"It seems that I am alone again tonight! Lin Xiaoyao, you don't have a place. Why do you always come to my house

Lin Xiaoyao turned around and wrapped himself with the thin blanket on his bed, separating his sight. He disdained to say, "I just like to come to your house, and I like to sleep with your wife in my arms."

"Shit, you're not a lesbian, are you? My wife's sexual orientation is normal! "

Qin Tian's face is exaggerated. Lin Xiaoyao can't help kicking him, but she is caught by Qin Tian. She suddenly loses her balance and falls back. Qin Tian has to put her arm around her waist to prevent her from falling down. However, this posture is a little awkward.


Lin Xiaoyao noticed his eyes, raised his hand and gave him a slap!

"Where are you looking at, rascal?"

Qin Tian suddenly got angry and let her fall on the bed. Then she went up and sat on her knees and pressed her hands. Lin Xiaoyao was flustered.

"What are you doing?"

Her voice was shaking, and Qin tianxie laughed, "don't you say I'm a smelly rascal? I'll do what the hooligans want to do. "

Then he bent down and pretended to kiss. Lin Xiaoyao closed his eyes and called for help!

"Xiaoyao, what's the matter with you?"

Li Xinran's voice saved her. Qin Tiansong got up and pointed to her. Lin Xiaoyao quickly wrapped up a blanket and ran to the bathroom door.

At this time, Li Xinran came out wrapped in a bath towel.

Qin Tian followed him out to see this scene, and his nosebleed almost came out.

"Husband! When did you come back? "

Li Xinran seems to have forgotten Lin Xiaoyao's cry just now, and immediately rushed into Qin Tian's arms.

Qin Tian Wenxiang nephrite is in the arms, and crows at Lin Xiaoyao complacently, which makes Lin Xiaoyao suddenly burst into a faint sadness.

"Hum! Sister Xinran, he, he just bullied me

Lin Xiaoyao's flowers let Li Xinran react. It turns out that there are still people here.

So she quickly came out of Qin tianhuai, but Qin Tian didn't let her go. He directly hugged her and said to Lin Xiaoyao, "how did I bully you? I used to remind you not to wear so exposed when you are at home, so as not to be seen by others, and you bite me back. It's really kind of you to bite me

"No, you, you, you're a rascal anyway!"

"You don't know good people!"

Two people pinched up, Li Xinran quickly comforted Lin Xiaoyao, "Xiaoyao, he didn't mean to do it, it's usually like this, don't cry!"

Listen to Li Xinran said she cried, Qin Tian worried, see Lin Xiaoyao eyes red, he knew he was too much.

"Forget it. I'm sorry. I'm a rascal. What can I do?"

Qin Tian bowed his head and apologized. Damn it, when he beat people outside, he didn't expect to be cleaned up by this little girl when he came back.

Hearing what he said, Lin Xiaoyao immediately rubbed his eyes and laughed, "Qin Tian, this is what you said. I want Xinran to have a bed! You sleep on the floor


Looking at Qin Xiaoran's wife, she turns to cry

Li Xinran was amused by them, patted Qin Tian on the shoulder and comforted him: "husband, who told you to offend Xiaoyao, or sleep on the ground!"

His wife said so, Qin Tian had to sigh, went to take a bath, changed his pajamas and lay on the ground.

Lin Xiaoyao also very kindly gave him a pillow, turned to lie down with Li Xinran to sleep.

How can Qin Tian sleep when two women in the room are exposed?

There are so many things in hutougang. It is not easy for him to come back at all. He is also destroyed by the girl Lin Xiaoyao.

Thinking of this, Qin Tian gets up quietly and shakes his hand in front of Lin Xiaoyao. Seeing that she doesn't respond, he suddenly reaches out and hits her back neck. Lin Xiaoyao didn't fall asleep completely, but he really fainted.


When Qin Tian gets up, Li Xinran wakes up. Before he can answer, he is picked up by Qin Tian.

"Husband, where are you going

"Go to the guest room, it's rare to come back once, the little girl is not sensible at all!"

Hearing this, Li Xinran couldn't laugh or cry. How anxious is this?

Two people entangled in the guest room, the master bedroom Lin Xiaoyao sleep dark, until the next morning to find that there is no one around.

"My God, why is my neck so painful?"

Lin Xiaoyao touches his neck to get up, yawns and comes to the window. He just sees Qin Tian and Li Xinran sitting in the garden drinking tea.

"This guy!"

Lin Xiaoyao's face burned red when he thought of what he had done to him last night.

Qin Tian glimpsed the figure of the window downstairs and said with a smile, "I'll go out for a moment. You'll let Xiaoyao accompany you these days."

Li Xinran sleepy can not, white neck spots, are his mark.

"Husband, is everything going well there?""Well, no problem. I'll go to the company and have a look. After that, you can take care of yourself."

Li Xinran nodded. Every time Qin Tian comes back, he has to toss about in the middle of the night. When he leaves, he has to go back to sleep.

I don't know what happened. Qin Tian always felt something was going to happen in his heart, but he didn't know what it would be.

Hutougang should not be a big problem. The big people in the imperial capital have nothing to do for the time being. Next, as long as the planning map comes out, he directly allocates funds and then gives it to Yang Bing.

After breakfast in a hurry, Qin Tian left without waiting for Lin Xiaoyao to come out, so as not to be entangled by her.

First go to wash a car, all day in Baiyuan County, the car is full of dust.

Qin Tian came to the car washing shop near the company, threw the key to his younger brother, and sat down to wait.

"Honey, you see my new dew cream is really good. Ah, it's half cheaper than the previous one, and the effect is still the same!"

Next to a couple of young people sitting together chatting, the girl took out a small white bottle from her bag and said like a treasure.

"How can the effect be the same? If big brands and cheap substitutes can be the same, can big brands be sold? I think you're just greedy for small things! "

"What? Someone has evaluated them on the Internet. Their taste and texture are the same. The key is the effect! You see, I've used two bottles. It's not inferior at all! "

The girl's face is discontented, will open the bottle, suddenly a fragrance hit, familiar taste let Qin Tian frown, this is, the health cream produced by their own company? Why is it like this?

He was surprised and sat up and looked at the young couple next to him.

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