Fan Jiancheng looked around, and there was nothing suspicious. When he was taken away this morning, he was really scared. He thought Qin Tiantian had some means to connect heaven with heaven. However, he was released as soon as the imperial capital gave an order. It seems that Qin Tian is just a small role. At least compared with himself, he can't help himself.

"Ding Dong!"

All of a sudden, fan Jiancheng's doorbell rang. The sudden sound made fan Jiancheng shiver!

Then a voice came from the door: "is anybody at home? Gas overhaul! "

With a sigh of relief, he went to open the door to let people in, but he didn't expect to face a black muzzle as soon as he opened the door

Qin Tian takes Mr. Yang back to hutougang. They get news on the way. Knowing the good news, Yang Bing immediately prepares meals at home and waits for them to get rid of the bad news.

Monkey and they drive on the half way, waiting for the two sides to meet and return to the village is already noon.

"We are back!"

When they arrived, the monkey roared and Yang Bing rushed out.

"Grandfather, God, are you all right?"

"My God, how can something happen? It's their people who are in trouble!"

"That is, who are our heavenly brothers? After we go in, we are still big men!"

Lu Wan and his friends took turns to fight rainbow farts. Qin Tian couldn't help crying and laughing. "In fact, grandfather Yang is a real force. When they went in, they heard that he was an old hero of the Anti Japanese War, and they immediately gave him the highest treatment. He was served by a special person in a single room

Yang Bing's mouth is wide open. Of course, he is similar to Qin Tian, but it is more likely that Qin Tian got through with the relationship. Otherwise, how could those people be so gentle.

"Thanks to Qin Tian, I really didn't suffer from this old bone!"

Mr. Yang's words made Yang Bing crimson. He was about to open his mouth when Qin Tian pulled him.

"Don't say anything, my brother. There's no need to thank you. OK, I'm hungry when I go in for dinner."

Yang Bing wiped his eyes and nodded heavily, "OK, eat!"

Several brothers hold the old man and go in with Qin Tian.

After three cups of wine, Qin Tian touched his mouth and asked, "in the afternoon, let's invite Mr. Yang and Mr. Liu to come. Let's talk about investment. First, we'll renovate the school, and then invite teachers. Monkey, you'll prepare materials. Since we're here, we'll do it all at once. Li Zheng, do you have any way to arrange employment so that the village can stay The guards can make money here. "

"Brother Tian, to be honest, it's better for them to be self-sufficient. I think we can plant some things in this village, and then I'll be responsible for promoting sales. In this way, we can both green and make money. What do you think?"

Li Zheng deserves to be a businessman. His brain is quick. Qin Tian nodded, "OK, you can go around after dinner later to see what can be planted. We should invite people and spend money."

"My God, please tell me, if you have money, let's pay for it, and we'll do our best."

The monkey cried, and Mr. Yang sighed.

"For many years, there is hope at last. Yang Bing, you must follow your brother Tiange to do well. We have not turned over this hutougang for many years."

"Don't worry, grandfather. Qin Tian will never let the children of hutougang go out to study. We will study here to earn money. In the future, we will turn hutougang into a well-known rich village!"

Qin Tian's words made the old man laugh, "if it can be realized, I will be at ease when I die. Come on, drink!"

Mr. Yang is also a man of temperament. What he said about Qin Tian is also mixed with feelings. He is more convinced that in the future, we must build hutougang well.

A group of people had enough to eat and drink, and then went out to find work.

Yang Bing went to invite Yang Township head and Liu Bureau. The head of Yang came very soon, but Liu Ju was in a mess when the monkey passed by.

Seeing this, the monkey couldn't make up his mind, so he called Qin Tian.

"What do you say, quarrel? Well, I see. You wait there

Qin Tian hung up the phone and looked at Yang Xiang Chang. After thinking about it, he decided to take him with him.

"Mr. Yang, please go to Liuju with us."

Yang Xiang Chang also guessed what had happened, so he nodded, "no trouble, no trouble, but let you see the joke. This Liu bureau is also in trouble. His four deputy directors are not fuel-efficient lamps."

"Qin Tian sneered," then I also want to see what kind of deputy director is so cow, dare to challenge the director! "

Although Qin Tian said so, he still didn't dare to be careless. The people who could mingle in the officialdom were not idiots. If they dared to challenge the Liu Bureau, they still had some confidence.

However, Qin Tian was a little curious. He came out. Secretary Zheng also said that there was no problem with investment. What are they still entangled with?

Land Rover is dashing along the Loess road with dust behind it.

An hour later, the vehicle stopped at the gate of the Planning Bureau. The gatekeeper already knew his car. He let them in without asking.Qin Tiangang got off the bus, and the monkey came.

"Brother Tian, there's a lot of noise inside. These people are really fierce. They beat the table with Liu Ju, but they don't agree with us to invest. It's said that those people still intend to cooperate with the minefield consortium. Do you think it's not enough to smoke?"

The monkey's eyes flashed a little fierce when he spoke. If Qin Tian hadn't been waiting here, he would have rushed in and started!

Damn it, there's a bunch of big bloodsucking leeches in there!

Qin Tian walked in with a gloomy face.

Before I arrived at the office, I heard a lot of noise. I thought it was a vegetable market!

Qin Tian stopped, and Yang Xiangchang was embarrassed. It's no wonder that Baiyuan county has been unable to develop.

Qin Tian took a look at his mobile phone, turned to the window and called Secretary Zheng to explain the situation. Since they want to invest, of course, it is up to the City Council to decide the investors. Now they are making a lot of noise. They just have no documents, so they dare to quarrel.

"Secretary Zheng, I'm now in the Planning Bureau of Baiyuan county. The director and the deputy director have a lot of disputes, so I wonder if I can trouble Secretary Zheng..."

"I see, Qin Tian, since you want to invest, you must do a good job in this place with all your heart. You can't be impulsive."

"Secretary, you don't know me yet. I will certainly achieve my ultimate goal with my money."

With Qin Tian's words, Zheng Shuji promised to release the documents as soon as possible.

Hang up the phone, Qin Tian just put his hands in his pocket. Yang Sheng said, "let's go in and have a look."

"God, I'll make my way!"

The monkey knew that there was a good play to watch, and he was very excited to walk in the front. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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