"You're right, but people who can get along with me are capable people, so you have to learn skills first, you know?"

Qin Tian's words made the little boy nod in a muddle, and Yang Bing beckoned him to come over, "brother Tian wants you to go to school. When the school is finished and the teacher comes, you can go to school."

"I know! I also got my schoolbag. Can I mix with brother Tian after I go to school

Qin Tian wryly smile, "little guy, you can mix well with me after you graduate from university."


The boy nodded heavily, and then ran away. Yang Bing came to Qin Tian's side and sighed, "brother Tian, you can see that the children all know to follow the strong one. We tiger head Gang because of the sky brother, you have a new life."

"If you don't say that, I'm here to tell you that the planning map has come out, and soon hutougang will change greatly. A memorial hall for revolutionary martyrs will be built here, and the bones of commander Kong and Inoue will be collected. Your grandfather will be at ease by then. Yang Bing, I'll give you this one later. Monkeys will come to help you every now and then. "

Yang Bing nodded: "brother Tian, if you have something to do, hutougang is my home, I will guard well."

"Well, you can stay here and don't worry about the money."

"God, what are you talking about? Thanks to you, we have hope."

"That's it, young man. If it wasn't for you, we wouldn't have been here!"

Suddenly, there was a loud and powerful voice outside the door. Qin Tian quickly stood up. He saw Mr. Yang carrying a shotgun and dragging several wild rabbits behind him.

Qin Tian's eyes are bright!

"Grandfather Yang, did you go hunting? Be careful, I'll do it

Qin Tian rushed to come right after him. Yang Bing cracked his mouth and laughed, "I'll clean it up. Brother Tian, you sit down!"

Qin Tian is also really hungry, waiting to eat rabbits, along the way to sit with the old man.

Mr. Yang put the shotgun aside, untied the rope on his body and sighed, "I'm old. I can't catch up with wild boars. I can only shoot a few rabbits to give you some fresh food."

Qin Tian quietly held the old man's hand and took the opportunity to feel his pulse.

"Grandfather Yang, you're either old or a little cold. Drink more hot water. I'll give you two injections. I'll have an early rest later."

"Smell speech Yang grandfather is very surprised," you still can medical skill

Yang Bing heard it and said with a smile: "grandfather, Tiange has opened a hospital in the city. How many rich people don't go to see a doctor for him. Grandfather, you let him have a good look at it today!"

After listening to Yang Bing's introduction, Mr. Yang couldn't close his mouth with a smile. "That's good. My old man's luck is really good. I don't have to wait in line to hang up the expert number today."

"Grandfather, you don't have to wait in line. You can come to see me whenever you want. It's a family!"

"I love to hear you saying this, or Yang Bing is lucky to meet you, let me also smudge."

Two people look at each other and smile. Qin Tian takes out the cloth bag from his pocket and takes out the silver needle.

Although Mr. Yang doesn't know medical skills, he knows that Qin Tian's ability is not blowing.

Old man Yang reassured him to give himself a needle. When people get old, there will always be problems. But because the old man has a good spirit, he can carry all the minor problems. This time, Qin Tian happened to solve them once again.

"Grandfather, I'll stay here for another three days. I'll give you a needle every day to consolidate it. Later, I'll teach you a set of health preserving boxing. You can live a long life!"

"Ha ha, I don't want to live a long life for a hundred years. I just want peace and don't give my children any trouble." Mr. Yang is easy to satisfy. Qin Tian knows that it is because of his good mentality that he can lead such a happy life.

Qin Tian pulled out the silver needle and let the old man breathe with him. He also taught him a set of health preserving boxing. This is the Wuqinxi in the ancient books of traditional Chinese medicine. All the good things handed down by the ancestors are good things.

After a set of boxing, Yang Bing asked Qin Tian to have dinner.

"God, it's dinner!"

Guoba rice mixed with the smell of broth floated into Qin Tian's nose, his stomach has been unable to help, "grandfather Yang, eat together!"

It was almost three o'clock. Qin Tian was already hungry. The old man waved his hand and told him to go and eat it quickly. He went to clean up the rest of the rabbit meat himself.

Qin Tian hasn't eaten such a fresh rabbit for a long time. Just a simple braised pork can arouse his appetite.

Just as he was eating, the monkey came up out of breath.

"Tiange, Secretary Zheng, they're here, and they're halfway there with a lot of leaders!"

The monkey went to the kitchen and scooped out a ladle of water and poured it in. Qin Tian was a little surprised and then reacted.

"It's OK. When the leaders come, let the big guys go out to meet them. If you have any difficulties, you can talk to the leaders. Anyway, if you come today, you will solve them once!"

The bigger the leaders come, the more they want to let them see the bad side. If they don't, how can they plan and transform?

Qin Tian is not in a hurry. There is still half an hour for him to arrive. He has to fill his stomach first.

It is the first time to see so many leaders in hutougang. In the past, it was the mayor of Yangxiang who came here at most. Now the leaders of the city have come. The villagers of hutougang are excited and afraid.In their impression, the officials are like the deputy directors, with great pomp and full of official voice.

But the people who came here today are not the same.

Qin Tian and Mr. Yang stood at the front of the crowd. Zheng Dakang saw him at a glance.

"Qin Tian! Come here

Qin Tian came over and saw the middle-aged man beside Zheng Dakang. "This is Mayor Chen. I heard about hutougang. I came here to inspect it. Mayor, this is Qin Tian that I mentioned to you. He is also the investor of Baiyuan county. He personally directed the hutougang project

Chen Shi Chang stretched out his hand and Qin Tian rushed to hold it.

"Young man, promising, do well!"

"Mayor Chen praised it. By the way, this is Mr. Yang, a subordinate of commander Kong, who has been guarding commander Kong's tomb for so many years."

Qin Tian didn't forget to introduce Mr. Yang. Mayor Chen took the lead in the past and held Mr. Yang's hand, which made him flattered.

When the people around saw that the leader was so close to the people, the atmosphere became relaxed.

Mayor Chen is going to pay a visit to commander Kong. Mr. Yang takes his party there.

Zheng Dakang took the opportunity to hold Qin Tian's arm and told him in a low voice: "I finally convinced Mayor Chen to come down and have a look. You can't make any confusion later. If you don't have something to say, don't say it."

"Secretary Zheng, don't worry about it. Now that the planning map is out, I won't cause any trouble as long as everything is well in hutougang."

Unless the people of the Inoue consortium come up with something else, he will have nothing to do.

"Secretary Zheng, I will be back in three days. What else do you worry about?"

"OK, the mayor is here to reassure you. No matter how the island country jumps, the planning will not stop. We should protect it."

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