The ruffian laughed, "man? You are her man, we can be! Come over and have a drink, beauty. How about a change of flavor? "

They laughed into a group, Qin Tian was angry, just about to start to be Li Xinran hold, "forget, here to do, boss how to do business?"

Qin Tian had to stay still, but the voice behind him was more arrogant. Several ruffians put down their chopsticks and walked over and surrounded them. One of them also hugged Li Xinran's shoulder.

"Let him go, give you three seconds."

Qin Tian's voice made them all laugh. "If I don't let go for three seconds, would you say you wouldn't let me go!"


"Ha ha ha, you see this fool is really funny!"

He laughed loudly, and before he could see how Qin Tian did it, he felt a sharp pain in his wrist, and was held by Qin Tian and forced to leave Li Xinran's shoulder.

"I said, three seconds, or you'll regret it."

"Fuck, beat him..."

Ruffian pain of the five officials are distorted, forced to squeeze out these words, the mixed people immediately rushed on, the boss of the big platoon quickly alarm.

"This boy is going to suffer tonight!"

It's strange that a person is not killed to so many people.

Qin Tiansi didn't care, and when they did not respond to the reaction, she kicked the two people who relied on them to one side, and then took the chopsticks on the table and shoved them into the back of the ruffian's hand and stabbed it directly into her hand.

"Let them kneel down, or I will poke your eyes!

"Pain, light up, brother, I am wrong. You forgive me. You don't kneel!"

He turned his head and shouted to others, and knelt down in a moment.

The boss of the big platoon was shocked. He thought you would suffer from this young man. He didn't expect to be a cruel man. If the police didn't come again, it was estimated that the mischievous would be beaten badly.

"Please forgive me, brother. I'm just kidding!"

"Joke? Who is your boss? "

This place should be the territory under the jurisdiction of Jiaocheng. They are so arrogant. Does Jiaocheng ignore it?

"No, we just graduated from technical school, no work, so we came out to play, really dare not, brother forgive me!"

Li Xinran pulled his sleeves aside. "Forget it, they all have learned."

Qin Tian looks like he hugs Li Xinran's waist to let the boss pack and take everything away. The mixed people still kneel on the ground and dare not get up.

Qin Tian didn't get up until Qin Tian left. At this time, police cars came. They were taken away after finding the boss to understand the situation.

The pitiful one was the small head, the palm of the hand still had chopsticks in his heart, and blood on the police car.

On the way back, Li Xinran was still in a throb. "Husband, you should not be so impulsive outside in the future, if they hurt you more, it will be bad."

"What can I do? A group of children come out and mix up without knowing anything. Give them a lesson to let them know that it is not easy to be confused."

"Then you can't do it with anyone!"

Li Xinran is worried about Qin Tian's losses, although Qin Tian is the top priority most of the time.

"Well, I promise you not to do it until it is necessary."

Unless someone else starts first, it is not a fool to not return his hand.

Li Xinran listened to him and was relieved. After they came home to settle the dinner, they were clouded again, and they didn't wake up until the next morning.

Qin Tian looked at the mobile phone screen and found a text message.

It was Wang Xiaoping.

"Elder brother, to express my apology, I will make amends to you at the hotel of Dilao this noon. Please be sure to show your face. Box 335."

Hongmen banquet?

Qin Tian thought, do not eat white or not, see what kind of cat greasy this boy has.

So he returned to a good word, saw Li Xinran still sleeping, so he got up and washed.

Lin Xiaoyao, at this time, reflects her benefits.

Qin Tian dials her number, just gave a feed, Lin Xiaoyao impatiently said: "Stinky hooligan, you carry your wife to look for me, I am not afraid of my confession?"

Qin Tian smiled bitterly, "I was joking that day. Today, I was busy looking for your help. I came to my house and I was out of business immediately."

"Hooligan! You want me to go out with you for a party! Don't think! "

"What do you think, I am out to pay, happily one person is at home, you come to accompany her!"

Lin Xiaoyao's voice suddenly became very lost, but still agreed.

"OK, it's coming right away, but you remember, you owe me!"

"Yes, please have dinner next time."

Hang up the phone, Qin Tian feels that this sentence is really familiar, as if to have said similar words with someone.

Oh, no matter what, I'll talk about it next time!

"Husband, you're going out?"At this time, Li Xinran woke up and sat up with the quilt, showing his snow-white fragrant shoulder. He felt a little bit sexy in his laziness, which made Qin Tian feel unable to stop. So he came again before he left. This time, Li Xinran was completely sober and knew that Lin Xiaoyao was coming. Li Xinran did not dare to delay and quickly got up to clean up himself.

Qin Tian went to the Imperial Hotel for an appointment.

As soon as he entered the box 335, he found that there were many beautiful girls besides Wang Xiaoping. He laughed. Is this a trick of beauty?

"Big brother is coming. Please sit down and wait on my elder brother."

When Wang Xiaoping saw him, he rushed to meet him, and all the girls around him gathered around him.

"Elder brother, your name is Xiao Ying."

looked at the girl beside him, and the perfume of his nose made him frown. Wang Xiaoping responded immediately, pushing her fresh girl up.

"Brother Qin Tian? My name is Tian Tian. "

Qingxin's sister came to him. Qin Tian took advantage of her wrist and naturally gave her a pulse.

"Something to say, I don't like to beat around the bush. What else, sweet little Ying, take it off. I'm not interested in you, especially when you're pregnant and come out to play. Be careful of bleeding."

Qin Tian looks at Tian Tian when he talks. The latter looks pale, and Xiaoying on the other side is pushed aside by Qin Tian as soon as she wants to speak, "go and treat your hungry gynecological disease first!"

No matter how stupid Wang Xiaoping was, he told them to get out of here with a black face!

One side flattered: "I can't believe that Tiange's medical skills are superb. I'm not reliable. I'll give him a toast!"

Wang Xiaoping took up his glass and drank it out. Qin Tian sneered, "how come you've got 30 million yuan so quickly?"

"Tiange is joking. I don't have any money. I just want to invite him to dinner tonight and talk about business."

"Oh? Tell me. "

Qin Tian came to be interested. He wanted to know what kind of abacus the boy was up to.

As soon as Wang Xiaoping heard the play, he quickly pretended to be mysterious: "in fact, this business is still related to your health cream." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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