With a click, Qin Tian leaned against the door and lit a cigarette for himself. Listening to the rattling sound inside, he didn't move until the monkey came out.

"Tiange, what kind of production line is there? It's a black workshop, and the dirty ones can't get off the feet. What can be done with this product? Don't rub your face away

The monkey came out with a sad face and recorded a video for him with his mobile phone.

Qin Tian looked at the pictures in the camera and felt sorry. What he made turned out to be substandard products in the black workshop. If he had not seen it with his own eyes, he would not have believed it.

"God, call the police?"

The monkey reminded them that one of the workers in the workshop, who seemed to be in charge, yelled at them: "who are you? Do you know whose field this is?"

Hearing this, the monkey and others laughed. The monkey slapped him on the head and said, "is it Mr. Wang's court? You, Mr. Wang, are still in the hospital! "

"Tie it up and ask. I'll call the City Council."

Qin Tian orders that the monkey and others will tie them up and put them in for interrogation in turn. Before asking, the monkey suddenly exclaimed, "brother Tian, come and have a look, these grandsons!"

Qin Tian was standing in the yard and was about to call Ding Jianguo. Hearing the sound, he went in. The monkey pointed to the only table in the workshop. The drawer had been opened. In the disordered drawer, there was a transparent white bag, about the size of a piece of soap.

"God, this is, that thing?"

Monkeys are not sure. After all, this is a skin care workshop. How could such a thing be put in a drawer so casually?

Qin Tian's face was gloomy. What he hated most in his life was forbidden goods. If it was true, Wang Xiaoping and his Laozi would never escape this time.

Qin Tian took out the dagger and opened the bag, dipped it with his finger and put it into his mouth. Then he said in a deep voice, "whose is this? To be honest, otherwise you will have good fruit to eat!"

It can be seen that he was cruel. The previously arrogant steward suddenly withered and said with a bitter face, "we don't know. It was brought by Mr. Wang the last time he came. He said that he would let us watch it."

"Yes, you can say the same when the police come. Let's see if the police believe it or not."

Qin Tian didn't talk to him much, but he just called out and hung up. He went over and took out the cell phone in charge. He sent a report message to the city Bureau anonymously, and sent photos of prohibited goods to the city Bureau.

"It's all tied up. We won't leave until the police come."

At qintian's command, monkey and others quickly tied them up, and the steward's face turned white. He saw Qin Tian reporting the workshop with his mobile phone. If he was known by Mr. Wang, he would be finished.

However, before he cried injustice, the monkey stopped his mouth. A group of people watched near the yard. For nearly half an hour, the siren whistled. Qin Tian winked at the monkey and drove off from another road.

Depending on the scale, there are about five cars coming, and there are signs of special police. Should it be solved at one time?

"These scumbags don't want to touch the forbidden goods when they play bad games. They sell everything for money. What a damn!"

The monkey is not willing to curse. Qin Tian sits on the copilot, pondering and forbidding. When the underground forces were not unified before, he strictly prohibited his men from touching this. However, he did not study it carefully. In addition, there was no such thing in the Qin palace, so Qin Tian didn't pay attention to it.

But today's incident sounded the alarm in his heart, he thought it was ok, but it was not that there was no forbidden goods in his territory.

"Monkey, our people must not be exposed to drugs, or once found, they must be expelled!"

"God, don't worry. Our team has a very good outlook. It won't happen!"

Monkey is right. They are from special forces. Their long-term patriotic education is not for fun. Who dares to touch the bottom line, let alone Qin Tian, will not let him go.

Qin Tian can rest assured of them, but he can't rest assured of those thugs in the Qin palace. Gu Yue's attempt to solve the employment of more than 3000 people can not be completed overnight. Those illegal fields will not be completely closed for a moment and a half, so there are a lot of fish missing the net.

Several cars gallop on the road, Qin Tian asks the monkey to send him to the company, and the rest go back to stand by.

Seeing Qin Tian, Cheng Yi is excited, "Qin Tian, I heard that Wang Xiaoping has entered the hospital? You did it. Why don't you call me me

One side of Gu Yiming can't help crying and laughing, "brother Tian has something to do, how can you make a fool of yourself? But Tiange, how about Wang Xiaoping's workshop? I also asked for a reporter, didn't you meet? "

Qin Tian was a little surprised, "I didn't see the reporter. I waited there for half an hour. You shouldn't be pigeoned, right?"

"No way. It's all my friends. I won't break the appointment."

Gu Yiming a face of doubt, at this time his mobile phone rings, Gu Yiming a look at the screen music.

"That's him."Then, before he spoke, there was a burst of excited laughter from the mobile phone: "one sound, this will let us catch a big fish. Rely on it. We have a special police officer in a black workshop. We found that the food was forbidden, which is 500 grams. This is a serious case! Man, where did you get this information? Better come to us! "

The voice at the end of the mobile phone makes Gu Yiming stunned, forbidden?

"Hello? Hello! "

Gu Yiming responded and smiled: "I don't know. You are lucky. I am busy!"

"OK, please have dinner with you another day. This is exclusive!"

The phone hung up, Gu Yiming looked at Qin Tian in horror, and was still in a throb. "My God, thanks to your early return, there are forbidden items in that small workshop!"

Qin Tian smiled, "I know, I called the police."

"You know? I rely on my brother, you don't say anything like this! "

"Nothing. Now, it depends on how Wang Xiaoping is cunning. He must be behind the scenes of their workshop to see who can bear it. "Qin Tian's words made Cheng Yi a little confused. She just wanted to ask, and she listened to Qin Tian saying," I have been thinking about it all the time. Our formula of health cream has been leaked out. The only remedy now is to upgrade the formula, which should be modified from packaging to content, and the effect is better than before. I will put the trial on you in a few days, and you should design a new package. "

Gu Yiming nodded, "I know Tiange, this matter is handed to Chengyi, she is a selfie, packaging what she is the best at."

Cheng Yi was proud of his eyebrows. "Of course, you can rest assured to me."

With their guarantee, Qin Tian was relieved.

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