"Liu Fei, I tell you, don't think that you are the director of the Bureau, you and I are cattle. When I was in the Planning Bureau, you didn't know which grass-roots level to eat soil!"

The clamorous deputy director Lin Shengbing jumped up and pointed to Liu Fei, and Liu Fei's face turned red. "Lin Shengbing, it has already called to let qintian's company invest. You have to cooperate with the island country. Don't you know that the minefield consortium is not qualified at all?"

"Qualifications? What is Qin Tian's name? You said the above phone call, who received it? I also said that you took advantage of Qin Tian! "


Liu Fei couldn't say anything. Qin Tian stood at the door and couldn't help it any longer. He kicked the door of the office!


The door cracked in response, and everyone was stunned. Qin Tian was stunned for a long time.

"There are so many moths in the planning bureau that they will crack when pushed."

Qin Tian's indifferent face made Lin Shengbing several deputy directors dissatisfied, but it was Liu Fei. Seeing him coming, he was embarrassed and smiling: "you just came. We'll sit together and discuss the investment."

"Discussion? Director Liu, the above documents have not come down. How can we let a person without qualification come to our investment in Baiyuan county? "

Lin Shengbing made a sarcastic remark. Qin Tian stayed in the police station all night yesterday. His clothes didn't change. His shirt was wrinkled and his shoes were stained with dust. He didn't even look as good as Lin Shengbing.

No wonder Lin Shengbing looks down on him. Even the monkey just wears a jacket. If these two people want to say that they are rich in money, they don't believe it. Even the Land Rover at the door, Lin Shengbing doubts whether it is rented.

"Deputy Director, Liu said that we should sit down and talk about it. Maybe you are satisfied with the terms we offer? It's not investment, it's not a big deal, isn't it money? What do you say? "

Qin Tian sits on the sofa, and Yang Xiang Chang and Liu Ju are stunned for a moment. Lin Shengbing feels that this is reasonable.

"That's right, but we are not from the same path. The minefield consortium has promised to provide 5000 jobs for Baiyuan County, as well as many new projects. The profits generated during this period are the sum of our previous years' profits. Do you have enough money for your teeth? "

Lin Shengbing obviously doesn't look up to Qin Tian. At best, he is an upstart. Anyone dares to invest. It's beyond his capacity.

Qin Tian was not angry, and simply said, "how much is appropriate? How much did the minefield consortium give you? I'll give it back to you in double

Lin Shengbing's face was filled with joy. Liu Ju was in a hurry. "Qin Tian, you don't conform to the regulations if you want to do this!"

What's good for you, Liu Tian

"Qin Tian! If you want to say that, please leave. We want Baiyuan county to get better, but we will never use this method! "

Liu Ju was upright, and Lin Shengbing sneered at him and said, "if you are hypocritical and depend on your salary, shall we drink from the north and the west? What he said is right. In any case, it's all investment. Whoever comes is the same, but it's the problem of more money and less money. Qin Tian, the minefield financial group palace gave us this number. "

Lin Shengbing stretched out a hand, Qin Tian picked eyebrows, "five million?"

Lin Shengbing saw the surprised expression on his face, and his eyes flashed disdain.

"This time the income is equal to that of the deputy director for several years, so I can't afford to lose it. It's 10 million yuan."

Qin Tian's words brightened Lin Shengbing's eyes!

"That's right. It's only right for us to make a fortune together. Look at Liu Ju, your people are more aware than you are!"

Lin Shengbing nodded to several deputy directors with a smile and took a sip of his tea cup.

Liu Ju was stunned.

"Are you kidding, Qin Tian?"

"He made fun of me first!"


Hearing this, Lin Shengbing puffed out a mouthful of tea.

"You, Qin Tian, you play me, do you know where this is?"

Qin Tian leaned back on the sofa and nodded, "yes, I also know that the documents above are coming. I am the designated investor here. If the people of minefield group give you five million benefits, you can sell your own people without conscience! I tell you, I won't give you any money! "

Qin Tian suddenly raised his voice, and Lin Shengbing put down the poor teacup and stood up.

"Well, I'd like to see what you have. Even if you get the investment qualification, I will make it difficult for you to move in Baiyuan County!"

Lin Shengbing's face rose red, and his hand was not urgent or slow. He took out his mobile phone from his arms.

"I'm sorry, as soon as I arrived at the government department, I felt flustered, so I recorded it in advance. How about you, monkey?"

"God, I also recorded it, and the video! Send it to the Internet and get millions of fans every minute

They looked at each other with a smile and turned to look at Lin Shengbing. He was pale and bloodless.

Liu bureau did not expect this, but he did not want to fight, just want to build Baiyuan County well."Qin Tian..."

"Ding!" All of a sudden, a prompt came from the computer. Liu turned his head and looked at the prompt that jumped out of the screen. A big stone in his heart was put down.

"Come on, you all have a look. The document above has come down, and the investor has already decided. It is Qin Tian. Let's not argue about it. Let's discuss the specific operation details next."

Liu Bureau printed out the document, but Lin Shengbing did not look at it. He sat down and did not speak.

Qin Tian laughed, "Liu Ju, I still said that if you want to be rich, you should build roads first. Many villages in Baiyuan county are now blocked by roads, and cars can't get in. Even if you plant something, you can't transport it out. How can you make a fortune? What do you say? "

"You're right, but there's a lot of planning involved in the construction of roads. It may take a while."

"Money is not a problem. Plan or hire people. I won't be stingy about the money. I don't care how much money I expect if it exceeds the budget. I will give it to anyone who makes a profit from it."

He shook his mobile phone. In fact, he didn't want to let Lin Shengbing make money. However, when it came to this, there was no need to please him.

Lin Shengbing's face was livid. Unexpectedly, he kicked him to the iron plate. Qin Tian dared to let himself down and cut off their wealth. Then don't blame them for their impoliteness!

At present, Liu Bureau and Qin Tian discuss the planning. Lin Shengbing gets up and slams the door out. Liu bureau is very helpless, and the other three deputy directors also go out.

"Qin Tian, let you see the joke, the work is difficult to do!"

Liu Bureau sighed with a bitter smile. His eyes were sunken on his face. Compared with those well-dressed deputy directors, he looked like a handyman, but there was no way.

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