Wang Xiaoping yelled to the woman in the mobile phone: "what if it's me? If you have evidence, you can sue me. Have you already found a lawyer and said it's no good, so you called me?"

Cheng Yi is angry. This guy is obviously intentional. If this thing continues, the market share will continue to decrease, and they will be finished.

Cheng Yi doesn't want to waste water with him, so he proposes to meet and chat, which is her biggest concession.

Wang Xiaoping is not forced to do so. He directly nods his head and agrees. He sets the time for tomorrow morning. Cheng Yi agrees.

"Cheng Yi, I said you would come, isn't it coming?"

Hang up the phone, Cheng Yi's face is full of disdain, but he still wants to calculate himself? I'll beat him up when I see you tomorrow!

It's settled. Cheng Yi calls Qin Tian to inform him, and Qin Tian has the same intention.

"Are you sure? Did he do it? "

Although Wang Xiaoping did not deserve to be beaten up, the piracy issue has great inspiration. Otherwise, it can't be the same, so the people behind him must be found out!

"He is the legal person of the Wang family, and he has not denied it. Who else could he have?"

Cheng Yi looks indignant and will meet tomorrow.

Hang up the phone, Cheng Yi is not happy.

Qin Tian is also a little unhappy. Health cream is his first product, which aims to solve the problems on women's faces for the sake of patients. It is good if there are competitors. At least it shows that people regard health cream as a very strong brand, but copying and copying malicious competition is not the case.

Qin Tian didn't expect that there was a problem with the internal staff at this time, but he came to the company with Gu Yiming and Cheng Yi for a meeting. Everyone saw it and naturally knew what was going on.

Qin Tian looked at the bottle of dew cream in his hand and smelled it again. Suddenly, he thought of a problem. According to his previous formula, the color of the products made was black. Gu Yiming added some things himself. After improvement, he had the health cream now.

It's not surprising that there are on the package of traditional Chinese medicine formula, but the proportion of other additives must be strictly controlled to achieve the current effect. More or less will affect the effect of freckle whitening.

No matter how powerful Wang Xiaoping's people are, they can't have such accurate dose control. The contents in this bottle are the same as his, unless

Thinking of this, Qin Tian was scared by his idea, he immediately picked up his mobile phone and dialed Gu Yiming's phone.

"God, the test results will come out soon!"

"I'm not talking about this. Go to the factory with me right now!"

Qin Tian didn't have time to explain, but Gu Yiming didn't dare to delay. He put down his mobile phone and went straight to the factory. When Qin Tian arrived, Qin Tian had already arrived.

"God, what's up?"

Gu Yiming gasped for breath and rushed over. Qin Tian took him to the factory assembly line.

What about Zhang Dafeng

Qin Tian looks around for a week and doesn't see Zhang Dafeng. Gu Yiming also feels strange, so he takes out his mobile phone, but Zhang Dafeng's mobile phone is not answered, and there is no one in the office.

"What's wrong with Lao Zhang? Where have you been? "

Gu Yiming grabs a man in the office and asks.

"He asked for leave. He said that his daughter went to school in other places. He went to deal with it and would come back tomorrow."

His words let Gu Yiming feel puzzled, he looked back at Qin Tian and shrugged: "he didn't ask for leave with me."

Qin Tianning eyebrow, "first look at the monitoring, from the internal start of the investigation."

"My God, are you suspicious of our own people? impossible! No way

Qin Tian patted him on the shoulder, "check yourself first. If it's OK, we'll deal with Wang Xiaoping. But if it's our people who have problems, the plan will change."

Gu Yiming is silent. Although it is an internal self-examination, only a few people can master the core secrets, including Zhang Dafeng.

He trusted Zhang Dafeng, he would not sell himself to sell the company.

However, Qin Tian didn't believe what he said.

It's not that he can't believe Zhang Dafeng, but it's too coincident that Zhang Dafeng is not here at this time.

However, during the factory trip, they looked through all the records and found no doubt.

As for Zhang Dafeng, Qin Tian wanted to call him personally.

This time the phone went through.

"Lao Zhang, I'm Qin Tian."

Four words, Zhang Dafeng was silent for a long time, and then said: "I'm sorry for the company, sorry for Gu Yiming, I'm guilty!"

Zhang Dafeng finished crying, Qin Tian's heart sank! "Zhang Dafeng, I have something to say. What is a big man crying about?"

Gu Yiming scratched his ears and scratched his cheek in a hurry. Qin Tian turned on the loudspeaker and Zhang Dafeng's voice came over.

"I, they threaten me with my daughter and my wife. I can't help it. My daughter just went to college, and they're staring at me. I can't help it. I'm guilty!"

Gu Yiming was stunned and then scolded: "Lao Zhang, I'm not mean to you, right? You can't tell us if you're in trouble! ""Mr. Gu, I'm sorry, my daughter can't be spoiled by them. I know I'm sorry for you. You wait for me to come back and I'll come to you when I'm settled. I'll plead guilty."

"If you're paralyzed, you're going to be in prison because you're leaking the company's secrets. Do you know that?"

Gu Yiming couldn't help but roar out,

Zhang Dafeng cried and said sorry, then hung up the phone and dialed it again. It was turned off.

Qin Tian's face was gloomy, and Gu Yiming jumped his feet in anger and called himself wrong.

"It doesn't help to say that I read the wrong person right now. The key is Wang Xiaoping. In order to get the formula, I wanted to have a good talk with him. It seems that there is no need now."

Seeing the ruthlessness in Qin Tian's eyes, Gu Yiming is a little worried.

"Brother Tian, what do you want to do? Take me with you. The son of a bitch is very dangerous and harasses Cheng Yi all day long. We can figure out this account at a time."

It can be seen that Gu Yiming is really angry.

Qin Tian shook his head, patted him on the shoulder and said, "no hurry. Let's see how he says it. If we talk about compensation, if we don't admit it, we'll get him to admit it!"

Qin Tian has lost his good temper. This kind of villain is haunting. If he doesn't solve the problem at once, the key is that he is still a second generation official. If he makes the old man of his family jump, Qin Tian doesn't want to fight against the government. After all, he has unified the underground forces, and his eyes are fixed on him.

Hearing him say so, Gu Yiming had to restrain himself, but the anger in his heart still couldn't be sent out. He never thought that Zhang Dafeng would betray him.

But now it's too late to say anything. The market share of health cream has been eroded by the dew cream, and qintian doesn't want to reduce the price. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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