It is said that Mayor Chen led a group of people to bow three times in front of commander Kong's tomb. After returning, he ordered planning and reconstruction as a key project. Qin Tian was also at ease after receiving the news.

Three days passed quickly. Qin Tian pricked the master for three days, dredged his blood vessels and helped to regulate his body. Seeing that the old man was really better, he left at ease.

Yang Bing stayed in hutougang and came back after the completion of the project.

The old man took people to send him back for a long time. Qin Tian sat in the car and sighed.

"Or they are simple and unsophisticated. They don't have to worry about being immersed in a vat."

"That's right, but Tiange, those dog days are really willing to quit?"

Qin Tian pondered, "not necessarily. I heard that they are still in the hospital. Shall we have a look?"

"Yes! Let them see what happens when they offend our heavenly brother


As soon as the monkey's voice dropped, the Land Rover was rear ended.

"Crouching trough, which one has no eyes? It's so wide that the road still hits. It's so blind!"

The monkey blew up, immediately stopped on the road, ready to go down the theory, but was pulled by Qin Tian.

"No, we've been walking for an hour. There's no one on the road now. It's so wide. It's not right."

Qin Tian didn't let the monkey go down, so he sat in the car and waited. The car behind him didn't get down.

The black window glass can't see the people inside, but Qin Tian is right. It's not right.

Lu Wan and they are in the front, and they don't know what happened here. Monkey takes out his mobile phone and calls Lu Wan. No one answers, then calls Zhao Donghui, or no one answers.

When the monkey's heart sank,

"Tiange, Lu Wan, they won't have an accident

"Go, keep driving."

They don't get out of the car, and the people in the back of the car don't get off. When they see the monkey coming, the car starts and the car follows.

Qin Tian holds the silver needle in his hand and observes them through the reversing mirror.

The car in the back of the car chased, and even took advantage of the corner when suddenly accelerating to another car. Although this is the main road, one side of the road is in the process of being renovated. It is full of two meters deep pits. If you want to fall down, you must turn over.

At this time, Qin Tian opened the window, the real Qi ran, and the silver needle on the tip of his finger hit out.


There was a loud noise, the tire burst! The black car screeching on the brakes and soon hit one side of the roadbed.

"Speed up!"

Qin Tian shouts, the monkey dare not be careless. If it were not for Qin Tian, their car would be entangled even if it didn't turn over.

"Look, in front of them are Lu Wan!"

One hundred meters away, Lu Wan and Zhao Donghui solved the last person. Seeing the Land Rover coming, they quickly ran over.

"God, are you ok?"

Qin Tian got out of the car and saw the black suit lying on the ground. He narrowed his eyes and motioned, "I've picked up their clothes."

Monkey and others do not understand, but still do, as a result, just stripped pants, understand.

"Damn it! It's an Islander! "

They're all wearing Samurai underwear!

"Dog days are not dead hearted, we give them a ride, throw them down, and then go to the hospital!"

Qin Tian is angry. At this time, the people of minefield financial group still want to revenge. Is it really when he is a soft persimmon?

Qin Tian and his party come to the hospital. Monkey and Lu Wan follow him up. The others stay in the parking lot and clean up the bunnies. Three people are enough.

"There's no blood. Be quick."

Qin Tian tells them that the main reason for not seeing blood is that they are afraid to dirty their hands. These islanders are not worth their dirty hands.

In the special care unit of the hospital, Inoue taro and yoshijiro Liusheng are the key objects of care. Although they are very seriously injured, they are all broken arms and legs. They do not hurt the heart and pulse, so they just need to be raised.

As for Yoshihiro, he was hurt a little more seriously and was directly thrown into the downtown area by the monkeys. He was beaten up and his kung fu was wasted. It is impossible to get a knife in the future. It is still a problem whether he can stand up or not.

Inoue taro, I can only take a wheelchair in my life.

Qin Tian and others bypassed the nurse, took the white coat of the duty room, put it on, and went into the intensive care ward.

I don't know if they should enjoy special treatment because they are islanders themselves. Nurses will take care of them all the time when they live here.

Seeing Qin Tian and others rush in, a trace of embarrassment flashed on the face of the little nurse.

"You, who are you?"

Inoue Taro's hand is still holding her hand tightly. The little nurse's face is flushed. Unexpectedly, these three people will suddenly appear.

When the monkey saw it, he immediately got angry. He clapped open the hand of taro Inoue. He sewed a needle on his cheek. His words were not very clear, but he knew him when he saw the monkey.

"Dog days, I don't forget to take advantage of others. You can touch our Chinese girls, too? Damn itThe monkey reached out and slapped him! Inoue taro widened his eyes and looked at him with horror in his eyes.

Qin Tian then went over and waved to the little nurse, "you go out first and come in five minutes later. If you ask me, you don't know anything. Do you understand?"

Small nurse repeatedly nodded, "understand, but you don't kill him, or I dare not explain."

Qin Tian nods, it seems that the little nurse is also angry, and now they are starting out for her.

The two of them were in the same ward. When he heard the sound, he opened his swollen eyes, and his mouth was hard to spit out a few words: "eight Ge, Yalu

"Tooth you are paralyzed!"

Qin Tian leaned over and looked at him. Suddenly, he turned over his whole body with his hand. He held his spine accurately and squeezed it hard!

When Liu Sheng was a little Langdon, he felt that his whole body was soft and had no consciousness.

His eyes were full of stillness. Qin Tian turned him over, covered his quilt, and looked at him with a smile, "thank you. Those black suits are bad. Enjoy the days lying in bed. You can't even climb out."

Qin Tian's voice makes Liusheng xiaojiro's eyes full of panic. He tries to move his body, but finds it useless. He can't use any strength at all. On this side, Inoue taro was held down by the monkey. Lu Wan broke his wrist. After a scream, Inoue taro fainted. Then Qin Tian tried again and crushed his spine.

For them, it's cheap for them to lie in bed and be served.

Qin Tian has been merciful. If you kill them and dirty their hands, they will be abandoned by the family. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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