When the deputy director left, it was much easier for Qin Tian to talk to Liu Bureau. Basically, he decided to fix the road first. As for other projects, he would still have to wait for the next step of planning to make his own decision.

"Qin Tian, if we can really turn over in Baiyuan County, you are definitely a minister!"

Liu bureau to him to erect thumb, Qin Tian put his hand, "Gongchen can not talk, just want to help those children to live a solid life in the future."

Qin Tian said all the words are sincere words. When he saw the longing in the eyes of those children, he felt uncomfortable in his heart.

Liu Bureau knows that he is sincere, so he does not doubt. Qin Tian looked at the time was almost, so he got up and said goodbye, and there were still a lot of things waiting for him to deal with.

"Liu Bureau, please take a step. This is my number. Please call me if you have any circumstances."

"OK, I'll let you know when the plan comes down."

Liu bureau is very down-to-earth. Qin Tian is also. After going out, he asks monkey to drive Yang Xiang Chang back. He takes time to go home and change clothes. He tells Li Xinran about the matter.

It has been two days since I bought it home, and I didn't call back to Li Xinran and I thought he was in a hurry.

Qin Tian only sent a text back, Li Xinran knew that he was outside, generally will not ask, because Qin Tian will come back to her will also take the initiative to tell her.

However, when he got home, he found Li Xinran was not there. He looked around. Qin Tianxian went to take a bath and changed his clothes. Just to go out, Li Xinran came back.


Seeing Qin Tian coming back, Li Xinran immediately rushed to the past, bringing a fragrance to Qin Tian's arms. "You went shopping?"

Seeing the shopping bag at the door, Qin Tian found a lot of new mainland, many men's clothing brands.

"Yes, you have been bought a lot of seasonal clothes. Try it soon."

Before Qin Tian opened his mouth, Li Xinran left his arms and rushed to the door.

Only two days did not see, Li Xinran already can not bear, Qin Tian picked her up into the room.

"Wife, I will go to Baiyuan County tomorrow for a few days. You and Lin Xiaoyao are good at home."

By the way, Lin Xiaoyao seems to have missed her some days.

Regardless, Qin Tian thought it would be a while before he could see Li Xinran, and suddenly turned over and kissed her

I don't know how long, Li Xinran finally fainted. Qin Tianxiang hugged her tightly. The two people slept in the dark and didn't wake up until the next morning.

Qin day in the morning rose, sat on the balcony to meditate and practice.

After an hour Li Xinran only got up, see Qin Tian, Li Xinran sleepy eyes, "husband, you are going?"

"Well, just go with you for breakfast. You should be safe at home during this time."

Qin Tian gave a few words, and went out after breakfast.

All the way, the Land Rover drove to the foot of Hutou Gang mountain, got off the car, Qin Tian walked all the way, and soon came to Yang Bingjia, he heard a riot.

"Well, let's come one by one, everyone has a share!"

The monkey voice came, Qin Tian leaned at them at the door, smiling on his face.

Monkeys are still moving fast. Everyone buys things, schoolbags, stationery, and things that children can use.

"My God!"

Lu Wan has a sharp eye. He can see Qin Tian leaning there and shouting.

"Brother Tian is here. Let him say two words!"

Monkey voice let people spontaneously give way, Qin Tian smile does not refuse.

"I will say two sentences. First, we can make money together. Hu tou post will be 10000 times better than now! Second, everything is enough today. The teacher will be on duty within a week! "

"OK, thank you, brother!"

The villagers applauded and Qin Tian waved to let them continue.

The children in the village were carrying new schoolbags and smiling faces.

For many years, no one ever thought about what to do for tiger head post, and finally came a kind-hearted person.

Yang looked at the excitement of the big guy and patted Qin Tian on the shoulder. "Thanks to you, we have hope at last!"

"Grandpa Yang, it should be. The matter of Yang Bing is our business. If we knew the situation here, we would have come long ago! Grandpa Yang, we will start to renovate the school building immediately. Please ask grandpa to find us some help. We will deliver the materials to oral, and we will bring them up hard. "

Wen Yan Yang, with a big hand, pointed to Yang BingDao: "Yang Bing, gather the posterity in Zhuangzi, and begin to transport materials back to build school today!"

"OK! Tiger, come with me! "

Yang Bing was excited, and tiger head post was very lively for a while, and everyone's face was full of smiles.

Qin Tian saw their simple smile on their faces, and his heart was very solid.

"Monkey, you see, just a little bit of things, can make them so happy, sometimes people really strange, you see Lin Sheng Bing, five million is not enough, these people, just a new dress, new schoolbag can be happy to be so.""That's different, Tiange. Lin Shengbing has been soaked in the colorful color of the society as a big dye tank for a long time. His heart can be compared with these people, that is Yang Bing, born here. Even if he comes out and makes a move, he is lucky to meet Tiange you!"

Monkey said that finally began to clap the horse, Qin Tianzhi a mouthful, smile scold: "you boy three words do not forget to flatter!"

"No, my respect for Tiange is like a torrent of river and water, just like..."

"OK, I think the investment in the future may not be so smooth. You will work harder and follow Lu Wan here. Please contact me at any time."

Hearing Qin Tian assigned him a task, monkey gathered up the frolic face, immediately serious.

"My God, we will never let you down!"

Qin Tian nodded, "you know, it's not a day or two to finish the work, there is a preparation."

Monkey face serious, as long as Qin Tian orders, is a year or two, ten years, twenty years he can keep.

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