Wang Xiaoping lying on the bed, looking at the rising number of mobile phones, the heart that called a beauty.

I can't imagine how much money he can get from business. The money that the old man brings back from his daily social activities and meals is not as high as his daily income.

Qin Tian, Qin Tian, I really want to thank you for having such a good staff. I'll tell you all by bluffing. How cool this way is!

Wang Xiaoping can't be beautiful. He turns his head and sees his crooked mouth. His mood is a little low.

I was about to go out to ask my sister when my mobile phone rang. It was Cheng Yi!

Wang Xiaoping is so happy that her sister comes to visit!

"Hello, miss me?"

Cheng Yi couldn't suppress his anger and yelled at his mobile phone: "Wang Xiaoping, you're a toad. You dare to steal our formula. Wait till I kill you!"

After scolding Cheng Yi, he hangs up. Wang Xiaoping looks at the mobile phone that has been blackened. It takes a long time for him to react.

Fuckin 'bitches, you're a shame!

And Zhang Dafeng. They're all recruited, right? That's easy.

Wang Xiaoping immediately got up to find the old man and directly transferred 500000 yuan to his father.

"Dad, check it for me. There must be something wrong with this company!"

In front of him, the director of the quality supervision bureau is not a fool. Even if he is a son, he can do things with money.

"All right, take it easy. I'll see if he can, but your company won't have any more problems."

"I see, Dad."

Wang Xiaoping is beautiful. If this is done, Cheng Yi will not want to escape. Sooner or later, he will be from the Wang family.

Cheng Yi originally planned to go out with Gu Yiming to block Wang Xiaoping. When he saw him, he would beat him!

However, before the two men arrived at Wang's, the company heard that it was the Quality Supervision Bureau's forbearance to inspect and shut down the factory, and a lot of fines were issued to order them to rectify and rectify. When to restart production is still unknown.

Smell speech, Cheng Yishun blew up! We must seek justice from Wang Xiaoping.

They acted without authorization. Qin Tian didn't know. He sent a message to Zhang Dafeng and asked him to come back as soon as possible. This was his last chance to Zhang Dafeng.

If he wants to escape like this, no way.

As for the factory in the future, we still need to find close friends, but the proportion of formula should be kept strictly confidential.

Qin Tian thought of all the mechanized operation, formula proportion through computer precision control, manual inspection can be.

In this way, we can avoid divulging secrets. Of course, the left behind workers are old employees and can be trusted.

Qin Tian looks at the blank text message in the mobile phone screen, Zhang Dafeng has no reply, his heart is a little cold.

At this time, Gu Yiming's call came in.

"Tiange, the factory has been investigated. Wang Xiaoping is really despicable. He let the quality supervision bureau check us!"

Qin Tianhuo, has seen shameless, has not seen so shameless, unexpectedly initiative provocation!

"God? God, are you listening? I'm going to the factory now. Cheng Yi has to find the grandson to settle accounts. I can't stop him! "

"If you go to the factory, I'll go to find Cheng Yi."

Hang up the mobile phone, Qin Tian rushed out.

Wang Xiaoping, the quality supervision director's home location is good.

If a director can live in a villa, can he afford his salary?

Qin Tian calls Cheng Yi, and the girl is so hot that she hangs up after saying an address. Now Qin Tian stands at the gate of the community and sees the imposing gate. She feels angry in her heart.

"Wang Xiaoping! You scum

Suddenly, there is a commotion not far away. Cheng Yi's familiar voice comes, and Qin Tian raises his feet and walks in.

The security guard wanted to stop him, but before he could see what he looked like, the man disappeared.

"Damn it, why is there no one?"

The security guard felt his head, and his face was puzzled. Qin Tian had already gone far away.

"Cheng Yi, I said, as long as you promise, I will ask my father and them to stop the inspection immediately. You see, why? I have to fight with me. Look at my face. It's just swelling. But I don't blame you. As long as you are obedient, you should be my wife. "

"Pooh! Have no shame

Cheng Yi spat at him and smashed the bottle of dew cream!

Wang Xiaoping ducked over and looked very ugly.

"You son of a bitch, you want to die? Give you a face! What's this place? Ask! If you dare to run wild here, your company doesn't want it anymore, right? "

Wang Xiaoping looked at her face with sullen, angry chest up and down, and saw his mind wandering.

"Cheng Yi, I still said that, as long as you promise, I will let you continue to produce. It's not just a skin care product. If you have money, everyone can earn it together. Isn't it good?"

"Get out of here

After Wang Xiaoping finished, he went to touch her face and was slapped open by Cheng Yi!

Wang Xiaoping was also angry, and suddenly hugged Cheng Yi to kiss him. "If you don't follow me, not only the Quality Supervision Bureau, but also the industry and Commerce Bureau, you have to let your company close down!"Cheng Yi dares to be angry and dare not speak. He stares at him fiercely. Wang Xiaoping thinks that she agrees, so he can kiss him boldly.

The next second, a scream cut through the sky.

Wang Xiaoping covers his lower body and falls to the ground in agony. Cheng Yi looks at him from a commanding position and says with disdain: "the toad wants to eat swan meat, and doesn't pee to take care of himself. When a duck, no one orders you!"

Qin Tian was laughing in the dark until he got hurt.

In terms of quarrels, Wang Xiaoping is not Cheng Yi's opponent. It seems that he can't fight Cheng Yi.

I don't know where he comes from. He even wants to pursue Cheng Yi. The adjective toad is really good.

"Have you seen enough?"

Cheng Yi comes to find Qin Tian's figure. The latter can't help laughing.

"I thought you would suffer losses, but I didn't expect you to be so powerful. I admire you!"

Qin Tian really praises him. Cheng Yi raises his face triumphantly. "Of course, I'm not a silly white sweet. He's just like this. I say it's gone!"

Qin Tian gave up his thumb, and Wang Xiaoping tried to bear the pain and curse: "Cheng Yi, you wait. Your broken skin care company can produce again. I'll take your last name!"

"Is it? You try, the company will be re - operation, and you, wait for me

Qin Tian's eyes flashed a trace of ruthlessness. Wang Xiaoping shrunk his neck, but he was not convinced.

How about a lousy loser? It's not to ask for yourself?

Qin Tian leaves with Cheng Yi, but Cheng Yi can't help kicking Wang Xiaoping in the past!

"You wait. I'll make it impossible for you to get up next time."

Qin Tian laughs. This little girl is even more popular than his special forces. Well, it's a good seedling.

He suddenly wants Cheng Yi to learn some Kung Fu from himself. It's good to protect himself.

However, looking at Cheng Yi's angry face, Qin Tian still thinks it's better not to mention this matter for the time being, so as not to let Cheng Yi blow up with a word, which is not easy to coax at that time. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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