his knife to block it, when he said it! The samurai sword broke into two pieces. The old man chased after him while he won. The machete was on Yoshida Ying's body. The sound of the blade cutting into the flesh made everyone stunned, especially the people of the minefield consortium. They were all stunned when they saw this scene.


Mr. Yang pulled out his machete and saw Yoshida's stomach gushing with blood. His body trembled and then fell to the ground.

"Uncle Yoshida!"

Inoue taro rushed to see this scene, completely shocked, Yoshida stretched out his hand, as if to say something, but did not make any sound on the gas.

Liu Bureau in the side silly eye, finished! It's killing people!

"Baga, you are all sinners!"

Mr. Yang walked past is a foot, kick the Inoue taro a stagger.

"Stinky bastard, don't kowtow and repent in front of commander Kong's tomb!"

"No way! Baga, you treat me like this. When my people come, you will be good-looking! "

Qin Tian waves his hand, and the monkey walks over to pick him up and send him to commander Kong's grave.

"Kowtow, kowtow of dog day! Granddad Yang is mighty

The villagers, led by the monkeys, ran past one after another, and the people surrounding the minefield consortium did not let them escape.

Liu Ju and his party were completely confused.

"Mr. Qin, you are making a fool of yourself. How can I explain to the higher authorities when this man is dead?"

"What are you afraid of? He is willing to die. None of us forced him to die. Don't you all hear that?"

Qin Tian's face is understatement, and Liu's face has become a pig's liver color.

"That's not the case. Mr. Qin, you see, things have gone like this. They should be damned. However, the people of the minefield consortium will not give up. It doesn't matter if Baiyuan County doesn't invest in the future. The old man can't do anything!"

Yang Xiangchang's words remind Qin Tian that if they are not cleaned up properly today, it will be difficult to protect Inoue taro from coming back for revenge in the future.

"Don't worry. I'll take care of it."

"You'll take care of it? When the police come, you will know the consequences. If you destroy the relations between the two countries, you will suffer! "

The deputy director was gloating. Qin Tian didn't say anything. He just slapped him in the face and knocked out one of his teeth!

"When did you become a Japanese licking dog? I said that I will deal with it, but after I finish, you will be finished. "

Qin Tian is not alarmist. He can definitely do it. The deputy directors are skeptical. When there is a scream in front of him, they respond to the light and go quickly.

Inoue taro didn't want to kneel down, so the monkeys began to beat them violently. As a result, the boy was really hard in legs, not only did he not kneel, but also did not forgive people.

"You are all a group of Chinese pigs. Sooner or later, we will take over."

Qin Tian just heard it when he passed by. He was furious. When he walked past, he hit his knee bone. He heard a click, and Inoue taro screamed and knelt down.

"You You... "

He was too painful to speak. Qin Tian said coldly, "kowtow, repent, or you will kneel here forever, just like him."

Taro inouno, who had a white bone, knew it. He bent down and kowtowed, crying and saying sorry.Master Yang sighed deeply, "commander Kong, you can see the spirit in heaven. The descendants of Inoue and Yoshida Ying all repent with you. Little Yangzi has no regrets in this life." A trace of movement flashed in Qin Tian's eyes. This is the blood flowing through the bones of Chinese people. No matter how many years have passed, it will not change.

All of a sudden, there was a riot in the crowd. Who knew who was calling out: "the police are coming!"

Qin Tian fixed his eyes and saw that a team of police cars had come. It seemed that there were still many people. He had seen the first license plate, which was the 001 car.

Seeing so many police cars, Inoue suddenly laughed.

"Ha ha ha, you're dead. Dare to hit me, and I'll make you look good later!"

He struggled to get up, but Qin Tian had another foot, which directly broke his legs and knee bones. This time, Inoue taro did not speak, and he fainted in pain.

Everyone in the village panicked. It's no joke.

"This matter has nothing to do with you, I'll carry it!"

"No, grandfather. You are so old that you can't accept this crime. I'll do it!"

Yang Bing and Qin Tian refused.

"I'll go with my grandfather, Yang Bing, you go back!"


Qin Tian gave him a look, and Yang Bing had to go back.

But the eyes are still staring at the front.

The police car roared to the front, and soon came to the front of the car. A small flat head in his forties, wearing gold rimmed glasses, looked elegant.

As soon as you get out of the car, gold rimmed glasses are full of officialdom.

"Who is in charge here?"

Everyone did not speak, just quietly step back, give up the position, it seems that Liu bureau stands out from the crowd.

Liu Ju secretly scolded and had to stand out.

"I'm Liu Fei, director of planning here."

The glasses man looked at him up and down, a trace of disdain flashed in his eyes.

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