Cheng Yi pretended to look at Qin Tian with a slight red on his face. Qin Tian's words just now let her lose some. But the pride of the woman made her not bow easily.

Qin Tian was embarrassed. Cheng Yi asked in his voice, "so, what's your next plan?"

"Of course, let him spit out all that swallowed us! Wang Xiaoping's factory opened so fast, the procedures are complete? "

He asked, Gu Yiming thought, "fuck, I didn't pay attention to it, his factory is a workshop, maybe even business license is not!"

"That's better, and it's just a pot."

Qin Tian's voice made Gu Yiming shiver. He was scared suddenly. Fortunately, Tiange was on their side, otherwise it would be miserable.

Qin Tian looked at the two people who were staring at him and stood up and waved, "you go and take care of the factory first, I'll go home and see it, and then contact you three days later."

"You're leaving now? Wang will not come again, will he?

Cheng Yi was reluctant to leave. As for Wang Xiaoping, she was really not afraid.

"Are you afraid? It was tough when I hit him yesterday. "

Qin Tian teases her, Cheng Yi skims his mouth. "That is your protection in the dark, if I am myself, it will be different."

At this time Cheng Yi pretended to be a timid appearance, making Qin Tian laugh a little bit. He pushed Gu Yiming forward and pointed to him and said, "let him protect you."

After finishing, he left, Cheng Yi said nothing, Gu Yiming looked at her and said, "I like to go after it. I can count my loss. You don't know how beautiful Tiange's wife is."

"Have you seen that?"

"My God is so handsome, the woman you look for can be ugly? It can be imagined even if it is not seen. "

Cheng Yi turned a white eye and dragged Gu Yiming to the factory.

Qin Tian went home to a medical school, and the health cream was copied. Even if Wang Xiaoping lost money, his formula was lost. For safety, he had to think about ways to improve it.

before the health cream needle in the female market, the main whitening and freckle elimination, the efficacy of this cream is directly proportional to the price. If you add anything, it will be perfect.

"Ten complete health cream, sounds like a very good look."

Qin Tian mumbled to himself and looked for raw materials from the existing ancient prescriptions.

He stayed in the medical school until the sun fell into the West. Qin genius had a little bit of a clue and drove home. Qin Tian had a headache when he thought that Lin Xiaoyao was still in trouble.

But when he got home, he didn't see Lin Xiaoyao,

it made him a little happy.

"Wife, I'm back!"


Li ran out of the bedroom and saw Qin Tian immediately rushed into his arms!

It's so fragrant!

Qin Tian touched her hair and smelled it. The light fragrance made him unable to ask others. He took Li Xinran and strode to the bedroom

I don't know how long, Li Xinran was powerless and lazy on him.

"Husband, this time you can stay at home and don't go out?"

"What, let me go?"

"It's not. Xiaoyao is not here. I am afraid to sleep in a big bed alone."

Her words make Qin Tian feel guilty. He just wants to comfort him. He listens to Li Xinran to remind him: "go back to see your parents tomorrow. How long have you not been?"


Qin Tian has some moving face. He didn't face to go back in those years when he was the son-in-law. He only got the spirit to go back to see it. But he was too busy to go back. Now listen to Li Xinran. Qin Tian thinks about it. It is almost half a month since the incident of hutougang.

"Husband, I'm hungry. Shall we go out for dinner?"

Li Xinran said that Qin Tian felt hungry, so they went out and sat down in the big gear outside.

Since the underground power of Songshan city is unified, it seems that the business of big block has been much worse.

Qin Tian and Li Xinran sat outside, looking at the street's rarefied pedestrians, and were very sad: "the muddlers are much less, and they are really not used to it."

"It is a lot less, but our business is also much worse, but overall, public security is really good."

The boss of big brand is sweating, smiling on his face, and nodding 4: "yes, I feel the same way."

"Husband, where did you say the mischievous went?"

"To correct the evil, naturally, to the place suitable for them, by the way, what do you women pay attention to when buying skin care products?"

Qin Tian looks at Li Xinran, who has a good skin and has little problem.

Li Xinran crooked his head and said, "what should we pay attention to? Of course, it works! Perhaps many are advertising effect, honey of a, arsenic of B, or to see their skin, expensive not necessarily good, cheap also may not be bad. ""So we'll have a try?"

"Of course, the counter can try it out, but I can't see if I can use it. So I always ask for a week's sample every time."

Qin Tian's words remind Qin Tian, yes, his health cream can also be used in small bottles? The best way is to promote new products, which should improve the audience.

"Of course, sometimes packaging is also very important. If you look at these black bottles and brown bottles, their appearance is very tall, and of course they are more attractive."

Li Xinran added that Qin Tian thought of the bottle of health cream and took out his mobile phone to show her, "do you think you like this kind of bottle?"

Li Xinran looked at it, pursed his mouth and shook his head: "to tell you the truth, I don't like it. Although some antique and domestic products are gradually rising, I don't like this kind of product, but this is your brand product, and the effect is very good."

This is true. Qin Tian also knows that the product is OK. In addition to upgrading the effect, packaging is also very important.

As expected, women still agree with her mobile phone

"Of course, but sometimes it's so busy. If you can solve all the problems in one bottle, it would be great. There are also skin care products specifically for various skin problems that sell well."

"I know. Don't worry. When I research it out, I'll be the first to use it for you. I'll make you a great beauty!"

Li Xinran laughed and fell in his arms, two people smile into a group.

At this time, a frivolous whistling came from behind, Li Xinran frowned, and at the moment of turning back, there was again laughter behind him.

"Husband, let's pack it and take it back."

Li Xinran didn't want to make trouble here, but Qin Tian didn't agree.

"Beauty, come and have a drink."

The whistling voice turned into a chatting voice. Qin Tian's eyebrows wrinkled tightly together and turned to look at him: "are you blind? Don't you see that she has a man?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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