Hutou post recovered calm, but Yang and Qin Tian have not come back, so they still stay here.

City, Qin day this night sleep excellent, dingjianguo did not deceive him, there are indeed people care about him, in the morning, and someone brought him breakfast.

Ding Han snow was funny to see him eat.

"Qin Tian, you slow down, and no one is going to rob you."

"You don't understand. I'm a quick decision. Someone will come to pick me up later."

Qin Tian's words surprised Ding Han Xue, "pick you up?"

Qin Tian nodded, "how many days do you think I'm going to stay here? It'll be out soon. For two hours at most, look at it! "

Ding Han snow doesn't believe it.

"You don't boast, and I haven't been informed for two hours."

Qin Tian laughed. "You wait, and I will be back to inform you soon. You know, the Jingye consortium is supporting the war. For many years, Jingye has been jumping around the island country, but he dare not come over without any obvious attention. This time, jingyelang is just a pioneer army. I came to try. Last night, I received a call from Secretary Zheng. He said that he had dealt with it all. Later in the middle of the night, that fan built up his trousers and wore trousers The underpants were taken away at home. "

Qin Tian gave him her information to surprise her, did not expect Qin Tian's source of information than she is cattle.

"Qin Tian, you can! I can't see. You have such a good relationship with Secretary Zheng. "

"It doesn't matter whether it is good or not. Secretary Zheng is in a high position. Sometimes he can't help himself. But generally speaking, he is still a man of integrity. As long as the character is good, no matter what position, even a beggar, I don't like to abandon it in Qin Tian, but if he has no personality, even the chief official of the capital, I don't want to see him!"

Qin Tian is such a person, Ding Han snow looks at the man in front of her, suddenly feels strange, she suddenly feels her eyes are very good, Qin Tian is indeed a good man.

"I'm ready to eat. You're free."

Qin Tian wiped his mouth, looking at Ding Han snow across the face, pushing the empty bowl, Ding Han snow also put down the bowl, "I also eat."

She picked up the things casually. She just wanted to find a chance to talk to Qin Tian, and the phone rang.

"Hello, Ding Ju, it is OK, I know. "

In the police station, Ding Han Xue manages her father's name is Ding Bureau. Although she is the daughter of the director, she never goes back door, and dingjianguo will not open this mouth.

Qin Tian stood by and coughed, "how?"

Ding Han snow glanced at him, "go, half immortal."

"Half immortals?"

Qin Tian suddenly responded, "if I were half immortal, I would have put up a stall to earn money. The official must have been flattering me, and I dare to put it in the small black house?"

Qin day mocks himself, Ding Han snow skims, "you have no serious, OK, go, there is a car to pick you up outside."

Qin Tian also did not delay, went out directly, the door, a black car has been waiting for many hours.

The window shook and Secretary Wang's face came out.

"Secretary Wang?"

"Get in the car and say it."

Secretary Wang told him that Qin Tian hurriedly got on the car and sat in the co pilot position. Secretary Wang drove him away personally. Qin Tian suddenly thought of something.

"Wait, Secretary Wang, Grandpa Yang hasn't come out yet."

"No hurry, he's safer in it."

Secretary Wang's words made Qin Tian smell a little uneasy.

"Secretary Wang, is it something wrong?"

Secretary Wang nodded, "well, the relationship between Jingye consortium in Beijing has put pressure on us. Although Secretary Zheng has reported it, he is not sure that they will retaliate you privately. Be careful. The influence of Jingye consortium is very strong, and they always advocate Bushido. Yoshida is their consultant. Once they die and hurt, they will not let you go."

Qin Tian frowned tightly, "don't let me go? I am not afraid, I am afraid that he will not come, Secretary Wang, don't tell me that I am the turtle with a shrinking head now? "

Secretary Wang parked the car aside, turning his head to look at Qin Tian, but said, "it's not for you to be a turtle with a shrinking head, but the two sides are in a great disparity in strength. You are hard, and then people in Baiyuan County suffer. If not, they say that fan built, and put it away in less than six hours."

"Let's go?!"

Qin Tian sneered, "Secretary Wang, please tell Secretary Zheng that I will take grandpa Yang, and I will come to Baiyuan County for investment. As for the people of Jingye financial group, I will solve it in my own way."

Qin Tian said to push the door down, Wang secretary sat in the car and watched him go back very helpless.

"Hello, Secretary Zheng, he's back. Yes, he doesn't agree, well."

Secretary Wang and Zheng Dakang drove away after telephone. Since Qin Tian insisted, he could not.

Qin Tian walked back to the police station, Ding Han was surprised to see the appearance of snow, "how did you come back?"

"Grandpa Yang is still in there. I'll pick him up."

On the way, he has called Lizheng and picked up the old man and went back.

"You'll wait. I'll ask."Ding Han snow did not receive notice that he let Grandpa Yang go, but dingjianguo was the leader and let Yang Laozi come out.

Seeing Qin Tian again, Yang Laozi sighed: "when I was young, I was a soldier fighting island people, and I couldn't imagine that I would go to the detention house when I was old."

"Grandpa Yang, you are a hero. Our colleagues in the police station admire you very much, so you don't have to worry. Good people have good news!"

Ding Han snow comforts him, Yang Laozi is happy, which is true. They took care of themselves after they came in yesterday, ate well and drank well, and they were not punished.

"Thank you. I'll invite you to dinner when it's over."

Qin Tian is sincere, Ding Han snow face is full of joy, "this is what you say, you can not pay for it!"

"Girl, he won't pay for it! Don't let him run if you look at it! "

Yang old man is playing fun way, Dinghan snow ha ha ha agreed, Qin Tian has no language, he is like a person who is paying for the account?

"My God! Little snow! "

Li Zheng's voice came, Qin Tian said back: "here!"

"I'm gone. Call."

He turned his head and said goodbye to Ding Han snow, and took Yang Laozi to get in the car and went back.

"Please, because I am the old man who let you follow in too. They are not in trouble with you, right?"

Yang Laozi saw that Li Zheng drove the car bright, there are four circles on it, should also be a rich man?

Qin Tian smiled, "Grandpa, what is this? If it is not for grandpa to do it, we can't see Grandpa's demeanor. Grandpa is a real hero!"

Qin Tian put up his thumb. He was really admired. Many heroes were guarding silently. Compared with them, those licking dogs were really unworthy to be human!

Since he came out, some people will solve some problems as soon as possible. The first one is a bad Secretary!

Fan Jiancheng just arrived home feel shiver, live ghost, how often do this big day feel cold? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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