Cheng Yi soon came back, holding a small white bottle similar to his own company, with the rain dew cream on it and a green trademark on the back.

"You see, I bought it in the drugstore, the price is half of ours, but the texture is a little different. If you look carefully, the color is a bit dark, and the others are almost the same. Anyway, I don't smell like adding preservatives." As like as two peas,

Qin Tian took the bottle and looked closely. Both from packaging and color, they were very similar, exactly the same.

As for the texture and color of Cheng Yi, it's just about the light.

Qin Tian walks to the window, the color in the bottle becomes transparent white, very their health cream is not different.

"Cheng Yi, what about Gu Yiming?"


"Let him come to me as soon as he comes up."

Qin Tian's voice was deep. He turned around and took out a bottle of unopened health cream from the drawer. He dug out some with his fingers and put them on the white paper. He also dug out some from the dew cream and put them on the paper.

Qin Tian smelled it carefully and found that the taste was the same. Although he had not passed the professional test, he was sure that the bottle of dew cream had copied their health cream.

Qin Tian frowns tightly. He doesn't make health cream to make money, because it has freckle effect. Most of the time, it will be effective in a month, so the price is a little higher, everyone can accept it.

But now you can buy it at half the price, which directly pushes the positioning of health cream from high-end to low-end, which undoubtedly destroys the market competition.

Qin Tian really wants to know what Wang's pharmaceutical industry is. There are so many capable people who can crack their own formula.

So far, Qin Tian doesn't believe it was their insiders who leaked the secret. He didn't think about it at all.


Gu Yiming comes, followed by Cheng Yi. When they see Qin Tian staring at two pieces of paper on the table, they are stunned!

"God, what are you doing?"

"Come and see if you can tell which one is our health cream."

Qin Tian retreats to one side and asks them to come and distinguish.

Cheng Yi and Gu Yiming look at such a similar frost body. Their eyes are full of doubts.

Cheng Yi reaches out and wipes it on the back of his hand. It's easy to push away. The texture is fresh and the fragrance is familiar. This should be the health cream.

Looking at the other side, Gu Yiming also smeared a little on the back of his hand. The texture and color of the two sides are almost the same as those of the others.

Gu Yiming's face suddenly sank down, "elder brother, this is basically the same! No difference Cheng Yi also nods, but then he reacts and looks very ugly.

"So our health cream has been pirated

Qin Tian nods, Gu Yiming on one side shouts injustice, "impossible! Formula is our own people to guard, can not be pirated! General pharmaceutical companies can't make this cream. "

Gu Yiming's words are also reasonable. Qin Tianshen said in a deep voice: "first send this bottle of dew cream to test. If it is exactly the same, we will collect evidence first."

Qin Tian's words let Gu Yiming nod, if let him know who did it, he must pick his skin!

"If they pirated it, then the pirated person is too strong, right? Qin Tian, if you find this person, you must bring him under your command. This is a personal talent

Cheng Yi's words made Qin Tian laugh, "I have you two talents is enough, hurry up, Cheng Yi, you vice president can think of ways to increase sales, otherwise the health cream market will soon lose."

Cheng Yi immediately said, "no, don't worry. I'll think of a way."

"Yes, my God, you can rest assured. Seeing that they were so determined, Qin Tian was relieved, but there was one possibility that something was wrong with them!

However, it is impossible to think about it. Zhang Dafeng is the only one who can contact the formula. He will not sell the company.

Thinking of this, Qin Tian got up and patted Gu Yiming on the shoulder, "I'll give it to you. If you have any difficulty, call me."

"Nothing! My God, take your time

Gu Yiming's mentality is excellent, Qin Tian also thinks that even if it is piracy, it doesn't matter. When the evidence is in hand, Sue Wang.

It's just that they didn't think of it. The answer is that it's coming out. It's true that the balm is also made of the same ingredients. But that doesn't mean anything.

When Qin Tian received the call from Cheng Yi, I was in a bad mood.

"Qin Tian, the lawyer said that this is not evidence, there is no way to sue them."

Qin Tian was angry, "how not to calculate?"

is he as like as two peas?

Cheng Yi explained: "just like Ganmao granule, the ingredients are the same. Can you say that this medicine is pirated?"

Cheng Yi's words make Qin Tian frown tightly. Is there no place to reason?"Who is Wang? Did you find out? "

"Just, it's Wang Xiaoping. Don't do it until you find out."

"Well, I'll wait for you."

Qin Tian can promise to wait just to see this matter. Wang Xiaoping knows that he is not wrong. If he has a good attitude, he will let him go. Otherwise, he will definitely let him look good!

Wang Xiaoping sat at home happy, and the only thing he couldn't think of was Qin Tian. They didn't bother themselves when they knew the news.

This made Wang Xiaoping very happy.

"You look down on me, don't you? I'll let you have a taste of heart piercing! "

Wang Xiaoping was pleased with his smile. The girls around him were courteous and climbed into his bed. He said with a charming smile, "Wang Shao, you will be satisfied tonight."

Although his mouth was a little crooked, he couldn't hold the RMB to wave at her, and the girl still kissed her. This unique enjoyment made Wang Xiaoping gradually forget Cheng Yi and indulge in the gentle countryside, making people blush from time to time.

Cheng Yi's phone call came an hour later. As soon as he got through, there was a cry. Cheng Yi was speechless. It was still daytime. It was a waste of life!

"I'm Cheng Yi. I have something to tell you."

"Say, speak, listen."

Wang Xiaoping's attitude is completely different now. He is not afraid. The initiative is in his hands. Now it's him who is in charge. Let's see how Cheng Yi asks him.

"Wang Xiaoping, I ask you, what's wrong with your rain cream?"

Wang Xiaoping smelt speech ha ha a smile, deliberately pretended to be silly, "what are you talking about, I can't hear clearly, what kind of dew cream, that's our company's new product, what's the matter?"

Cheng Yi as like as two peas in his heart, suddenly fired. "What is your company's new product? It is clearly our company's main product health cream. From texture to packaging, and the ingredients inside, it's the same. Wang Xiaoping, are you playing tricks on me?" Wang Xiaoping, ha ha, a smile, the whole person relaxed. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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