Qin Tianzheng was about to ask. The young couple got up and left. He shook his head. "It shouldn't be so clever. His health cream is the company's signature product. It can't be leaked out. Even if it's imitation, the taste is the same and the effect is not the same. Qin Tian, you are too thoughtful. "

Qin Tian looks around. It's still early. After the company's meeting, he will explain the latest things.

An hour later, Qin Tian's car arrived at the company's downstairs. As soon as he stopped, he saw many people gathered downstairs.

"Cheng Yi, you are Laozi's woman!"

"Go away! Call me to kill you again

From Cheng Yi's familiar voice, Qin Tian sees her surrounded by a group of people through the crowd. Wang Xiaoping holds a bunch of flowers in his hand and looks at Cheng Yi with a shy face, but refuses to let her go.

Cheng Yi's pretty face was full of anger. He lifted his hand and grabbed the bouquet in his hand and threw it on the ground. He cursed: "you don't want to be shameless! Get out of here. I'm not going to associate with you. Why can't you understand people? "

Cheng Yi's face is full of anger, and people around him immediately talk about it.

"You see, the girl looks very good. How can she speak so shamelessly? Young man, we also have a girl in our family. How about seeing her? "

The onlooking aunt pushed her daughter forward. Wang Xiaoping looked at the girl's face like the surface of the moon, and suddenly felt sick.

"Go away! What's the matter with you? "

My aunt's face was smothered, and she was furious!

Qin Tian wanted to teach him a lesson, but when he saw Wang Xiaoping offending his aunt, he simply leaned aside to watch the fun.

"The toad wants to eat swan meat. The girl is so beautiful and well dressed that she can take a fancy to your little white face? I'm not manly at all. I'm still learning how to courtship. I deserve to be rejected! "

What aunt said is really right. Wang Xiaoping's appearance is not ugly, but it is absolutely greasy.

"I am If you don't care about it, go away and don't delay my business! "

Wang Xiaoping said to Cheng Yi: "you are my woman, this life can not change!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha!"

When he pointed to his young woman, he thought that his ambition was not big? Have you seen too many TV plays? "

Aunt's voice made the people around him laugh. Wang Xiaoping couldn't hold his face. He simply went to the aunt and said in a cruel voice, "are you looking for a fight! Has anything to do with you? "

"Oh! Do you dare to move me? You're a disgrace here, don't you? I must say that you are not worthy of other girls

With her waist crossed and unwilling to be outdone, she went straight to Wang Xiaoping.

Qin Tian laughs. Wang Xiaoping can't walk away. He stealthily walks over to pull Cheng Yi's arm. Cheng Yi is watching the excitement! Suddenly pulled aside, she was startled!

"Qin Tian, how did you come back! Are you ready? "

Cheng Yi looked at the man in front of him in surprise. Qin Tian nodded, "almost. Let's go. Something to say."


Cheng Yi nods and raises his feet to go. Wang Xiaoping hears the voice, flings his aunt away and rushes to him. He grabs Cheng Yi's arm.

"You can't go. I'll give you one last chance today, promise me, or you'll ask me in the future."

Wang Xiaoping gives out cruel words, and Cheng Yi and Qin Tian both laugh.

"How many times do you want me to say, we are not suitable, I don't like you, please turn left, I just want to fall in love with you."

When Cheng Yi said this, Wang Xiaoping still refused to give up. The aunt laughed at him and said, "I'm still chasing a girl. I can't see that there's a handsome man standing next to someone else. A toad is a toad!"

"Damn it! I want you to say it

Wang Xiaoping was angry enough to be rejected. Now he is still ridiculed by his aunt. His anger is nowhere to go. When he sees his aunt, he rushes out and kicks his foot. His aunt falls to the ground and there is an uproar around him.

"How can you beat someone! Stop him! Don't let him go

"That's right. Call the police quickly!"

Wang Xiaoping disdained: "call the police, I have plenty of money. When I come out, I'll catch you dead!"

He is so arrogant, Cheng Yi can't see it, "Wang Xiaoping, you are too much!"

"Hum! What qualifications do you have for me? You're not my girlfriend! Do you care? "

Wang Xiaoping went out of his way and hit him. It's no big deal.

Qin Tian looks like this. It's impossible to hold a meeting today.

"Why doesn't she care? This is the gate of our company. If you make trouble, we will cooperate with the investigation. So many people are witnesses! "

Qin Tian's words made people around applaud.

"Yes, well said, we are all witnesses. Let him apologize!"

Aunt lying on the ground can not stop crying pain, Qin Tian went over and touched her abdomen, nianda Ma called out in pain."Don't be excited, ma'am. I know a little bit about medicine. I'll help you first. Please call an ambulance for her."

Qin Tian turned to remind passers-by, then carefully checked, and gave the aunt pulse, face gradually dignified.

"Aunt? Aunt

At this time, her face was pale and she was in shock. Qin Tian called out a few times and did not respond. Her daughter was crying.

Wang Xiaoping still disdains a way: "still pretend to die to touch porcelain, right?"

"The preliminary judgment is visceral hemorrhage. Wang Xiaoping, you'd better pray that she's OK. Otherwise, there will be no one like you in rongsongshan city in the future, I promise!"

Qin Tian's voice was fierce. He had no time to fight with him. He took out the cloth bag from his pocket and opened it. The silver needle was shining with cold light. Before he started, he confirmed with his aunt's daughter: "trust me, I will save her."

The girl hesitated, and Wang Xiaoping gloated. "You believe him, he'll kill your mother!"

"How can you do this? It's too much. You hurt people and make sarcastic remarks!"

"Yes, he should be given a taste of bitter fruit!"

Cheng Yi couldn't help but kick a foot behind him! Wang Xiaoping was immediately kicked down. Before he got up, people around him couldn't help but rush up to fight and kick.

Qin Tian didn't care about him. His daughter wiped her tears and said, "I believe you, you must save my mother!"

"Don't worry. Come on, put her flat."

Qin Tian quickly took the silver needle and inserted it into her acupoints accurately. Then he took her mother's hand to help her knead and massage. When the ambulance arrived, her face had improved.

"The patient's abdomen was severely kicked, and it was initially suspected that it was internal bleeding. I'll go with you."

He is also for the safety of the aunt, at this time no one is in charge of Wang Xiaoping on the ground.

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