Qin Tian looked at Wang Xiaoping, who had been getting better on the hospital bed, got up and warned: "if there is any discomfort, I will come to give you an injection immediately. I have cured all the cancer patients, let alone you. Well, if he hummes again, you will beat him. This grandson is kidney deficiency. What's wrong with him?"

Ding Hanxue suddenly realized: "it's been pretending for a long time! Pick him up and go back

Ding Hanxue got angry. She met many suspects when she was a policeman. She had never seen such a kind of advice package.

"I hurt, I hurt, ouch!"

Wang Xiaoping's scoundrel behavior made Ding Han's face pale. Qin Tian took his acupuncture bag away in no hurry. Then he grabbed his collar, raised his hand to his face and fanned it down.

PA, Wang Xiaoping's face immediately red, Ding Han snow urgent, "Qin Tian, you can't do this."

"Hit, police beat!"

Wang Xiaoping yelled at the top of his voice. Qin Tian slapped him again, and Wang Xiaoping still wanted to shout. Before he said anything, he was hit by Qin Tian's big hand and turned his head to one side.

"Well, how can you do this? How can you beat people around?"

"That's right. You police don't care!"

Hearing Wang Xiaoping's cry, some patients gathered around and criticized one after another.

Qin Tian didn't care. He just slapped a dozen palms and turned to look at the onlookers.

At this time, someone recognized his identity and exclaimed, "Qin Tian, it's Qin Tian! He's a famous doctor of traditional Chinese medicine. I've met him

Qin Tian nodded, "I'm Qin Tian. I was also saving people just now. This man was a prisoner of the Municipal Bureau. When he was interrogated, he had a spasm. When he came to the hospital, I saw it and helped to treat it."

With that, he went to the two men who just yelled for the police to take charge of. Their tall figure showed an invisible pressure, which made them both shrink their necks.

"In the future, we should find out what happened first. Don't make a fuss about it. The police have already worked hard enough to catch the prisoners. We have to endure your incomprehension and put on our hats indiscriminately."

Qin Tian's words made those two people blush, so he apologized and left.

Ding Hanxue looks at Wang Xiaoping and looks at Wang Xiaoping. His face is deformed after a dozen slaps. Now he is lying in bed and dare not shout at will.

"Go back, this grandson is bullying the soft and afraid of the hard. If you can't beat him, you can say it. I'll let my subordinates go in and beat them and let him confess."

Qin Tian's words made Ding Hanxue laugh. She and her colleagues handcuffed Wang Xiaoping and took him away. Before leaving, Ding Hanxue took a deep look at Qin Tian. "Thank you. When I finish this case, I'll give you a chance to invite me to dinner. Don't forget, you owe me a meal."

With that she left, Qin Tian patted his head and remembered that he had said something about hutougang last time, but he didn't expect that this meal would be in debt.

Qin Tian took a deep breath, shook his head and went out to the hospital. He began to study the upgraded version of health cream behind closed doors.

Because Wang Xiaoping's small workshop was closed down, a lot of lost customers came back. These two days, Gu Yiming's factory was busy. All the workers worked overtime and could not deliver the goods. So he had to ask Qin Tian for help. Qin Tian asked monkey to help deliver the goods, but he still had to pay.

Gu Yiming knows this. Monkeys are happy to help and earn some extra money. Why not?

With Qin Tian, as long as he abides by the law and discipline, he doesn't have to worry about no money. Moreover, Qin Tian is generous, and the last 20 million points are divided. So many of them are convinced of Qin Tian.

Qin Tian meditated and put all kinds of traditional Chinese medicine materials in front of his eyes. He had asked for many times just now. To say that the effect is indeed there, but it seems that there is something wrong, and it is always not so perfect.

Freckle, whitening, can smooth fine lines, but also pleasant fragrance, maintain skin balance, these functions all seem easy, in fact, not so simple.

Qin Tian frowned tightly. At this time, there was a sound of feet walking outside. Qin Tian looked up as if she was a woman. Her high-heeled shoes made a clattering sound on the ground. Soon Li Xinran appeared in front of him.


Seeing Li Xinran carrying a big bag, Qin Tian doubted, "how did you come here? Did you go shopping with Lin Xiaoyao

Li Xinran's face flashed a touch of helplessness, put things down before reminding Qin Tian, "we said to go to the parents there? Don't you forget that? "

Li Xinran's words made Qin Tian suddenly realize that he remembered and quickly comforted him: "I'm sorry, I really forgot, but it's their good fortune for my parents to have you as a good daughter-in-law. You wait, wait till I finish this."

Anyway, it's still early. Qin Tian wants to finish everything on hand before going.

Li Xinran simply sat in the corner of his office to see the mobile phone.

Qin Tian tried several more times, either the temperature was too high, all melted, or the efficacy was not completely penetrated.

But a few times later, he mastered the law and refined it little by little, and finally it was made into a liquid.Li Xinran looked back and saw the dignified expression on his face. He stood up and went to him. He saw the bottle in Qin Tian's hand and asked deliberately, "is this your new product? Is it the essence? "

"the essence?"

"yes, the most effective product in the skin care products of other people is the essence. The so-called condensed essence is the meaning."

Li Xinran reached out and dipped it on the back of his hand. He tried it and commented: "this absorption is very fast. It smells strange, but it can be accepted. The texture is light and thin. After painting, the skin is very moist and looks a little white. Generally speaking, it is very good, but I don't know how the long-term effect is."

Li Xinran's evaluation of Qin Tian is listening to the essence of the ear.

yes, he doesn't have to upgrade himself to a blind alley. Health cream is health cream. Is it better to use cream?

Qin Tian eyes a bright, suddenly Li Xinran embrace in the arms, mercilessly in her face kiss, "wife, thank you!"

Li Xinran was a little confused. She didn't know what happened. She just tried it.

Qin Tian quickly wrote down the production process just now, tried again, and succeeded.

he carefully put the essence of quenching in the bottle, which led Li to go out happily.

"Husband, are there any new discoveries? You were so happy just now

Qin Tian nodded again and again. "Yes, thanks to your reminding me that today's essence of health is available, I'll wrap up all your skin care products."

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