Li Xinran smiled, even if not successful, now Qin Tian so rich, skin care products money is more than the words.

Two people drove to the community. Qin Tians parents heard they were coming. They had already prepared the meal and waited for them to come.

Seeing two people, the two old people laugh and close their mouths.

"Come on, buy these things. We have everything at home. We don't have to buy it. Next time people come."

Zhao Yuzhi took over the things they had in their hands and put them aside, while Qin'an put on a glass to greet them to the seat.

"Come on, little day, have a drink with dad."

"Well, we won't go back tonight. I'll have a good drink with my dad!"

Li Xinran and zhaoyuzhi looked at each other and laughed, and the family sat around and ate.

Because of Qin days, the two old people are much better. Qin Tian doesn't let them go out and work. Now they are at home to cultivate. The only dissatisfaction is that they have not yet held their grandchildren.

So every time I meet, I have to say two words.

After three rounds of wine, Zhao Yuzhi gave Li Xinran and Qin Tian two chicken legs, and laughed, "this chicken is the authentic old hen your father bought in the countryside. The meat is delicious. I have said with your father and that chicken raising house. When you have children, I go to his house to buy chickens every week to make up for Xinran."

Li Xinran was red when he heard of his face. Qin Tian didn't care about it.

"Mom is right. We are both going to refuel, or we will be bored with adults in our house every new year's Eve!"

He said to his mother: "but the thing of children is not good for a while, we are all young, now what is the best birth and good parenting? After this time, I will take care of my body and keep you a fat grandson

Wen Yan zhaoyuzhi and Qin An laugh close to the mouth, as long as Qin tianput on the heart.

Li Xinran's face was red and he looked down and dared not see them again.

"By the way, do you remember your cousin? I came to our house a lot of tears and snout the other day. I said it was a family accident. I didn't agree with your dad if we borrowed some money. But I looked at her poor and gave her 5000 yuan. "

Zhao Yuzhi's words let Qin Tian meditate, and he swept through his mind, and had no impression on this cousin.

"Which cousin?"

He hardly ever went to contact his relatives after his birth. He used to be a son-in-law. All relatives despised them and said that their family was too poor to be with each other. So now his mother said that she had no impression on Qin Tian.

Qin'an drank an explanation: "is the one who used to live in the city, is their son not the company manager? Call the little army, remember? "

He said that Qin Tian had an impression.

"Remember, in order to borrow money from him to cure your illness, they were locked outside the door by their family. I had frozen for two hours in the winter, and I didn't even see a dollar. How can I still go to our house to borrow money now? Is that little army married? "

"Who said it wasn't? Not only married but also children, but I didn't know when I was addicted to drugs. It was good. I lost my family and my wife left. He didn't work himself. The whole family depended on your aunt to pay for retirement. When the drug addiction came up, they were beaten. The other day when your cousin came, you got bruised on your arm, ah! "

Zhao Yuzhi sighed and sighed. Qin Tian was sad. How was it drugs again!

"How could a good office worker get into contact with drugs?"

"In fact, he was also blamed. He liked to go to the bar with his friends when he was off duty. How many of them were good? It is the addiction in the bar, and the salary can be borne at first. Later, it can not be done. Even the deposit is used secretly. Now, they will beat the two old people without money. Your cousin can't help. You can't run to borrow money. "

"And it's going to give him money to buy drugs? Their family should be too! "

Qin Tian was not in love with them at all, they were all made by themselves. Why not send them to the drug treatment center?

"Well, let's not say him. We drink!"

Qin'an interrupted their conversation, raised the glass, and they drank it again.

This was a small episode. Qin Tian didn't put it in his heart. After dinner, the second old man washed and washed in the morning and went to bed. Qin Tian also hugged Li Xinran and stayed in bed for a good time. They were tossed to sleep until midnight.

I thought there was nothing to sleep in tomorrow, but someone knocked at the door in the morning, and the sound of thumping made Li jump over and let Qin Tian's drowsiness completely disappear.


Outside came the voice of father, Qin Tian also rose, Li Xinran's quilt tucked in, and then walked out of the room.

"Oh, what do you mean and what do you do!"

Qin Tiangang just went out to see a thin, not adult shaped man put the dagger in front of his father, roaring: "give the money!"

Qin Tian saw a rocket step up and kicked him on the wrist. The dagger fell, and then he fell over his shoulder and hit him with a fist!

"No! Don't beat him, don't! "

Suddenly, there was a shout outside the door. Qin Tian turned back and saw a middle-aged woman with white hair running over and knelt down!"Please don't hit him. He is hopeless."

"Shufen, why are you? Xiaojun, he is like this. Sooner or later, he will die. You told him that we live here

Father's voice let Qin Tian back to God, this time Li Xinran and his mother were up, see this scene, Zhao Yuzhi are angry.

"You, you said you, all this, you do not send to the drug rehabilitation center, do you want to cause human lives?"

The middle-aged woman knelt on the ground and pleaded: "he is just too uncomfortable. As long as he takes a sip, it will be OK."

Qin Tian didn't fight at all when he heard the speech. He knocked out his mobile phone and prepared to call the police. The middle-aged woman saw that she was going to drag the small army to leave. Qin Tian was the first to guard the gate.

"You broke in today. Fortunately I'm at home, otherwise my father will be robbed by him. If you want your son to become a robber and murderer in the future, you can take him out. But I promise that no matter where you go, I will find it. When I let him break his leg, he will have to break his leg. I don't believe you to try it!"

The middle-aged woman froze, then cried: "you bully people, can't do this to me!"

"We let your son in with a knife? Be honest with me, or don't blame me for being rude

Qin Tianren is tall and big. The middle-aged woman does not seem to be his opponent. When he looks at his son who has been in a coma, he can only stop.

Qin Tian called the police, but soon the police came. After learning about the situation, he sent the small army to the drug rehabilitation center. The middle-aged woman was not willing to. Of course, he was reprimanded by the police. When he left, he took a hard look at Qin Tian. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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