"Qin Tian, are you worried about me?"

On the way back, Cheng Yi suddenly asked him, Qin Tian frowned: "yes, this kind of villain, you must not come alone next time, in case he has help, you will be miserable!"

Qin Tian's words make Cheng Yi disapprove. When she came, she didn't think so much. She just wanted to teach Wang Xiaoping a lesson because she was so angry.

"Qin Tian, what are we going to do next? The Quality Supervision Bureau has shut down all our factories, and there are still 100000 orders left to be handed in. "

"It's OK. Tomorrow morning at the latest."

Qin Tian's words surprised Cheng Yi.

"Are you serious? Will it recover tomorrow morning? Will Wang Xiaoping be obedient? We have insufficient evidence. Even if Zhang Dafeng comes back, we can't help it. At most, we just let him take the blame, and we can't move Wang Xiaoping at all. No, I have to go back and slap him two more times! "

The more Cheng Yi wants to get angry, Qin Tian quickly stops her and pats her on the shoulder to comfort him: "this kind of thing will let a man come forward in the future. You are a girl in the company. You can contact him at any time. Don't worry. I will teach him a lesson and ask him to stop harassing you in the future."

"Really? Qin Tian, you still don't admit that you like me, otherwise how can you care so much about me? Say it, have you already taken a fancy to me? " Unable to restrain the emotions,

Cheng Yi suddenly embraced his arm. She was so close to herself that Qin Tian couldn't help swallowing slobber. The faint perfume of the girl's body came from the tip of his nose. No wonder Wang Xiaoping would pester Cheng Yi.

This long legs and slender waist, which man is not moved?

Seeing that he doesn't speak, Cheng Yi laughs. Qin Tian finally can't help it. "Don't mess around. I'm not Liu Xiahui. If I've played, I'll be rude."

"Who wants you to be polite? Come on

Cheng Yi tries to get close to him. Today, she is wearing a white vest with a black leather coat and a pair of black jeans underneath. Her good figure is tightly wrapped. Qin Tian's eyes are straight.

Cheng Yi is so active that Qin Tian can't stand it. He pushes Cheng Yi away and shakes his head quickly: "don't make trouble with me."

"Who made a fuss, didn't you? You're welcome. Show me one? "

Cheng Yi just doesn't want to let him go like this as they walk on the bus. When they get on the car, he takes off his leather coat and reveals the vest inside. The whole outline is clearly visible.

Qin Tian is speechless. How can this little girl be so active?

"Qin Tian, are you a man? Dare you say you dare not do it? "

Cheng Yi shouts in his ear. Qin Tian can't help it. He reaches out and points hard at her neck. Cheng Yi suddenly faints.

"I've got a wife, or I'll have to take you back! Be careful in front of me next time, or I will be really rude

Qin Tian put her coat on her.

Driving back to the company, Gu Yiming has already returned. Seeing Cheng Yi who is sleepy, Gu Yiming is anxious: "what's the matter? Is that grandson bullying her! What the hell

Gu Yiming immediately ran away, and then he had to go to Wang Xiaoping for trouble.

"Come back!"

Gu Yiming stops and looks back at Qin Tian. The latter puts Cheng Yi on the sofa and says, "she just scolds me for being tired and sleepy. You don't want to think about it. How can Wang Xiaoping be her opponent?"

Hearing this, Gu Yiming laughed. "I said it was. Wang Xiaoping's grandson who confessed with Cheng Yi was scolded bloody by her. This time, it is estimated that it is no exception."

Qin Tian shivers at the thought that Cheng Yi kicked Wang Xiaoping to the ground just now.

"Yes, you didn't see the way she beat and scolded Wang Xiaoping. She almost killed her children."

Hearing this, Gu Yiming can't help clamping his legs and looking at Cheng Yi's sleeping face, he still doesn't look at her any more.

Qin Tian patted him on the shoulder: "take good care of her. Don't let her go to Wang Xiaoping any more. Today, people are unprepared. If they go again, they may be in danger."

Gu Yiming quickly nods, not process Yi if insist to go, he also cannot stop.

"Oh, my God, where are you going?"

Qin Tian has gone out. Where is he going? Of course, to clean up Wang Xiaoping's grandson!

In the daytime everything follows the procedure, but at night, it is his world.

Qin Tian makes a phone call and asks Jiao Cheng to prepare 20 people for him. At 8 o'clock in the evening, he takes the monkey with him and makes him guard at the gate of the community.

Tsinghua garden is Wang Xiaoping's home, single family villa, and security guards at the door, but these are not problems.

In addition, he asked Fang Zhen to help, and asked the director of the Quality Supervision Bureau to have a meal.

In some cases, special measures must be used.

After listening to the matter, Fang Zhen was not angry at all and immediately responded with a mouthful.

In this way, Qin Tian can concentrate on dealing with Wang Xiaoping.

At eight o'clock in the evening, Fang Zhen and the director of quality supervision had dinner. Qin Tian took 20 people into Tsinghua garden.

The monkey looked at the small security guards in the security room and said: "you don't have to be afraid. We just go in and have a look. You don't know. It's none of your business to go out later. Anyway, after a long time, the Wang family won't live here. Don't worry, it won't hurt you."The small security guards looked at each other and did not dare to say anything. Who told them that they could not fight?

Can only be regarded as do not know, besides, the other people take out ten thousand yuan of money or very attractive.

Qin Tian and his party came to the gate of Wang Xiaoping's house. Tonight, the Wangs were very busy. Before they arrived, they heard the noisy sound coming from inside, accompanied by the sound of music.

"God, that bastard is having a party at home to celebrate!"

"It's just that we're going to have a good time. Maybe we can get something else."

The brothers of Qin Dynasty winked. Four people went to guard the front and rear doors, while the others followed Qin Tian in.

Qin Tian kicked open the door, the people inside were stunned, only music was singing.

"How lively it is

"Qin Tian? Do you want to die? "

Wang Xiaoping sat on the sofa, holding two girls in his arms, one left and one right, looking at Qin Tian, who had broken in.

Qin Tian came in, and the man behind him immediately brought a stool for him to sit down.

Seeing this, Wang Xiaoping became more angry and suddenly stood up and walked towards him. All the gangsters around him gathered together.

"Qin Tian, don't you want to do it? It's no good for you if the company goes bankrupt. Now, while I'm in a good mood, I'll get down on my knees and make three loud noises. I'll let you go! "

"Ha ha."

Qin Tian laughed and said, "stupid, your grandfather, I'm here to beat you today!"

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