Qin Tian looked at Huang Mao, with a smile on his face. Huang Mao was stunned for a moment, and suddenly hit him on the shoulder, "fuck you, I'm so funny! If you come down from the mountain, I'll cut my eyes! "

Huang Mao put out cruel words, Qin Tian smacked his tongue, "then you must not be able to hold your eyes today!"

"Damn it, you're looking for trouble on purpose, don't you?"

Qin Tian didn't speak any more. He stood up directly. Huang maomeng felt that his authority had been challenged and stood up immediately.

"Boy, you..."

Before he finished speaking, his voice went up, "ah!"

A scream, Huang Mao immediately knelt down.

People are very puzzled, because no one saw how Qin Tian started.

As a matter of fact, Qin Tian's speed is very fast. He hasn't seen his movements clearly. His shoulder has collapsed. His head is full of cold sweat and Qin Tian looks at him innocently.

"What do you all look at me like this? I didn't do anything!"

Qin Tian shrugged and looked at the people around him with innocent faces. The others saw the yellow hair fall on the ground and howled. They didn't know what was going on for a while.

"What's the matter? What the hell are you doing together?"

Suddenly, there was a sharp drink from the crowd. All the gangsters stepped out of the way, and a bald head with big flower arms on it came along. There was a big gold chain with thumb on its neck, which made him walk with great style.

Hit in front of him, bareheaded saw the yellow hair on the ground, kicked him and scolded: "what are you howling at?"

"Old man, boss, he came down from above..."

Huang Mao forced to bear the pain and told the bald man that he looked at Qin Tian in the direction of his fingers, "you ah?"

Qin Tian nodded, "yes, I said he didn't believe it. Do you believe it?"

Bareheaded, he looked up and down, looked at the people around him and asked, "do you see so many people?"

The crowd shook their heads.

They don't know how Qin Tian came at all, and somehow it appears.

The bald head saw their reaction, so he turned around and kicked his yellow hair.

"What the hell are you blind? When people make fun of you, you take it seriously. If you run here crying, get out of here

Bareheaded a word, yellow hair bear the pain to climb up, mercilessly stare at Qin Tian, Qin Tian just smile, do not make a sound.

Bareheaded to see Qin Tian, he hooked hands, Qin Tian went over, deliberately a face covered circle asked: "boss?"

"You have a good eye, which one?"

"Pine Mountain."

"Nonsense, of course, I know it's Songshan. Do you pretend to be stupid with me?"

Qin Tian shrugged, "I didn't pretend to be stupid. I'm from Songshan."

"Boss, he's not from our hall."

There were gangsters nearby, and soon other gangsters began to identify.

"He's not from us."

"He's not one of us either!"


After a while, Qin Tian's identity was confirmed.

Bareheaded face more and more ugly, previously also called yellow hair blind, now it's his turn.

"Who are you, son of a bitch!"

Bareheaded face iron green, a wave around the people are surrounded, will qintian in the middle.

Qin Tian sighed helplessly, "I said I was down from the top. You don't believe me. I said I was from Songshan. You still don't believe it. How can you be the boss in terms of your IQ?"

His voice is a little helpless, bareheaded and angry: "who the hell is your boy?"

"Qin Tian, aren't you looking for me to beat me? I'm here."

Qin Tian finished his last sentence and went to the gangsters and looked at his bald head through them.

"Who sent for you? Say it, I may be able to spare you. "

"Are you stupid? Do you dare to talk nonsense when you come to us alone? Brothers, come on, give me a good lesson to this boy! Let him know that not all money can be made! "

Bareheaded voice just fell, in front of his eyes suddenly a flower, Qin Tian stood in front of him gently smile.

"Lying trough!"

"Grass Mud Horse, I am Qin Tian, teach me a lesson? You are not qualified yet

Bareheaded angry, a grasp of Qin Tian's collar, but the next second his hand was a strong break, bald face from sunny to overcast.

"You hammers, all of him, come on!"

The gangster who was closest to bareheaded rushed up, and Qin Tian kicked him out!

With a bang, the gangster's body crashed into the wall, and his bald face was very ugly. He didn't care about his own hand. He lifted his foot and kicked him. He only heard a click, and his bare head's leg broke.


Qin Tian said with a smile, "I'm really sorry. I'm a man who has no sense of propriety. You should be more tolerant. Tell me, who asked you to come?" Bald head ache full of sweat, lips are white, but also hard mouth refused to say.The punks were eager to try, but they didn't dare.

"Don't make trouble. You don't have to look at more than 100 of you and many of me. Otherwise, how dare you go down the mountain alone?"

Hearing this, the gangsters looked at each other. These people were just bluffing. They didn't really fight against each other. The key was that Qin Tian didn't want to struggle with them.

Take a force, bareheaded immediately screamed, broken wrist.

"You can't hold that hand until you say it."

Qin Tian threatened, bald finally can't stand, endure the pain crying: "yes, it's deputy director Lin Shengbing, let's teach you a lesson, you're not allowed to invest in hutougang."

Bareheaded words make Qin Tian laugh, did not expect, ah, this guy Lin Shengbing is a bit restless, all this time also jump.

"God! God, here we are

When Qin Tiangang was about to speak, he heard a series of disorderly footsteps behind him. Yang Bing came with people.

"God, are you ok? Our brothers have come to help you. "

Yang Bing has a stick in his hand. The other people are all iron sticks. It seems that he wants to fight a fierce battle.

Qin Tiansong opened his bald head and looked at him with his hands around his chest, "see, vanguard troops, there are many people behind."

Bareheaded and pale, looking at Qin Tian, he finally said in a cruel voice: "count your ruthlessness, brothers withdraw!"

"Wait! They can go, you can't! "

Qin Tian shouts baldheaded, the latter one face ate excrement's expression, he all like this, still don't give go, what do you want in the end?

"Brother, the rules of the road are not like this. I believe you will not let people go after I have planted them?"

Qin Tian sneered: "you can't beat me, I won't let you. How can you do to me?"

What else can we do? Is it not to be obedient?

Bareheaded helpless, hit also can't beat, can only stay. Qin Tian asked Yang Bing to stay, and the others would go back. He would take his bald head to meet Lin Shengbing. This guy, if he didn't give a lesson, he would not have a long memory!

No one can stop him from investing! Even if he is a deputy director!

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