Qin Tian watched them divide all the things. The children's faces were smiling, which made him happy.

"God, I've found all the people. Let's go and have a look. The original school buildings are almost collapsed."

Yang Bing breathed heavily, Qin Tian nodded and took Zhao Donghui and them out.

After seven or eight minutes, they arrived.

"Where is the school? Yang Bing, don't tell me this is it

In front of the two dilapidated brick houses, the steps at the door were half broken and overgrown with weeds. Walking up, the beams of the houses were hung with spider webs, and the door fell down as soon as it was pushed.

They couldn't open their eyes because of the dust. The windows were gone.

"What the hell is school? Ghost house

The monkey looked at it and shook his head. Otherwise, there was a small blackboard hanging on the wall in front of him. He really thought he had entered the haunted house.

Smell Yan Yang Bing sighed: "who said no, there has been no one here for seven or eight years. If the children in the village want to go to school, they have to walk for several hours on the mountain road, and the teachers are not willing to come. Gradually, no one goes to school, and this place is deserted."

Yang Bing's words made the big guy feel bad. Qin Tian raised his voice and yelled: "we'll be different when we come here. In the future, the dolls here will go to school. I'll pay a high salary. Are you afraid that you won't get a teacher?"

"Yes, Tiange is right. We have Tiange, we are not afraid of anything!"

Yang Bingying was excited, and the posterity behind him also yelled at Tiange.

Strike while the iron is hot, Qin Tian shouts: "brothers, we demolish this school building, we rebuild it! The fourth floor school, all depends on the brothers

"Big guy nubuli, it's up to us for the kids to go to school!"

Yang Bing roared, and everyone rolled up their sleeves and began to work.

Qin Tianzheng is about to join them. His mobile phone rings. It's Zheng Dakang.

Qin Tian went to one side to connect the phone, "Secretary Zheng."

"Qin Tian, listen to me. Fan Jiancheng, a Municipal Planning Bureau, was found drowning in a ditch near the community. We suspect it was a homicide. At the same time, Inoue taro of the minefield consortium has returned to the island, but he will bring people back later. You'd better be careful."

Zheng Dakang to his news let Qin Tian surprised, Inoue taro this is to go back to move rescue!

"Secretary Zheng, if you have any information about fan Jiancheng's case, you must tell me that I am in hutougang now. As for taro Inoue, he wants to come back to avenge me, and I will be with you at any time."

Zheng Dakang heard him say this and knew that Qin Tian didn't care about Inoue taro at all, but his strength could not be underestimated.

"Qin Tian, be careful. The minefield group has a great prestige in the island country. It has a good relationship with the local mercenaries and samurai. Be careful."

"Thank you, Secretary Zheng. I'll be careful."

After hanging up the phone, Qin Tian stood in meditation. Originally, he wanted to give this place to the monkeys. However, when he heard Secretary Zheng say so, it seemed that he would have to wait for some time to be at ease.

In this way, the city of Songshan will be neglected.


The monkey came up to see him. His face was not very good, so he sat beside him.

"My God, it looks like I'll be in school this year. We've done a great job this time. We don't ask for repayment, but we want to be worthy of our hearts. "

"Monkey, hutougang, we need to protect it. Taro inouno has gone back to rescue soldiers, and fan Jiancheng is dead. It seems that the people of the Inoue consortium will not give up easily. They will come back again."


Hearing this, the monkey jumped up, but not angry, or rubbing hands.

"God, we'll have a good show at this meeting. If you dare to come, we'll make them never go back!"

"That's right. Just fight! However, fan Jiancheng and they dare to kill them. It seems that they are impatient. They tell the brothers to pay attention to them at night. The big guys take turns to arrange shifts, so that the old man's whole life's efforts can't be wasted. "

The monkey understands that if the people of the island dare to come, they will never return.

Twenty or so boys helped push the school building, and after a while, there was only a pile of bricks left.

The rest of the materials have not arrived yet. They are waiting for the meeting. As long as the materials arrive, they will start work.

Qin Tian asked everyone to go back, but he found Mr. Yang to discuss the matter of guarding the tomb.

The old man blew up as soon as he heard it!

"What! You want to steal? Old man, I will guard commander Kong's tomb even if I fight with this tone! "

Qin Tian quickly explained to him: "grandfather Yang, don't be excited. That's what I said. If you really come, let's go together, and they won't have a good time! With so many young people, can you come, grandfather Yang? "

"Young man, don't comfort me. It's enough for the old man to live so long. If you dare to come, I'll..."

"God! God

The old man's words were interrupted, and Lu Wan rushed over.

"Tiange, please go and have a look. There are many gangsters at the foot of the mountain, saying that we are not allowed to develop privately."Qin Tian stood up as soon as he heard it? I'm afraid it's tiring for them to climb up. No matter what they are, if we catch up with them, how many of us are afraid of them? "

Having said that, Qin Tian is just comforting Mr. Yang. Those little gangsters dare to come here, and they are definitely instructed.

"Monkey, let the brothers Guard commander Kong's tomb and the old man. I'll go down and have a look."

"God, I will accompany you."

"No, they won't find me alone."

Qin Tian patted the monkey on the shoulder and went down alone.

Usually, it takes about an hour to walk with the old man and them, but he walks alone and runs at full speed. It's only a few minutes.

Baiyuan county is a poverty-stricken county. There is no place for recreation under hutougang. However, it is very busy today. There are more than 100 gangsters gathering here. A few families at the foot of the mountain dare not open the door. Qin Tian suddenly appears, which is a bit abrupt.

But Qin Tian's ordinary, simple T-shirt casual pants, to that squat, quickly mixed into the crowd.

"Man, I'm new here. What are we doing here today?"

Qin Tian pretended to be stupid. The yellow hair beside him spat and said in a hoarse voice: "I heard that today we are going to teach a arrogant guy a lesson, waiting for the boss to give orders."

Hum! Teach me a lesson?

"So many people teach one? Is that too much? "

"Who said it was not? I'm still waiting to go back to dinner. When I see that guy, I have to kick my feet. Damn, let me wait so long

Qin Tian smiles: "let's wait for the boss, isn't it?"

"Yes, no, which side are you from?"

"I came over there."

Qin Tian pointed to the position on the mountain, and the people around him were stunned.

"You, where did you come from? Why didn't we see it? "

Huang Mao was surprised and didn't respond for a long time.

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