When Liusheng xiaojiro was looking at Qin Tian, Qin Tian also observed him. This is Huaxia. At the foot of hutougang mountain, all the people in front of him were dressed up as island warriors, with wooden clogs on their feet and an island warrior sword on their waists.

Qin Tian's eyes were calm, but Liusheng Kojiro gave me a faint smile. "You Chinese have an old saying that you don't know each other. You and you are old acquaintances. Today we come here to see Mr. minefield. By the way, we want to see commander Kong. Second, we also want to invite Qin sang to have a meal. How about making a friend?"

It's no surprise that Mr. Liusheng and Mr. Kojiro said that Qin Tian was not surprised. The former Thai boxing champion was also like this, but he was killed by himself?

Qin Tian looked at his back, but he was tired. He took them to dinner.

"OK, time and place. I'll take my brothers to have a taste."

Inoue taro didn't expect that he was so straightforward. He had wanted to force him, but now it's easy.

"We'll go to box 404 of Imperial Hotel in Songshan City, and we'll be there at six o'clock in the evening."

"No problem. We'll be there."

When Qin Tian saw the golden light in Inoue Taro's eyes, he knew that he had no good intentions, but even if it was, he was not afraid. Anyway, it was all to be solved. He just took this opportunity to meet them.

After Qin Tian went back, he asked the monkeys to call in their own teams. Only two people were left in each team. The rest came to Guard commander Kong's tomb.

"My God, do you mean that these doggies will take the opportunity to attack?" The monkey was worried.

"If you dare to sneak attack, we'll beat them for fear of them?"

Zhao Donghui didn't think so. Qin Tianshen said, "the most important thing tonight is that monkey, Lu Wan and Donghui will follow me. When other brothers come, they will continue to explain them. The key is the safety of commander's tomb and grandfather Yang. Remember, no matter what happens, you can't leave the place you should guard!"

"God, don't worry. We are not children. We dare not relax for a month after this."

The monkey took the lead and others echoed.

Qin Tian was relieved.

People in the village also felt that the atmosphere was unusual, and people were in danger for a time. Qin Tian knew that they were nervous, so he told the brothers not to walk around, lest they should see and be afraid.

At six o'clock in the evening, Qin Tian and his party appeared in the Imperial Hotel on time, and each had a defensive weapon tied at the bottom of his trousers.

The people of the minefield consortium arrived early in the morning. Seeing that Qin Tian had only three people, Inoue taro couldn't help laughing.

"Qin Tian, you are so brave. You only bring three people here?"

"Four of us are enough to eat with you, or I'm afraid you can't afford it if there are too many people."

"Qin sang, please take a seat. Today is a dinner party where the two sides shake hands and make peace. I think the two sides should not fight again. Come on, let's get to know you formally. I'm Kojiro Liusheng, the current owner of the Liusheng family. "

"Qin Tian."

Liusheng Kojiro stretched out his hand, and Qin Tian hesitated for a moment. Instead, he held his hand. The mouth of the tiger was tight, and his right hand was tightly clamped by a strong force.

Test yourself?

Qin Tian picks eyebrows and feels the strength of Kojiro Liusheng. If he increases one point, he will increase one point. In short, he will not let him.

"Please sit down, let's sit down and talk."

He took the lead to release his hand, and Qin Tian was no longer reluctant. After releasing, he found that the hand of Kojiro Liusheng was shaking slightly.

Beyond our means!

They sat down on the other side of the table, and some of them sat on the empty table.

"What business does qinsang do? Did Qin sang consider cooperating with others when he took this project in Baiyuan county? "

As soon as he sat down, Liusheng Kojiro began to inquire about his news. Qin Tian said, "there is no serious business, but I can't compare it with the minefield group. But I'm just curious. Why does such a large consortium have to invest in such a small place as Baiyuan county? Do you have to fight with me? "

Since Liu shengxiaojiro pretended with him, Qin Tian also pretended to the end. Knowing that they were for the dead, Qin Tian didn't mention it.

In this way, they can't help themselves.

Liusheng Kojiro took a look at Inoue taro, the latter was unwilling to say: "qinsang, I was wrong that day, I hope qinsang can forgive."

"It's not necessary. I'm not at a loss."

Qin Tian takes a look at his wheelchair, and Inoue Taro's face turns white. He is about to run away when he is held down by Kojiro Liusheng.

Qin Tian looks at him coldly. Kenlai, the leader of Liusheng's family, has a lot to do with his face.

It's a character!

"Qin sang, don't mention the past. I came to China for the first time mainly for two purposes. One is to exchange martial arts skills, and the other is to return to the remains of Mr. Jingye."Although he said with a smile, but he couldn't laugh at the bottom of his eyes. These two purposes, Qin Tian had long expected.

"I am here to eat tonight. I will talk about the conditions before we eat. What is your sincerity?"

Qin Tian said so, well wild taro understood, this matter still has the room for discussion, so let people serve the food.

Qin Tian is not polite either. Ask the monkeys to open their food.

Monkey and others know Qin Tian's temper, it is estimated that there will be a war in a while, so now simply eat and drink well.

A wind is crumbling, and the eyes of the Jingye taro are full of disdain.

They ate almost. Qin TianChao made a look at the monkeys. The monkeys immediately understood it.

"Donghui, how do you always look at us when you look at that dish?"

Caitou, since it is a well-known vegetable, then Tailang is the head of the dish naturally. The nickname is also very suitable for him.

Zhao Donghui finished drinking the wine in the cup and said with a smile: "it's not that we are strong in fighting, afraid! You said he can't fight, eat and eat us, what else can I do? "

"Be a vegetable!"

"Ha ha ha!"

Monkey they laugh and crazy, opposite the face of the jingyelang face is not worried, the wine cup in hand smashed at them!

Qin Tian was quick to see, a chopstick nailed out, half the air in the middle of the wine cup, suddenly split, wine and debris splashed on the face of the taro.


"You he did not graduate from primary school, he would only say a baga!"

Qin Tian disdains and sits still. The bodyguards outside the door have rushed in. The monkeys take up the bottle and they will open the bottle and be stopped by Qin Tian.

"Well, civilization is a little bit, we can't get to know the animal."

"Qin sang, it's not very good of you to say that."

Liu shengxiaozi is unhappy in appearance. Qin Tian really admire him to bear it till now.

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