"Qinsang, the relationship between the island state and the Huaxia state has been repairing. This time, our Liusheng family set foot on the land of China, but we don't want to affect the relationship between the two sides because of a small matter."

"You threaten me? Kojiro Liusheng, don't think that he is anything. The last Russian Samurai family will put gold on his face. If you want to have a fight, I will accompany you at any time. However, Inoue's body will kneel down in front of commander Kong's tomb to repent in his next life! "

His words completely infuriated Inoue taro. He roared, "teach them a lesson. They are dead!"

Qin Tian frowned, picked up another chopstick and nailed it out, directly penetrating Inoue Taro's cheek!

Looking at all feel pain, and Inoue taro can only cover his mouth arched body, pain tears flow.

Behind him, the monkeys were quick with their hands and feet, and quickly ended the battle. The bodyguards were all at the level of fighting five dregs, all lying on the ground and howling.

Ryutaro Inoue is no longer a child now. Qin Tian looks at Liusheng Kojiro with a touch of irony in his eyes.

"Well, now it's just you and me. My people won't do it. How can you choose a place to compete?"

Qin Tian goes straight in, and Liusheng Kojiro looks at the bloody Inoue taro beside him and resents him.

"This is an insult to the island warrior. I formally challenge you!"

"The challenge is OK, but one thing is that the losers get out. The investment project of hutougang has nothing to do with you. Of course, you can't take away Inoue's bones."

Qin Tian's words made Liusheng Kojiro furious: "how can the heroes of the island let you humiliate at will! I'll give you a taste of failure later! "

"This sentence is for you, and I'll let you crawl out later!"

Qin Tian rushes at him, and Liusheng Kojiro takes his own samurai sword. His cold blade exudes a striking momentum.


Liu Sheng xiaojiro roared and slashed in the direction of Qin Tian. Qin Tian dodged sideways and ran his Qi all over his body. Then he pulled out his own short knife to fight.

The box here is nearly 100 square meters. The people lying on the ground and Inoue taro have become living targets. Qin Tian deliberately dodges in their direction. The samurai sword can't reach Qin Tian, but the people on the ground are very accurate. The sound of sniffing into the flesh is accompanied by their screams, which makes Inoue taro lying on the ground scared.

Liusheng Kojiro looked at Qin Tian's body and pace very strange, often to see the cut in front of him, but in the end, it was only a little less.

Several times later, Kojiro Liusheng also realized that Qin Tian was on purpose, so he changed his strategy. The samurai Sabre Ping waved out and suddenly changed the direction of his chest.

Qin Tian avoided the danger and looked down at his clothes. He had already cut a hole, and a faint pink appeared on the skin of his chest.


Seeing this, the monkey will immediately go up and be stopped by Qin Tian. His face is full of cruelty. "

this is the dress my wife bought me!"

"When I win, I'll go back to see your wife!"

Liu shengxiaojiro's eyes flashed a touch of lust, Qin Tian finally moved to kill.

"You don't have a chance!"

As soon as the voice fell, Qin Tian's figure flashed to him. Liusheng Kojiro was worthy of being the master of the Liusheng family. He quickly retreated and the swords of the samurai were sharp. He changed the small skirmish just now, and his speed was faster and faster.

Qin Tian didn't dare to be careless. He gathered his true Qi on his fists and hit him directly. Liu took it down. Suddenly, his mouth was numb and his chest was full of blood.

Qin Tian, too, felt that the blow really hit the steel plate, shaking him all over.

This time, Kojiro Liusheng was able to see his strength clearly and did not dare to underestimate him.


Kojiro Liusheng threw his saber and took off his coat to reveal his strong muscles. With a roar, his muscles began to swell sharply.

Qin Tianhou step back, full of black lines, how now people like to show muscle fight?

He doesn't have this hobby.

Qin Tian doesn't wait for him to open his mouth. Flying over is a set of combination boxing. Liusheng Kojiro is really tolerant to fight. No matter how Qin Tian greets him with his fist, he can follow.

"What kind of Kung Fu do you practice in dog days, so resistant to fighting?"

Qin Tian silently Tucao, opposite Liu Sheng Xiao Jiro laugh make complaints about.

"What's the matter? Are you afraid? Now kneel down, kowtow and beg for mercy, and I may be able to make your death faster! "

"Are you still awake? How dare you imagine such a thing

Qin Tian is very disdainful, his eyes are full of ferocity. He brings up his true Qi at random and rushes out!

This time, Kojiro Liusheng tried his best to resist, but he kicked him out and went directly to the next box. Fortunately, no one was there.

Qin Tian kicks away the scattered bricks and looks at Liusheng Kojiro struggling to get up from the ground."Liusheng Kojiro, the master of Liusheng's family and a small figure in the island country, dare to run wild in China! Hutougang is my territory. If you want to move, you are not qualified! "

Qin Tian walks past, Liusheng Kojiro also wants to raise his hand, but the power gap is too big, his hand has not been lifted up by Qin Tian a grip.


A crisp sound, Liusheng Kojiro's mouth issued a scream, and then fell on the top of the howl, qintian did not give him a chance to breathe, raised his foot, crushed his other hand.

Yes, it's broken, so he won't have a chance to take the knife.

At this time, Kojiro Liusheng had passed out. Qin Tian didn't intend to let them go. First, he went to the front and picked up the samurai sword. At this time, he had no threat.

"Drop him!"

Qin Tian turns to the monkey and tells them to wear the clothes of island country in China. If you throw them down, you will be trampled on.

"Well, brother Tian, don't worry. I'll throw it to the downtown area to show them how enthusiastic we are

When the monkey laughed, Qin Tian knew what he was going to do.

Here, Inoue taro is awake. When Qin Tian walks by, he finds that he has pulled out his chopsticks.

"Cruel, say, what do you want?"

Qin Tian stood in front of him and looked down at him. Inoue Tai Lang shivered and laughed. Two blood holes appeared on his smiling face, which looked very sinister.

"Hutougang No one, you're dead! "

Qin Tian is surprised, this time monkey's mobile phone rings.

"Son of a bitch! You should be careful, don't kill them. There won't be enough burial in hutougang by then

Monkey's words let Qin Tian at ease, he knew his people were not so easy to be defeated.

And Inoue Taro's face was green, and he shook and held the bloody chopsticks.

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