Zhao Gang slipped through the back door not long before someone came to look for him. He turned around and came to the front door. Seeing so many people gathered around the door of the

bar, he suddenly took a breath.

Good boy! So many people are looking for him? Mr. Wang, this basket is really big. I can't make it myself. I'd better go first.

As soon as he was about to turn around, he was blocked by two walls. Zhao Gang looked up and looked at the two mountains in front of him, smiling reluctantly.

"Goodbye, two big brothers?"

He pulled out his legs and slipped away, but he was held down by two people on his shoulders. He bared his teeth and grinned at the pain just a little.

"The man is here!"

With a roar, the gangsters in front of the bar all gathered around.

See Zhao Gang, the head of the people up is a slap! It made him look like stars.

"Damn it, just for you boy, we searched all over the city. I didn't eat any rice. So many brothers are looking for you. You can do it!"

Zhao Gang was scared out of his wits, but he was on the road. Knowing that they must have been asked by the people above, he choked his neck and yelled, "do you dare to move me? Does the leader know? If it's broken, I'll see how you can explain it! "

Zhao Gang is also a gamble, but he did not expect this group of people to listen to blow up!

"Drag back to the alley and say hello. The boss said that if you find it, you should have a good meal. If you don't die, you can do it."

As soon as the voice dropped, several people rushed up to cover his mouth and dragged him to the alley behind. After more than ten minutes, the man was carried out and there was no one like him.

"Brother, how to deal with some younger brothers?"


At an order, more than a dozen gangsters dragged Zhao Gang's men out to fight, and immediately made them cry for their father and mother.

When Qin Tian saw Zhao Gang, it was twenty minutes later.

In addition to their professional ethics, they are also hurt.

"To the police station, in addition to guarding Zhang Dafeng's home, saw him thrown into the police station, said he was forced to sell company secrets."

Qin Tian hates betraying his own people. Although Zhang Dafeng is an old man who cares for his family, he still betrays his family. Let alone the loss, the most painful thing is Gu Yiming.

Now they are sent to the police station only to allow Zhang Dafeng to be lenient.

He should not be forgiven just because he is forced to do so, and the responsibility that he should bear should still be borne.

As for Wang Xiaoping, there are still 30 million yuan not in place. It depends on how he raises money these days.

Wang Xiaoping was in a hurry at home, and those friends disappeared at the critical moment, leaving him alone at a loss.

By the way, what about the old man?

It's not so wonderful not to be home all night!

At daybreak, director Wang came back and saw Wang Xiaoping limping over. When he went up, he was slapped in the face. Wang Xiaoping was also angry.

"What are you doing with me?"

"Stinky boy, you're in trouble. Let me suffer with you!"

Wang Xiaoping was stunned. Seeing that his eyes were dark blue, he was obviously over indulgent, and there was a kiss mark on his neck. He immediately became angry!

"You also said me, you've been fooling around outside and you've been killed by other people's immortals?"

"Fart! I was threatened by a video that would spread all over the world if the factory was not allowed to produce again. You said, "you are not harming me!"

Once the problem of life style of government officials is found by their families, then their official career will be completely ended.

At ordinary times, director Wang also likes to play, but this time he was careless. Fang Zhen did not expect that Fang Zhen was actually their man.

Wang Xiaoping was completely dumbfounded. Director Wang went home and made a phone call. The factory immediately resumed production. However, the 30 million yuan owed by Wang Xiaoping was not easy to solve.

He dawdled to his father with a look of embarrassment.

"Dad, let me tell you something. Can you give me back the 500000 I gave you?"

"What the hell can I do with my filial piety?"

"No, it's just that I owe someone money, and I have to make it up in three days, or we'll be finished."

"How much is owed?"

"Three, thirty million."

Director Wang almost knelt down, "30 million? You're taking drugs

"It's Qin Tian, who started a skin care company with Gu Yiming? The health cream was developed by him. I looked good and asked people to steal the formula. As a result, the boy was too stingy to allow others to get rich. My father had to pay for the loss when his factory was closed. I gave him 20 million yuan, Dad. If you can't make it all in three days, your video will fly all over the place. "

Wang Xiaoping even his own father pit, angry director Wang almost fainted in the past, raised his hand is a slap in the face, hit Wang Xiaoping half face red and swollen.

"I've been in the officialdom all my life, but I didn't expect to be defeated by you! 30 million, Qin Tian, right? I dare to open my mouth. There is no money, only one life! Does he have any other company? "Wang Xiaoping realized that the old man was going to take the initiative, so he quickly nodded, "he also has a hospital. It is said that the business is very good. It is said that the local Shen family lady was cured by him."

"I have some skill! So, you go to... "

Director Wang whispered a few words in his ear, and Wang Xiaoping's red and swollen face waved a smile, "Dad, you are still fierce!"

"Don't talk nonsense. Hurry up. In addition, you can invite him to have a meal to make amends. This can only be solved behind the scenes. If it is put on the surface, it will be difficult to do it."

"You know, Dad, don't worry about it."

Wang Xiaoping was excited. With the help of the old man, 30 million yuan was saved. Although he didn't have so much money, he just couldn't be reconciled.

Wang bureau is also, to the mouth of the fat also want to paste upside down, how he is not reconciled.

Qin Tian didn't expect that the father and son would dare to fight back. He learned from Gu Yiming that the factory could be opened, and his heart was relieved a lot.

"God, you still have a way to let that grandson show weakness in one night. How did you do it?"

Gu Yiming gets close to him, and his eyes are full of stars. This guy is Qin Tian's fan brother now!

Qin Tian said with a smile, "it's nothing. It's the little brothers who beat him up and took a little interesting video. That's it."

Qin Tian is understatement, but Gu Yiming knows that it must be wonderful. For example, this interesting video is more wonderful than beating people.

Cheng Yi looks at Qin Tian on one side, and his eyes show admiration.

"Qin Tian, they all said that you have the ability and the way. Now it seems that you really have some skills. Take me, and I will follow you later!"


The tea in Qin Tian's mouth suddenly spurted out, splashing Gu's face.

"I have a wife."

"Who said that! I mean, hang out with you! What's the relationship between you and me

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