As expected, they are tired of climbing down the mountain, but they are not tired

After listening to the monkey's words, Inoue Taro's eyes were full of shock, "impossible, you stupid pigs!"

"Who the hell are you scolding?"

Monkey up is a foot, Qin days cold way: "since the residual point thoroughly."

When the monkey heard this, he immediately understood it. He exchanged his eyes with Lu Wan and others. All three nodded their heads and watched Qin Tian leave the box. A sneer appeared on the faces of the monkey and others, and they walked towards taro inouno.

In the box of the Imperial Hotel, there was a cry of heartrending, and then three people walked out with Liusheng Kojiro.

Qin Tian walks out of the hotel and goes to find Zheng Dakang while it is still early.

It was only seven o'clock when I got to the place. Qin Tian took a look at the light in the office and walked in.

"Secretary Zheng!"

Zheng Dakang just hung up the phone, Qin Tian walked in.

"Secretary Zheng."

"You come just in time. I'm looking for you. Sit down!"

Secretary Zheng asked him to sit down. Qin Tian said bluntly, "Secretary Zheng, I'm here to report to you about the investment in Baiyuan county."

Zheng Dakang waved his hand. "Don't tell me this. I ask you, did you gather people to fight? And hurt investors in island countries? "

Qin Tian knew what was going on.

"Secretary Zheng, it is absolutely impossible to gather people to fight. I just went to talk to Liu Bureau. As a result, local gangsters rushed into the Planning Bureau because of the uneven distribution of the stolen goods. I was afraid that they would hurt the Liu Bureau, so I stopped. As for the investors in the island country, I have no choice but to compete with me. I can only fight against him. If he can't beat me, can't I blame you? "

Qin Tian's explanation made Zheng Dakang speechless. He sighed: "I have said that the people on the other side of the island should not touch it. If you touch it, you will still be disabled. Now, it's not easy to explain, especially your identity. If this matter is determined as a fight between the underworld forces, I can't protect you." Zheng Dakang said very clearly, Qin Tian also heard very clearly.

"Secretary Zheng, you know me. Although Qin Tian is jealous of evil, I'm definitely not the kind of person who makes trouble. I'm in charge of the affairs of Baiyuan County, and I beat up the Islander people. Secretary Zheng can really see Baiyuan county. As for me,"

Qin Tian pauses for a moment and continues: "as for myself, I don't know if I'm involved in the underworld Tao, but I am a Chinese with conscience. The purpose of Islander people coming to hutougang is Secretary Zheng. You are what I know. It is not an investment. What Mr. Yang is guarding is not a tomb, but a belief that has not dissipated from that time until now! Today, I'm fighting, and I'm responsible for the consequences. But if I'm allowed to go in, I'll still say that, and I'll solve the problem in my own way! "

Qin Tian said he was going to leave. Zheng Dakang said, "stop!"

"What are you flustered about? I haven't finished my words. The imperial capital attaches great importance to this matter and is currently under discussion. The island side does not give up."

"Secretary Zheng may as well speak up."

Zheng Dakang's face was gloomy, "the worst result is to hand you over."

Qin Tian sneered, "if I was handed over the descendants of war criminals because I beat them, I'm really sorry for my mercy. In this case, Inoue taro and Liusheng Kojiro don't have to live any more. Anyway, I have to be handed over to please them."

Qin Tian's words made Zheng Dakang look gloomy. "Qin Tian, you have to understand us, political negotiations..."

"I don't understand politics, but I know people's hearts. Secretary Zheng, if I am pushed out of this case, I will not be polite!"

Songshan city of underground forces he almost half, if you want to do something, Zheng Dakang can not stop him.

Seeing that Secretary Zheng's face was dignified, Qin Tian also knew that his words had gone too far, so he relaxed his language: "Secretary Zheng, in fact, hutougang can be developed as a model. Let us develop our own place for the children of China. Why let the people of the island interfere? Secretary Zheng, you really should go and see. An old man in his eighties has been guarding a tomb for decades. He doesn't want to cause any trouble to the government. Look at Lin Shengbing and fan Jianguo. They often commit corruption of several million or more, and their food and drink are the blood of common people! "

Qin Tian felt heartache when he said this, and Zheng Dakang understood his mood.

"Qin Tian, in fact, I understand your mood. I will reflect what you said. I will call you when I go."

Zheng Dakang's words let Qin Tian feel relieved, "Secretary Zheng, don't worry, we'll be here these days. I'll go back first."

Zheng Dakang nodded and watched Qin Tian go out with a long sigh. The boy is a talent, but he still needs to be honed.

Qin Tian walks out of the building and stares at him in the dark.

Qin Tian realizes that Youdao's line of sight has been hitting him all the time. He looks around and doesn't find anything different.When he got in the car and left, the master of those eyes came out, looked around the office building, and then walked away.

Qin Tian went home when no one in the living room, waiting to go upstairs to hear the room to hear a burst of laughter, is the voice of women.

He pushed the door in and saw Li Xin watching TV.

Qin Tian walked to bed, suddenly playing heart big, suddenly rushed to Li Xinran.

"You dare to move my finger and try it, you dead bastard!"

Hearing the voice of a woman, Qin Tian was stunned, and opened her hair and stared at her eyes. "Lin Xiaoyao?"

"Qin Tian, you, you pervert give me down!"

Lin Xiaoyao's words let Qin Tian react instantly. He got up quickly and his face was slightly red.

"How do you wear your happy pajamas, her?"

"I forgot to take it, but I am glad that sister is in the bathroom. How can you come back without saying a word, and you have a sneak attack, really!"

"Please, this is my home. When do I want to come back without a briefing?"

Qin Tian turns around and puts his mobile phone on the bed. If you think about it, you can still figure out. Lin Xiaoyao is here. This bed is not his.

"Lin Xiaoyao, don't wear it at home next time. If you meet bad people, you will be miserable tonight."

Qin Tian reminded her that Lin Xiaoyao deliberately raised his body and threw a flattering eye at him, which made Qin Tian depressed. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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