Qin Tian's words surprised the doctors accompanying the ambulance. After looking at it for a long time, he suddenly remembered that this was Qin Tian, a famous Chinese medicine doctor, and nodded quickly.

Before Qin Tian gets on the bus, he shouts for a few words, and then he goes with the ambulance.

By the time the police arrived, Wang Xiaoping had already been beaten up, his face swelled like a pig's head, and his words were not clear.

When the policeman asked who started it, the passers-by shook their heads.

There is no way but to send Wang Xiaoping to the hospital first.

Qin Tian comes to the hospital with the ambulance. Under the doctor's treatment, his mother's condition is relieved. He pulls out the silver needle and is about to leave when he sees Wang Xiaoping carried in.

After thinking about it, Qin Tian followed him. While the nurse was busy, Qin Tian took out the silver needle and pricked Wang Xiaoping's face a few times. Then he left.

He didn't want Wang Xiaoping's life, but for such people, Qin Tian felt that it was not enough to vent his anger just by beating him.

Wang Xiaoping was beaten and did not know how to move, but his consciousness had not been completely lost. Of course, he knew that someone came, but he did not know who that person was or what he had done to himself.

But after he left, it took Wang Xiaoping a long time to understand, but he couldn't speak.

A group of doctors gathered around him, saying that he had never seen a stroke after being beaten, because Wang Xiaoping did not touch the disease of stroke.

Qin Tian doesn't care. It's more than 10 o'clock after finishing the business here. He has no time to go back to the company, so he has to go to hutougang first.

Liu Bureau has to confirm again.

This time, Qin Tian happened to be in time for the discipline inspection personnel to come to investigate. According to the evidence written by the bald head, the discipline inspection staff investigated and dealt with a dozen bank cards of Lin Shengbing. As a small deputy director, how much is the monthly salary? Tens of millions of assets.

The cost of ordinary clothes is obviously not in line with his income.

Other deputy directors are also under investigation. However, Liu Ju is really a man of two sleeves, and all his belongings together are no more than two houses.

When Qin Tian arrived, Liu bureau had just finished the meeting. Seeing him coming, Liu Bureau immediately called on him.

"Mr. Qin! It's really troublesome for you to come here. Originally, I wanted to ask Yang Xiangchang to give you the planning map! "

"So soon?"

Qin Tian felt that the efficiency of this matter was really fast, and Liu Ju laughed, "of course, we should be quick. Secretary Zheng specially said hello. Naturally, we fully cooperated. Come on, I'll tell you more about it. "

Qin Tian is secretly grateful to Zheng Dakang. He is not behind him. He doesn't know how long the investment in Baiyuan county will take. He knew the procedure of handling affairs here. Naturally, he knew that it was Secretary Zheng who was behind him.

"Mr. Qin, take a look. According to what you said, we will build roads first. At the same time, agricultural experts will be sent to inspect the villages to see if they can grow anything. When the time comes, once all the roads are opened, the population in the village will come back, and there will be no need to go out to work in the city."

Liu Ju was very excited when he spoke. Qin Tian could see that he was really excited.

"Liu Ju, thank you for everything here. When I came in just now, it seemed that they said that the leader of the Discipline Inspection Commission had come? Has Lin Shengbing stopped cooking? "

Liu Bureau's face showed a wry smile, "yes, the discipline inspection comrades found out that his account was abnormal, and now several deputy directors are under investigation in the field. I didn't expect that they were so brave. The director before me was gone. If he was there, he would have to be investigated!"

"It's hard for him to collect so much money for his family. When he dies, the money is left behind, and it's not in vain to come to the world for a visit."

Qin Tian sarcastically said, Liu bureau wants to say what, but found no words to say, Qin Tian said really reasonable.

Liu chuckled with embarrassment and continued to explain: "according to your previous assumption, Hutou gangtian will be transformed into a memorial hall for revolutionary martyrs, and commander Kong's tomb will be preserved, including the remains of Inoue Liang."

Qin Tian doubted, "did the leader really agree?"

Last night, Secretary Zheng told him that it was not easy to deal with this matter. Why did it change today?

"Well, this decision was made after discussion by the leaders of the city last night. I received the notice at 11:00 in the middle of the night, and the leaders in the imperial capital have agreed. Qin Tian, it's really thanks to Secretary Zheng! "

Qin Tian couldn't speak for a long time. He said so much in front of Secretary Zheng last night. Ah, he is a fool!

However, he did not go in vain, at least let Secretary Zheng know the difficulties and the real situation of hutougang.

Two hours later, Qin Tian got to know about the future planning of Baiyuan county. The budget was about 200 million yuan. He allocated funds without saying a word.

Qin Tian is rich and generous.

"Liu Ju, in the future, the supervisor of Baiyuan county will depend on you. My people are mainly in hutougang."

"Don't worry, the whole city knows about this plan. Qin Tian, you are the benefactor of Baiyuan County!"

Qin Tian didn't dare to be a benefactor. At the beginning, he was trying to give Yang Bing a breath. He didn't expect to make such a big noise.

But now it seems that the effect is good. At least the hutougang side can be thoroughly planned, and the children in the village have also learned."Come on, let's go to the opposite restaurant for dinner, and the leader of discipline inspection is also there!"

Liu Ju took him to dinner, but Qin Tian declined.

He still tried not to contact with the discipline inspection personnel, so as not to be photographed, when the Liu Bureau they can not say.

Qin Tian declined politely and drove directly to hutougang. At the foot of the mountain, someone started to start work. Qin Tian paid for the government to look for people, and the whole Baiyuan county began to move.

Qin Tian lifted his feet up the mountain and didn't want to see the scenery. It took him more than ten minutes to arrive. At this time, he felt a little hungry.

From a distance, I saw a group of people piling piles at the school's location. Qin Tian walked over and saw monkeys. They were all there.

"My God is back!"


Yang Bing ran over, excited.

"My God, you see, the cement sand that we carried on our back last night to today, all the people in the village have come to help us!"

Qin Tian thought of the location of the school on the planning map, just like now, he felt a little relieved.

"Go to your house and give me a bite, monkey! You are here

Qin Tian called to the monkey. They nodded and turned to work.

Yang Bing heard that he had not eaten yet, so he went to Zhangluo.

Qin Tian sat down and looked at a small head sticking out of the door and waved to him. A boy about seven or eight years old ran in.


"God? You should call me uncle

"No, you are brother Tian. I'm going to mix with you when I grow up!"

When the child was only seven or eight years old, he knew to say this, which made Qin Tian laugh.

"You know how to be a jerk? What do you mean

The child felt his head for a long time before he replied, "that is, I eat with you, sleep with you, beat the bad guys, make money and spend it together!"

The voice of the child made Yang Bing laugh.

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