Wang Xiaoping looked at him thinking and took the opportunity to curry favor: "in fact, brother, you see, we are all from Songshan city. If we two work together to make money together, no one dares to move your factory in Songshan city in the future!"

In this case, if Qin Tian doesn't understand, it's really a mallet.

He hooked up with Wang Xiaoping, and Wang Xiaoping rushed up.

Qin Tian patted his face with a smile: "but I just want to make a big fortune with a dull voice."

"Brother, you don't understand. If so, your skin care company will have to step up sooner or later. The secret recipe is already an open secret. Your health cream will not be competitive in the end."

"Oh? According to what you say, it seems that it's no good to cooperate with you. Anyway, we have to cross the border. What's the purpose of cooperation? "

Wang Xiaoping shook his head with a smile: "we cooperate, the secret recipe will not leak out, you understand."

A trace of anger flashed on Qin Tian's face. The boy didn't give him 30 million yuan, but in turn he had to coerce himself. It seems that he was not cruel enough last time. Did he feel that he was too gentle?

Qin Tian looked around and saw that there were women all around. Wang Xiaoping himself was a weak chicken. Today, he wanted to die by himself and could not blame others.

"I think I said, in 30 million three days? How come you lost your memory? You steal the formula and you have the face to tell me to cooperate

Bang! Qin Tian crushed the wine cup in his hand and splashed Wang Xiaoping's face with wine and debris!

"Brother, you are so ignorant, I gave you the opportunity, you do not cherish, so in the future, don't blame me for being rude!"

Qin Tian thought it funny, "this line is mine, and I don't need to do it in the future, just today!"

As soon as the voice fell, Qin Tian flew over and grabbed his neck, which made the women scream.

"Get out if you don't want to die!"

The women ran away.

After a while, a group of people burst into the door and saw that Wang Xiaoping was restrained. They rushed up and ran towards Qin Tian.

"Ah Today, you are dead! "

Wang Xiaoping's face turned red and his voice was hoarse.

Last time I suffered a loss because most of those gangsters didn't have much fighting power. This time, it was different. All the bodyguards he invited were serious. They were not at the same level. Even if Qin Tian could fight again, he could only admit defeat today.

It is estimated that Wang Xiaoping has seen too many films and thinks that there are many people and great strength, but he ignores Qin Tian's combat effectiveness. They are not on the same level. Qin Tian crushed them in all aspects.

Qin Tian suddenly threw him out and directly knocked down two bodyguards. Wang Xiaoping couldn't breathe in pain.

Qin Tian snorted coldly. When one of them was about to hit his face with his fist, he reached out and caught his arm. The man felt a flower in front of him and felt sharp pain in his arm. Then he was thrown out of the door.

Wang Xiaoping was shocked by the scene in front of him.

He brought so many people, how could he be vulnerable?

But in five minutes, his man fell to the ground, either his arm was broken, or his leg was broken.

Step by step, Qin Tian went to Wang Xiaoping, who found that there was no one behind him.

"If you have something to say, you dare to move me. Do you know that I am Mr. Wang and my father will not let you go. You are extortion and violence!"

Qin Tian kicked him over and trampled on his face with disdain: "is it? I'd like to see what you can do if you move today

Qin Tian trampled on his face, then heard a riot at the door, accompanied by the sharp siren sound, a group of police came.

Wang Xiaoping's face was trampled and twisted. When he heard the siren, he laughed, "you're dead!"

Police, Qin Tiancai is not afraid!

"Who's making trouble? Stand aside

When the police came, they saw the man who had fallen to the ground and immediately cried out. Seeing that Qin Tian still did not move, he called out to him: "return you, hold your head and stand aside!"

Qin Tian sneered, but still found one side.

Wang Xiaoping got up and saw the police yelling at Qin Tian: "fool you, wait. I'll tell you to go back today!"

He was about to leave, but he was stopped by the police, "what are you going to do? I don't understand people's words, do you? Stand on one side, hold your head and squat down! "

Wang Xiaoping was stunned, "don't you know me? Do you know who I am? "

"I care who you are, stand up for me!"

It's not surprising that the police don't know him. It's just that he looks so ugly now. Half of his face is full of shoe marks, and the other half of his face is bleeding. He can't see his original appearance at all.

Wang Xiaoping was angry in his heart, "OK, OK, when there will be time for you to cry!"

"Hum! Stupid. " Qin Tian scolded at one side and saw the policeman's eyes turning to himself. He quickly explained: "it's none of my business. I'm just eating. He has to let me find Miss. I don't want to. He calls people to beat me. I can only resist."

"Let's go back and talk about it. We'll make it clear that none of them can escape at that time."The police take them all back. As soon as they leave the hotel, Qin Tian sees Ding Hanxue standing at the door.

"Qin Tian, why are you again?"

Qin Tian shrugged, very helpless, "I can only fight back when I eat."

"Get in the car! What a business, Ma! "

Ding Hanxue opened her door to let him in. Wang Xiaoping's eyes widened and he exclaimed, "how can he get on that car and sit alone..."

Words did not fall, was behind the small police kick a foot, his leg a soft, almost kneeling on the ground.

"If you talk a lot, get in the car!"

The police pushed him to the car, Qin Tian sat in the front of the car to see clearly, the corners of his mouth.

One side of Ding Han snow see shape some angry: "you still can laugh out, do not know the situation is tense now, but also fight, carefully shut in!"

"Isn't it you? Besides, this is self-defense, not fighting. Really, I don't believe you check the monitoring. Besides, the grandson is the son of the director of the Quality Supervision Bureau. Do you dare to touch him? "

Qin Tian is intentional, Ding Hanxue said coldly: "no matter who is the son of the family, in my hands, equal treatment!"

"Is it? So you still want me to sit here? You're not doing something special? "

"Bah! It's because you're so fighting that I have to separate you. "

Ding Hanxue's explanation, then Qin Tian nods, really admire her reaction ability.

When they arrived at the police station, Wang Xiaoping and Qin Tian got off the train, and the others were sent to the hospital for treatment. To say that Qin Tian was also ruthless, so many people were beaten into the hospital.


A volume is thrown on the table, and Ding Hanxue records his confession by himself.

"Tell me what happened!"

Qin Tian shrugged his shoulders, nodded his head and said, "it's really not my fault. Look at this message. He invited me to dinner, but when he arrived, he began to cram women into me. I don't want to. He called for people to beat me!"

Qin Tian's innocent face makes Ding Hanxue speechless. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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