The small workshop in the university town was destroyed in one pot. Wang Xiaoping was in a hurry at home. The workshop had nothing to do with it, but the things in it could not be lost.

But obviously he can't escape this time. Even the king's Bureau doesn't know that the boy has made so many troubles outside.

When the police came to the door, Wang Bureau was still confused.

"We are from the Municipal Bureau. Is Wang Xiaoping there? Go back with us to receive investigation."

"Investigate what? He's the victim. He's been beaten. Do you want him to be investigated? Qin Tian, who beat people, has been released by you. What about your Dingju? I want to see him

Wang Ju raised his voice. Wang Xiaoping heard the sound upstairs. Knowing that it was not good, he immediately jumped down from the window.

But his thin body fell down and knocked over the garbage can.

With a thump, Wang Xiaoping did not care about the pain. He got up and ran. As a result, he was knocked down and held down by the security guard before running for two steps!

The police here heard the movement and ran out. Seeing this scene, they quickly came forward to torture Wang Xiaoping.

Wang Bureau followed behind to see the baby son was caught, immediately anxious.

Wang Xiaoping yelled: "Dad, Dad, you must save me! It's not mine

"Don't be afraid. Dad will go with you."

Wang immediately drove to the police station and saw Ding Jianguo. Before he opened his mouth, he saw Ding Jianguo with a gloomy face and a business attitude.

"Director Wang had better go back. The provincial department knew about this case, and the leaders in the imperial capital also attached great importance to it. Now you can't meet."

"No, it's a fight. Is it necessary to disturb it?"

"It's much more serious than fighting. Your son has a skincare workshop, and it's found out that there are banned products."

The king's office was not stable, and the fourth Bureau asked someone to take him in for questioning. This is a big case. Although the underground forces in Songshan city are always very large, they can catch some small minions in each attack, but this time is different.

The fourth bureau wants to take advantage of this to start the underground trading chain of Songshan City, so he will not let go of any suspicious person.

Wang Xiaoping was like the eggplant made by frost at this time. He didn't expect that he was planted in such a small workshop.

And how do the police know?

He is also lucky, the small workshop or Zhao Gang rent him, that banned goods, now Zhao Gang's whereabouts are unknown, who can he push on?

"Wang Xiaoping, be lenient in confession, strict in resistance, and be honest in explaining it!"

Ding Hanxue knows that he and Qin Tian didn't like this obviously after the event, and now she is involved in prohibition. She hates this kind of person even more.

In the face of Ding Hanxue's interrogation, Wang Xiaoping's brain is full of cold sweat. Where should he start?

"Wang Xiaoping, is the workshop in the University Town yours? The Rental Association is your name. What did you do with this workshop

Ding Hanxue began to ask from the workshop, helping him recall bit by bit.

Wang Xiaoping's heart tightly clenched together, suddenly all over convulsion fell to the ground, his eyes couldn't help shaking.

Ding Hanxue is frightened and quickly gets up to check. Wang Xiaoping is still twitching and has a strange voice in his throat. Another policeman in the interrogation room called an ambulance to send him away. Ding Hanxue and another policeman went to the hospital.

Wang Xiaoping was still shaking when he got into the ambulance, but he was like a mirror in his heart. In short, he couldn't open his mouth, otherwise he couldn't explain clearly.

Other people's interrogation is still going on. Ding Hanxue and her colleagues are staying in the hospital, feeling depressed.

"How can you happen to have the disease so coincidentally? This boy should not be pretending?"

Ding Hanxue is not at ease. She turns around and takes a look at the emergency room. Wang Xiaoping is still twitching. Even if she is pretending, she has been smoking for such a long time. Isn't she tired?

"How are you, doctor?"

Ding Hanxue welcomed him, and the doctor shook his head. "It's very difficult. I've never seen such a disease. It's useless to use medicine. He seems to have been stimulated by something. Let's observe it first."

"Then, there is no other way?"

"This, our hospital does not have, but if you can invite Chinese medicine to try acupuncture, maybe you can."

The doctor's words let Ding Hanxue's eyes shine, Chinese medicine! "Qin Tian, I'm looking for him."

She immediately called Qin Tian to explain the situation. When she heard that Wang Xiaoping couldn't stop convulsion in the hospital, Qin Tian understood and agreed to

convulsion? I'm afraid he's scared. This time he wants to see when the grandson will play.

With his acupuncture bag, Qin Tian comes to the hospital. At this time, Wang Xiaoping is still convulsing, but he has heard the voice outside. He immediately howls in his heart.

"Qin Tian, you see, he began to twitch before he spoke, and has not stopped until now. This is a lot of delay. The interrogation has not yet started!"

Ding Hanxue points to the shaking body on the hospital bed and complains. Qin Tian smiles and reaches out to clasp Wang Xiaoping's wrist to feel his pulse.

The grandson has nothing wrong with him. He is just pretending to be ill!

Qin Tian took out the silver needle from the acupuncture bag, his face was dignified, "he has severe muscle contracture, I have to give him two needles.""Well, try it."

Ding Hanxue believes in Qin Tian's technology, but Wang Xiaoping doesn't believe it. But this time, he can only continue to pretend.

Qin Tian chose the thickest needle in the acupuncture bag and pricked it into his finger without saying a word!


The sharp stabbing pain made Wang Xiaoping cry out in an instant, and his hands and feet did not tremble.

But then he thought of something, and he began to twitch again, and the range of action was more exaggerated than before.

Ding Hanxue is worried. Qin Tian is not in a hurry. He pricks a needle into his pain acupoint. Since he wants to install it, he will come to some real ones. Otherwise, I'm sorry for his door-to-door service!

Wang Xiaoping wanted to cry without tears. Originally, he only wanted to muddle through. It took a day for him to drag on. However, Qin Tian came, and his little cleverness was not enough. Now he only felt that all his muscles were pricked by needles, and he kept pumping.

"Qin Tian, will you be ok?"

Ding Hanxue is worried about it. If she can't speak well, she will be miserable.

Qin Tian shook his head: "no, muscle contracture is easy to treat, now he feels pain, the frequency of convulsion is also small, will soon return to normal."

Ding Hanxue looks at it. Indeed, Wang Xiaoping has begun to subside gradually, but his forehead is covered with cold sweat, which is painful.

"Wang Xiaoping, think about it clearly. If it's OK in a short time, you can explain it. Otherwise, I have a lot of needles and I have time."

Qin Tian patted him on the shoulder and took all the needles away. It was several minutes before Wang Xiaoping collapsed on the bed.

Damn it, don't be such a bully!

But he did not dare to say no, because he was really afraid that Qin Tian would give him a needle again. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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