Seeing Wang Xiaoping's face a little ugly, Qin Tian continued:

"company? Grandfather, I have a lot of money, even if I can't open it, but you don't want to have a better life!

What's more, after today, you are just like Laozi, who is the director of quality supervision, who has shrunk my neck to be a man! "

Wang Xiaoping pointed to the humanity around him: "look at this idiot, are you seeing too many ancient Confucians! Also let me shrink my neck to be a man, you Ya's company can't keep, still dream

"Don't talk much nonsense, Wang Xiaoping. I'll give you one last word and beg for mercy on my knees, and I'll spare you!"

"Fool you to dream, give it to me! I will be responsible for killing me

Wang Xiaoping yelled to let them all go up. A group of people grabbed the tables and chairs around them and rushed up. Qin Tian snapped his fingers, and the people behind him quickly met him. Wang Xiaoping is really naive. His buddies are all uneducated and incompetent. All the people in Qin Tian's side are experienced in many battles. Even if they are gangsters, they have amazing fighting power. They are more than enough to deal with.

In the villa, the sound of music overshadowed the sound of smashing. Wang Xiaoping's face changed from arrogance to panic, which was very beautiful.

Qin Tian coldly watched, took out the mobile phone to play a game.

"God, it's finished. What should I do with this boy?"

Qin Tian's eyes leave from the mobile phone screen and turn to Wang Xiaoping. His face is pale and shaking.

Qin Tian put away his mobile phone and waved to him. Wang Xiaoping knelt down with a sad face. Yes, he knelt down with a plop. He knelt step by step in front of Qin Tian with his knees full of pleadings.

"Brother, please forgive me. I'm not sensible. Don't worry. I'll let my father withdraw and let your factory open again. How about it?"

"I don't believe it."

Qin Tian said coldly that Wang Xiaoping was in a hurry. Now he had no help but to kneel down and plead.

"You stole our formula. Where is the factory? How much did it cost? "

Wang Xiaoping's eyes turned. He was about to lie when he was slapped by the people around Qin Tian!

"Don't you think about it, or I'll kill you!"

The people on the ground are still howling. Wang Xiaoping is just a counsellor. He doesn't dare to move his heart any more. He has to tell Qin Tian all the time.

"Yes, there are 20 million in such a short time. I don't care about the money."

Listening to him say so, Wang Xiaoping still has a fluke mentality, that since Qin Tian doesn't care about money, he won't be embarrassed.

But Qin Tian's words turned, "although the money is not much, I don't like people snatching money from my pocket. Do you understand?"

Wang Xiaoping's heart was cold, so he nodded quickly.

"Yes, yes, how much do you want?"

Wang Xiaoping still understands this truth.

Qin Tian nodded, "you are wise! Not much. If you steal the formula and sell it with the dew cream, give it 50 million. You must be able to afford it. Don't refuse. Otherwise, I will be very angry and the consequences will be very serious. "

Qin Tian tried his best to soften his voice, but his smile made Wang Xiaoping tremble with fear.

50 million? Didn't he lose his blood?

"Big brother, I, I really don't have any!"

"No? How many do you have

Wang Xiaoping's heart a joy, erect a finger, "ten million."


Qin Tian suddenly made a move and kicked him to the wall and slid down slowly.

Wang Xiaoping's face was sweating with pain, and the whole person was bent together.

"20 million, I want it now. You can make up the rest 30 million in three days. Otherwise, there will be no Wang family name in the future."

"Big Brother, I, I really don't have one. "

"No, the director of quality supervision has not? It shouldn't be! Spit out 20 million first

Wang Xiaoping did not dare to disobey, so he first transferred 20 million yuan to Qin Tian with his mobile phone, and Qin Tian forced him to write an IOU for the rest of the money.

"Remember, it's only three days. I'll see the money in three days, or you'll try it!"

Qin Tian put down his cruel words. How dare Wang Xiaoping refuse? He nodded repeatedly.

However, he didn't do it. He just gave orders and would lose so much money. Wang Xiaoping was unwilling.

"Big brother, in fact, it can't afford my fault alone. It's Zhao Gang who instigated me. Otherwise, I won't compete with you for a job!"

"Is it? I want to see the rest of the money in three days, or you will be thrown into the river to feed the fish like Zhao Gang

After Qin Tian finished, he asked people to throw paper and pen to him. After Wang Xiaoping finished writing, he handed it to Qin Tian. After he read it, he left.

When Qin Tian's figure disappeared completely, Wang Xiaoping finally couldn't help scolding.

"Damn Qin Tian, force me, right? I'll see."

There is also a director of the Quality Supervision Bureau behind him. What should I be afraid of?

Unfortunately, director Wang has been confused by the beauty of the southeast, northwest, holding two girls into the box.Fang Zhen's people stay in the office and enjoy the live broadcast to the computer.

"Look, brother Zhen, I can't believe that the director is very old and strong! It's so hard. It's full of patterns. "

Fang Zhen said with a smile, "we have finished our task. This video should be saved well! If the old boy doesn't let up, we can sell videos and send a sum of money! "

"Brother Zhen is right. If you had known, I would have found more girls. The scene should not be too spectacular."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

A group of people gathered together to raise their voices and laugh. Director Wang did not expect that he had become a video hero.

Or the best man.

Qin Tian called Jiao Cheng and others after he left Tsinghua garden, and asked them to check Zhao Gang. Who is this gangster.

Zhao Gang was puffing in the bar at this time. Although Qin Tian had ordered all unqualified venues to be closed slowly, there were still some small nightclubs languishing.

"Brother Zhao, telephone!"

Side of the small gangster to please squeeze to his side, Zhao Gang took the mobile phone, heard half changed his face.

"Crouch, you are so unkind, you sold me!"

"I'm broke. Where can I find 30 million yuan? I don't care, you Zhao Gang, try your own way

Wang Xiaoping's voice suddenly stopped, Zhao Gang would like to smash the mobile phone, this son of a bitch! Usually yell at each other, betray him at the critical time, OK, then try to see how Qin Tian can deal with himself!

"Brothers, I'll let you know later. I'll take a walk first."

Zhao Gang got up and slipped to the back door by the dim light in the bar. Joking, Mr. Wang suffered a lot. Can he still be good? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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